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Epic DaVinci

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Everything posted by Epic DaVinci

  1. I use it and i like it. For me, the game is not about the actual flying, but about the design. If you do a bad job designing a craft, then even Mechjeb wont be able to control it. You don't see real life Astronauts manually flying the ships they travel in do you? everything is automated (to a certain extent)
  2. 203: have a simulated paperwork aspect of the sim, where health and safety risk assessment forms need filling in and submitting before each flight.
  3. Just by experimenting, that's the beauty of the game its open to whatever you want to do. When you first start out most of what you try will end up in a flaming ball of death. But the first time you achieve a goal such as orbit or a mun landing is a very good feeling indeed. Start simple. Choose a 1 man capsual. add a de-coupler to the bottom of it. add a parachute to the top of it. add an SAS module to the bottom of the de-coupler add a fuel tank to the bottom of the SAS module then add your rocket motor. if you want add some fins to the bottom of the fuel tank to aid in steering. Launch. Press T to turn on the SAS and keep your craft pointing upwards. when you are out of fuel, press SPACE and it should de couple the capsule, (it may also release teh parachute at the same time, if not press space again) If all this has gone to plane you have completed your first simple flight, now to and add more fuel tanks, and engines, and experiment with staging.
  4. Terraria is the only game apart from KSP that i am playing at the moment. Awesome game, struggling with it though.
  5. First of all, welcome to the forums. Looking at your ship, it seems that once the SRB's are spent you dont really have much more than the one stage left, which is not enough. Have a look at Asparagus staging + Srb's it can really help you get into orbit efficiently. Also, have you got fuel lines running from the 4 mounted fuel tanks on the lander, into the main fuel tank? if not they are just dumb weights. Click here, for a tutorial on Asparagus staging.
  6. did you land on a hillside by accident? i once did that but luckily i had enough fuel to hit max thrust and take off again before i totally lost control. Only to then realise i didn't have enough to slow down and land again, so my efforts were in vain and only served to prolong the impending death of my lil kerbal
  7. Whats the point of posting a thread in a "Discussion" forum and then asking for no reply's?
  8. Pressing X will turn symmetry on, then you only need to place 1 iten and 2,3,4,5,6 will appear, if you press C that will snap the placement to a hexagonal point shape, press C again, and your free to place where you like.
  9. Hey Guys, Seen as i only had about 20 Posts before the Space Krakken destroyed the forums, I'll re-introduce myself. I Live in Northern England and work as a Quality Inspector for Airbus with a specialty in Composites. Although I am currently working in the Civil sector, i have military Aircraft on my CV such as Eurofighter, Tornado, Hawk and JSF. I feel privileged working with Aircraft as a living as I have a Passion for Science and Engineering, I'm 33 years old and hopefully someday i will be working in the Space sector. In my spare time i have been a gamer since i was 5 so games take up a lot of my free time when i am not reading or watching Films / TV (and being nagged at by the Girlfriend) Anyway, i know from experience that this is a helpful and friendly community, and it's good to be part of it. Peace. EDV
  10. What would you say is too fast? I usually try not to exceed 300m/s below 10,000m.
  11. Thanks guys, im just struggling with fuel efficiancy for some reason, i used to be able to get into orbit without thinking and now i can get my rover up there, even with asparagus staging. I guess my rover may be a tad heavy. Oh well, back to the simple designs i guess.
  12. Hi Guys, Good to see the forums back up, shame im back to 0 posts nevermind. Anyway, my question. Say for instance an Engine burns 10l per second at 100% throttle, would it burn 5l per second at 50% throttle (an all the obvious inbetween rates) If the answer to this is no, and the half throttle burn rate is lower than one half of full. would adding an engine with twice the power and running it at 50% be more efficient?
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