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The Error

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Everything posted by The Error

  1. Yep..that qualifies for MMM. Maybe some Beam Spam next?
  2. I'd like to see someone *cough buckle cough* try a Macross Missile Massacre (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MacrossMissileMassacre) with a KIDI ship. Buckle, you seem to have an affinity with missiles.
  3. Point of interest- after the concept art and initial model, James Cameron just kitbashed the Ud-4 model with parts from an Apache model set and something I can't remember. So it's not a coincidence that it looks remarkably Apache-like. Danger Takes a Backseat- That's not Spunkmeyer coming up behind you, Ferro.
  4. Sci-Fi is irrelevant when I use orbital mechanics to send a really big rock towards your planet. Due to orbital mechanics, there's no way you can stop it (as long as I'm watching). Scape combat devolves into just that, killing the enemy's planets. Missiles and some equivalent of torpedoes will probably be the weapons of the future. minimal recoil, self-guided (mostly), difficult to evade, and we know how to make them. Plus, they attract all your heat-seeking ordinance quite nicely.
  5. I think Firefly does it fairly well. As far as I can tell, they do the accelerate-halfway-there-turn-around-slow-down thing. they do have handwavium-powered grav-plating, but hey, you need to leave some leeway. It's science FICTION. (Note the above term is the commonly used phrase describing anything set in the far-future with fancy technology and implausible Whiz-Bang devices. Don't get all pedantic on me and start complaining. If you want actual physics in a TV show, go play more KSP, you'll be happier.) EDIT: I could also say the realistic space combat is attaching engines to asteroids and crashing them into your enemy's planets. I don't care if you're got missiles, try to stop a 1,000-ton rock falling from the sky. I dare you. Space fighters don't have any purpose. You just need a tug with a bunch of fuel and engines. Because it's unmanned, produce hundreds and start dropping rocks.
  6. Amazing story. Coming up next: The Battle For Kerbin.
  7. I'm in, on the other hand. I've made anti-fighter and anti-ship probe-base missiles, fown by the dozen up to orbit. Shouldn't be too difficult to design a working cruiser.
  8. I'm sure Jeb will come winging back and crash a tanker into them or something. He seems to be able to fly around the system at will. In the end, as the saying goes, you don't mess with Jeb.
  9. This is a slightly different idea, but as long as it hits the ground, I count the entry.
  10. Reading tvtropes.org, I came across the Colony Drop trope. First thought: Jeb? My challenge to you! Build a colony (a collection of habitation modules of some sort), assembles IN ORBIT, and drop it onto the surface of a landable body. Rules. 1. Colony must be assembles fully in orbit of Kerbin OR target body. 2. Videos or screenshots, or it didn't happen. 3. Stock and Mod will have separate leaderboards. 4. Landing on Kerbin doesn't count. Achievements and Points Jeb at the Helm: Designate and land on a target site. (within 150 meters.) +2 Go Big AND Go Home: Colony total mass of 100t or more. +2 First We Burn: Land on a body with atmosphere. Not Kerbin. +1 Flames Are Overrated: Land on a body without atmosphere. +2 Rolling With Style: Carry at least 1 rover with the colony. +1 The Gang's All Here: At least 6 Kerbals onboard. +1 Big Tanks or Dumb Luck?: Lift to orbit, transfer, and landing is done with the colony itself and nothing else. +3 Total possible points, 12 I will post my attempt up later. Don't ask me when, my schedule is a bit screwy ATM. Leaderboards Stock 1. 2. 3. Mod 1. 2. 3.
  11. Can everyone stop assuming the OP has the time to do the challenge immediately? I'll take this up later. And I would assume "Fastest Rover out of all the submissions" wins.
  12. Put up a shot where we can see more than the outline pl0x?
  13. I'll put mine up at some point. Finally, some use for this frigate. Achivement suggestion! Third Time's the Charm: Destroy all 3 enemy ships by order of proximity. (closest to Kerbin first, i.e. the Mun).
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