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Everything posted by Agent30632

  1. In case you are wondering, my car is going through lots of testing. The current results are not that good.
  2. This looks like fun! I think i'll join. I have a car, but i'm tweaking it to match the regulations
  3. 7/10 I've seen you around. I recognize the avatar
  4. Banned for being the Supreme Kraken Overlord
  5. Granted. It crashes your game. I wish for my internet to be good.
  6. I shoot that plate with a Sterling Mk4. I then open fire at the next poster
  7. Banned for complaining about the amount of posts someone has
  8. The station is losing snacks.
  9. Nothing. I'm just the type of person who goes "MOAR BOOSTERS!!!"
  10. If you had to click to see this, then I did it right!
  11. Hmmm... I go into my basement, I touch a lamp, and i get launched back. I try moving, but I can't. I try screaming "HELP!" but I am only able to move my mouth. Some other stuff happens, but I can't remember it.
  12. Banned for being an Alpha Torotot Omega Robot.
  13. Manned Rover to Kerbin without special conditions. Another: A Grand Tour with a Lander...and return? I don't even know how to get to Minmus!
  14. Markham, Canada. It's cold, has lot's of snow, and dark. That's about it
  15. Here is my version of the MMU, in the SPH: The MMU can should be able to withstand speeds of up to 50 m/s if hit on the front, 7 m/s on the side, and 12 m/s from the back. I only have tested it with about 3 m/s If you do hit something, the MMU will spin around. Don't worry! Just toggle the SAS and everything should be fine. This picture shows the MMU being tested by Jebediah Kerman: And here MMU being used to inspect damage to the Kerbal International Space Lab .craft: http://www./view/4ppt8qcxj226mat/MMU(2).craft Subassembly: http://www./view/beup9iej3f9rn4h/MMU.craft (Sorry for wall of text)
  16. [REMOVED] Edit: Banned for being a mod Ninja'd
  17. "What could possibly go wrong?" BOOM
  18. Happy New Year's Eve! I whipped up a 2014 celebration thing.
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