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Im The One

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Everything posted by Im The One

  1. Well never mind the numbers mason. Waiter, there is a frigate in my soup.
  2. With the recent posts of planes in the vietnam war cough..zekes...cough. These planes are here to kick @$$ and take names. (2x F-105 thunderchiefs, 2x A-7 corsair II, and then 2x F-3D) All rover wheels are removable except for the front corsair. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxbh4e7m050b88j/f-105%20thud.craft (F-105) https://www.dropbox.com/s/4yfbexdjl0kaab0/F-3D.craft (F-3D)
  3. welcome to life base a starter base on minmus with 3 kerbals and two rovers who can service the nearby radio probe.
  4. Hey dice i cant control the ballast for some reason. I was also wondering if their will ever be a catapult system to help launch some craft.
  5. Well i got busy and made a couple more planes. From left to right they are the A-7 corsair II, Heinkel HE-219, EADS Barracuda, Focke-Wulf 189, and finally the C-2A Greyhound. (some have rover wheels to manuver them into position) I will post the downloads tomorrow.
  6. Here is my first ever replica craft. The aircraft is the A-7 corsair II. Here is the craft. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h2ukkd64wv...0corsair.craft
  7. Here is my first ever replica craft. The aircraft is the A-7 corsair II. Here is the craft. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h2ukkd64wvu0gl8/A-7%20corsair.craft
  8. I present the KERBAN THROWER a center lined kerbal launcher. Using a skipper engine it has thrown a kerbal up to 7,500 meters on the mun. It is movable by itself and uses a cushion plate with lander legs to wedge itself against a rock. ( #1= toggle ladders, #2= toggle engine.) there is no mechjeb on it I only used it for weight purposes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/b1yixtk9h0enpg9/KERBAN%20THROWER.craft
  9. I have found this game very fun and addictive even more than world of tanks series. I also was part of the forum wipe but I had not posted and just recently started a company hope to see you all in the future of this game.
  10. Hello and welcome to One's space-plane & space-craft emporium. I am now hiring a few testers and a ssto craft, and a rocket designer. This will just be the start and slowly we will hopefully build up to our partner Zokesia Skunkworks. I am in the process of designing the company's logo and slogan. If you wish to join just send me a message. By the way there wil be a few mods that will be used ( romfarers, lazers, mechjeb, ect when you apply I will give you the full list and along with the first ship we post.) Thank you All, Im the one
  11. Squad thank you so much for this game. I got the demo and had to wait for about three months to find money to buy it. I cant wait to see how far this games goes.
  12. That was very good my dad worked on the delta ll. Now try and make a delta ll that can get to Duna and land a Duna rover.
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