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Everything posted by MrChumley

  1. MrChumley


    A man in a movie theater looks over and sees what looks like a goat sitting next to him. Surprised, the man asked "Excuse me, are you a goat?" "Yes" "What are you doing at the movies?" inquired the man. The goat looked puzzled "Well, I liked the book. It tasted good"
  2. MrChumley


  3. MrChumley


    Going over goat heads is not advisable.
  4. Welcome to the KSP Forums!
  5. AAAnd I'm not touching that with a 29 and a half foot pole. *pokes with 33 foot pole* Seriously though, the mods around here are cool people. They put up with the likes of me at least. Here's to 4 more
  6. I would also make use of "in flight action grouping". I don't care how it is implemented.
  7. I think that you have done some awesome work! (You speak better English than some Americans ) THANK YOU FOR CONTRIBUTING! Awesomeness is in progress. I prefer that contributions are made via github. (make an account, click Fork). I appreciate contributions whatever the source is though. We will adapt. I have a LOT of respect for what you have done. Science Definitions are some of most mentally taxing things to be done in the planet making world. It takes (not only) the knowledge of what the experiments are supposed to do, but also the creative awareness to put yourself in a place that that knowledge can be expressed. I will take the liberty of uploading for now. Edits will be shown... Mostly spelling, grammar, with some small inclusions . Credit will be given @JCDenton . This patch will be included in the next Kronkus release. (testing in progress) All my releases are done under CC0 . *edit*- Link to Kronkus_DmagicDefs edits The FF flags seem to be in order. (and they look good too) Great job!
  8. I'm pulling the time machine over for a sec, And a Happy New Year to everyone, from the OweeBooBoo run. Apparently, a cheesy, inhospitable, lonely duck roost. (that the duck could never have flown to itself) Whatever goes goes... mod my mod... Or... http://ssl.gstatic.com/dictionary/static/sounds/20160317/sysop--_us_1.mp3 Can I get a bit of positive reinforcement for my existence? Trying to be super awesome here....Compete friendly like eh? And learn stuff... MAYBE?!?!?!?! Nothing but us Galliformes here.
  9. Great job @Abraxis! That #5 spot is quite the edge of your seat experience Thanks @exbyde! You're the real MVP! Looks like I'll have to upgrade bda to 1.3 if I want to keep up. The Resoup holding onto those AIM120's (and occasionally blowing itself up with them) held it back a bit. What do you guys think? Have fun people.
  10. There is no such thing as cheating in KSP... Anyways that is just an opinion. If you learn how to fly to the moon using a Saturn V replica that you downloaded from Kerbal X with Mechjeb attached in ten hours, or you launched space potatoes for 1500 hours before you had the science enough to unlock the fuel lines because you are not a cheater, and then another 150 hours to learn to dock space potatoes, and then finally created a rescue scenario on the mun because your last quicksave was a little to late... and the only way you could save your kerbal by jumping out and using your rocket pack to land. Well you still learned to land on the Mun in Kerbal Space Program. That is a FACT. That is awesome. Doesn't matter where the awesome comes from. It is AWESOME.
  11. I work best with a creative spirit. Please direct your feedback on the mod(s) to the appropriate mod page (links in OP). This is the OweeBooBoo Run. This is a race. You are going to need more than luck.
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