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Posts posted by Agent30632

  1. Agent30632 - Is that taking the actual story text from this thread, merging them into one continous piece and then correcting stuff like typos, grammar and continuity errors? I ask because a) that would be really helpful so many thanks and B) I've been wondering what to do about this myself.

    Yep, basically what i'm doing is what you typed.

    As far as updates go, I think that last chapter marks the end of Part 1, so if the compilation is up to date so far, you could maybe draw a line under it and start with a new compilation for Part 2?

    Yeah, I can do that

    EDIT: I'm done compiling everything. Now, do you want what I have now uploaded?

  2. I'm currently compiling every single chapter made so far, as you don't seem to be doing that currently. I'm trying to not change much but i'm fixing obvious mistakes. Microsoft word needs an English dictionary for us Canadians...

    Once i'm ready, I could send upload it for everyone else while keeping as updated as I can, but by then, I would like to have your permission to do so.

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