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Everything posted by MrChumley

  1. You mean you didn't read the EULA? https://www.take2games.com/eula/ LICENSE CONDITIONS You agree not to, and not to provide guidance or instruction to any other individual or entity on how to: commercially exploit the Software;
  2. Contract configurator. Try the Oweebooboo Run That's my opinion... You can call me names if you want (please don't). My opinion is just as valid as yours. I'm going to take a step back from this thread now. Have a great day. Thanks to all the mod creators, and maintainers. You are the real MVP's.
  3. If SQUAD(take2) is gonna sell modpacks they should alter the TERMS to make it alright for mod creators to sell their mods. It's totally whack anyways, they straight up steal modder creations, reverse engineer them, repackage and sell.. All the while sitting behind legal walls.. Stacking their millions of $$ and telling everyone else they can't make a buck. I can't fathom how anyone could feel justified in defending these actions (unless they are on the take too)... I wouldn't mind a "monkey in the middle" approach where mod creators, could submit their creations to a "mod page" for people to d/l for $1, Let the house keep half and PAY THE ACTUAL CREATORS 50 cents. This is fair, and it will attract more, and better modders. Sure seems like that doesn't it? It really grinds my gears. The last time actual, original content was added into the base game we got... Dres.
  4. Today I Downloaded @RoverDude 's Alcubierre Warp Drive mod I made a 2.5M Warp drive rocket, docked my Superplane to it, and took it out for a spin to visit the Kronkus system. It was glorious!
  5. I disagree fully (Tell your brain to ease up on the anger for a sec, let me explain.) Please don't take this personally, I am talking about ideas here. The way I see it is that: That's what KSP is! This WHOLE THING is a collaboration. WE ARE THE M0NKEYs (LET THAT SINK IN FOR A SEC) I think that it is a safe gamble to say that some of the top minds in present on our WORLD have been involved with this collaboration. That's part of the magic of KSP. I think this is the part you misunderstand... Every "creator" involved with KSP modding/dev has an aim to make it "MOAR BETTER!" It's all the little "MOAR BETTERs" together that have created what we know and love to be KSP.
  6. I utilize the tools that I am given, and I don't feel no qualms about it. I'm prone to making a new tool if I feel like it too. My base thoughts on the matter: I use my kerbals as learning "instruments"...If I have to hit F5, and F9 a couple times before I learn the perfect re-entry angle for my current trajectory to circularise at Laythe...good. All the better when you learn about CUSTOM saves (ALT + F5) and go back to your Jool inclination burn, and re-adjust after learning about a "Tylo gravity capture"
  7. // This is a module manager configuration file for Kerbal Space Program // It adds 2 Raster Prop Monitor Computer displays to MEM lander pod IVA // To Use: copy and paste this text into a a text editor (Notepad will work) // Press Save, and then RENAME the file to RPMpatchMEM.cfg // Place the RPMpatchMEM.cfg file somewhere in your KSP/Gamedata folder // REQUIRES: Rasterprop monitor, "Making History" DLC, Module Manager // 3-25-2019 CC0 - Full text @ http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ // Enjoy -MrChumley @PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[MEM_IVA]]:AFTER[SquadExpansion]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion] { MODULE { name = RasterPropMonitorComputer } } @INTERNAL[MEM_IVA] { PROP { name = RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD position = -0.28,0.6913,-0.777 rotation = 0,0.98715578,-0.9961947,0 scale = 0.35,0.35,0.35 } PROP { name = RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD position = 0.28,0.6913,-0.77665 rotation = 0,0.98715578,-0.9961947,0 scale = 0.35,0.35,0.35 } } Here take this.
  8. Thank you @Warhorse I'll edit the OP. I'm considering removing the ASCclouds.cfg altogether for the next release. It seems to be causing more problems than helping. As a side note: if anyone wants to help with getting Asclepius to work more seamlessly with SVE, Scatterer, etc... I'd be very grateful. I found a program that generates these configs awhile ago, but they were Windows only, and I run Linux.
  9. Hello, I'm new at this localization thing, but I think I have things in order. Hopefully these science definitions are as fun to translate as they were to think up :) Asclepius Planet Pack (164 lines) Github link Kronkus Planet Pack (182 lines) Github link
  10. Kronkus v1.5 Changes: Added Localization https://github.com/MrChumley/Kronkus/releases/ Enjoy
  11. Asclepius v5 https://github.com/MrChumley/Asclepius/releases Enjoy
  12. Ahoy Kerbalnauts! Just stopping by to let everyone know that I'm (almost done) working on localization for Asclepius (along with Kronkus, and Spud) so that the custom science definitions work again. :) UPDATE COMING SOON!
  13. Today I landed a ISRU /drilling facility, and fuel truck (at the same time) on Asclepius, a planet I built for SSTO's. I used the same tried and true setup that I use for Duna. Link to craft file in Kerbal X if you are curious Everything was working great until I got everything situated, and finally tried to start the drill. "No ground contact". Turns out I had set the drill on my lander about 3 pixels too low.
  14. My thinking is: You might have been right on the boundary of 2 biomes? You can do ALT+F12 in windows to bring up the cheat menu and click "show biomes".
  15. I finally gave in and updated to 1.4.5 I've been fiddling with Kruel trying to get it to work. I don't think I'm going to get it to work the same way I did last time just re-using Ike's textures. So I've decided to just start from (mostly) scratch. So Far: from the ground: I'll have an Asclepius v1.4 for everyone soon™ .
  16. It totally depends on which street you walk down.
  17. Welcome to the forums! At this rate you should have an SSTO in no time! Protip (that might help): (mod key) + A,W,S,D will set trim. (mod key) + x resets trim. The (mod key) is different depending on what operating system you are using Windows: ⎇ Alt (e. g. ⎇ Alt+L) Mac OS: ⌥ Option (e. g. ⌥ Opt+L) Linux: KSP 1.1+: Right-Shift (e. g. Right-Shift+L) Don't confuse this with Left-Shift, which will fire your engines! KSP 1.0.5 and earlier uses a different key, which can cause issues in some window managers when playing in windowed mode. I hope that helps a bit. Thanks for popping in! It's always good to have another Space-plane engineer around
  18. There is a nice write up with pictures here about how to install mods here: And here is a link to CKAN. Auto downloader/installer. It will help by grabbing those pesky dependancies:
  19. I like trains too. I had a HO scale table setup when I was a kid, I never got into making scenes, but I loved switching the tracks around, and making them drive all around the room. I also like the train simming too. I mostly play Open TransportationTycoon Deluxe (OTTD). It's free and open source. I like all the mods for it too I use FIRS mod that adds complexity to the supply chains. I have a map of N. America with a bunch of cities and FIRS industries I can share if anyone is interested.
  20. MrChumley


    Welcome to the MAIN EVENT! Sunday! Sunday! Sunady! Belligerent Bovines Start Your Engines! READY SET GO! And they're off! There was a problem going into turn 2 on the 60th lap, but was quickly cleaned up. Turns out goats aren't very good at refueling stops, so some issues were encountered. Then everyone got tired of racing and decided to stop for lunch. Except for that one goat that was determined to win. No matter the cost. He ended up winning... The grand prize: A Baaaath.
  21. Well, it takes weeks to charter a Space X rocket. Given. But the payload could be slapped on top another type of rocket that can be launched at a moments notice (Such as a LGM-30 Miniuteman). Those are quite expensive to launch compared to a "chartered" Space X flight. Would make sense to run tests this way. I ask you to be respectful of my ideas please. Calling them silly does nothing to progress the conversation in a positive manner. Anyways, according to this article http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/US_Air_Force_set_to_replace_intercontinental_nuke_arsenal_999.html It seems to me that it wouldn't be too far flung to think that they may be looking into putting the disarmed missiles to other use. They'd have to "clear the pipes" anyways, and one button press is cheaper (more convenient, and probably safer) than the operations necessary to extract it manually and cart it off to be scuttled or (worst case scenario) redeployed somewhere else. It might give them justification to launch the things off too. Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Boeing are competing for the contract.
  22. I was thinking about Zuma. Stuff I was thinking: I think that it was probably a test vehicle that was designed to move around a lot. That's probably why you wont find it on stuffin.space Probably re-entered right? Then I started to think about why you would want to launch stuff in a rocket that re-enters (besides a bomb), and I was thinking about how it would be a pretty cool way to quickly put a surveillance drone somewhere _real far_real quick_. Something like this: (that goes to space) This is all just pure conjecture of course.
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