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Everything posted by BigOto2

  1. 2 new chapters in a row! Looking forward to seeing the upcoming landings in the next few chapters.
  2. Also, there are much nicer or more subtle/humorous ways to say that you are looking forward to the next release, especially seeing as it's been a little bit longer this time around, but "WTF" doesn't even give anyone the impression that you really want to stick around here. And yes, it is still selfish to go publicly crazy even after 2 or 3 or 4 weeks for this sort of thing.
  3. For once, someone actually lives in "Washington" as in "state" just like me, and not "Washington" which instantly implies "D.C." otherwise.
  4. Make it so that an SAS has the option to only stabilize roll, while still giving full pitch/yaw control to the user, to prevent excessive uncontrollable roll during ascent that is really hard to control at the same time as controlling pitch and yaw.
  5. My issue is that it fails silently, I've never actually had an OOM in a long time. It doesn't even load the metadata and descriptions for the planets, it's just like the planets are copies of the stock planets. Occasionally if I leave my game open for hours it will crash with a freeze-crash. I'm running with 8GB of memory, which it can't use all of anyway.
  6. Last night, I believe I had these mods enabled running in 0.22 when I tried to add the planets: Novapunch parts Kethane Extraplanetary Launchpads Kerbal Attachment System Lazors Deadly Reentry Continued v3 Clouds and City Lights Mechjeb Flight Engineer Procedural Fairings Kerbal Joint System And I removed FAR about halfway through my tests because I was having separate issues with it, but it didn't fix the problem. Quite a lot of mods. I didn't ever have a crash, but I wouldn't be surprised if RAM plays a role.
  7. The issue with planets loading with stock textures is definitely not specifically a Linux/OSX issue. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and it happened to me. Pretty sure it is mod-related so I'm going to try it with a stock installation tonight then add addons until I find the culprit. Hopefully it will load properly with stock, if it doesn't it becomes a question of specific computers... Did you guys who got it working properly install the files simply by copy/pasting them to the root KSP folder, merging folders as necessary? This is to rule out improper installations.
  8. All my planets are just copies of Minmus, or other planets in the Kerbin system. I must have installed something wrong. What is the proper folder hierarchy for the mod? It's not exactly clear from the download...
  9. "Too long" is undefined, actually, in this context, because there's no deadlines.
  10. Well, continuing off of Khaoscorp's idea, ASAS pancake on the bottom of the pad for better reaction wheel control?
  11. Thanks, a seemingly odd solution but it sounds like it would work. I think I'll just use KAS for now so it won't be oddly propped up on the ground.
  12. Sounds like an issue with the pad itself not having enough control authority. But attaching reaction wheels doesn't work well because of another issue, that also makes it seem to me that the Launch Pad 2 is impossible to use... It seems sensible to attach parts such as a docking port that would allow other modules to be connected, for example one with a Rocket Parts tank. But all of the parts move, and when I unfold it, none of the attached parts move with it. They just get weirdly suspended in the air where the attachment points used to be before the whole thing moved. So it's basically impossible to attach anything to it, which means transferring resources to it is also impossible without another addon for it. Am I overlooking something here?
  13. The next few chapters are going to be even weirder - we still don't know what's going to happen when they get to Laythe, or what Berty has to tell about the whole Jool plan! So many cliffhangers...
  14. Global warming. All of the above issues mentioned are definitely very bad and if they continue to be as bad as they are, I don't even want to think about what would happen to the environment.
  15. I strongly agree. For people like me who have 0 modding experience whatsoever, it would be nice to have a no-stock-planet edit version as I do not have the capability to compile an edited code and don't really want to take the time to learn how. A proper progress update would be really nice as well.
  16. Wow... a first-of-its-kind KSP mod that would add a ton of replayability and make my YouTube series (and others' serieses) so much more interesting. And I just can't see it getting flushed because of the forum rules! Come on guys, we can adapt. :-)
  17. I've been playing with it on 0.20 quite a bit and I have no issues in-flight with most parts. A select few of them seem to be the wrong size or their models are totally glitchy, but I happened to not have any in my persistence file so I'm not sure what happens with them if they are loaded in a flight. The glitchy-texture parts work just fine in-flight but not in the VAB (they won't delete or be selectable after placing them down), so I can still launch existing ships with them but not build new ones. Most parts look just a bit darker than usual but are otherwise normal in both VAB and flight, which I can make do with until a proper update is ready.
  18. ^Same here. I still remember the day I first played KSP as October 20th, 2012 (what a good day and overall month that was), but I only registered on here in March.
  19. I was half-hoping that my robotic Duna Kethane quantum re-fueler would be the only thing I would lose to the Kraken, as its wimpy landing legs always seemed to want to flip the whole thing over in a fiery mess. I guess there's no escaping it sometimes even with the most robust parts especially when those parts can't hold together structures that aren't even in the Kerbin universe...
  20. I'm not sure how I feel about this whole thing, especially with the "moderators must approve your first 5 messages" rule that I now might have to go through again. At least I only had like 7 posts since last time so I didn't lose much. I would say "be more careful with the backups" if Squad were a huge corporation like EA or Nintendo, but I know Squad's intentions are much more friendly than those corporations. At least we have SpacePort and all the add-ons back now which I've needed for quite some time! Keep up the good work, guys.
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