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Everything posted by Shania_L

  1. My first attempt at an impact event on Minmus. 4 landers very roughly at 90 degrees around a highly inclined orbit, and single impactor. 875 Science ... thats more than most whole missions I do... and its totally overloaded the landers communicatron-16s ability to transmit it all home ... I run out of battery power at about 3% transmitted, and recharging the battery doesnt seem to continue the upload, is the science lost?
  2. I think you get a maximum amount of science available per body. So you can either lay out 6 sensors spread around the planet (4 around the equator and one on each pole) and get the max with one impact, or have fewer landers and make multiple impacts. This is my current understanding of it, not definite as I am only just setting up my first impact mission, which will be 4 Minmus equator landers and a single impactor to see what happens. I'd also like a little more feedback from others who have done missions.
  3. I have found that the "hide GUI in flight" thing works only when I activate the option on every robotic part on my craft, so I have an action group set to toggle the GUI and that seems to work well. I am loving the limits to movement on the latest update, I can now just action group my entire landing leg extenders to a single motion and not have to faff about trying to get the angles right before my craft hits the ground with the legs still pointed upwards . 12 tonnes, my heaviest lander to date... anywhere.
  4. Hmm, the eccentric orbits sounds like an interesting concept, should be a fairly simple system to setup too I will probably be able to use my current Geo-sat design as well. With the low Pe de-commissioning at end of life will be pretty easy too, as I currently do not have a dish with more than 60Gm range I will have to replace them sooner rather than later anyway. A Kerbol relay is another attractive concept, a simple 3-way relay in low orbit should give permanent contact to any planet. It is a much harder system to deploy and with the range limitations of my current tech level it is beyond my abilities, but it is certainly attractive for a late-game system quite elegent especially if combined with a KSPI antimatter collection array,... mmm the mind spins and ideas form waaay beyond my abilities atm
  5. Testing a new design of extendable landing gear on a heavy lander. The ship survived, but the only part to come off was the damn probe core it was right in the middle! how did that happen? Just hanging around on the Mun... An old pic, but still one of my favourites, somehow Jeb managed to put his foot through the solar panel as he fell off the ship, leaving himself stranded alone on the Mun hanging off the outside of his ship. This is my best ever VTOL landing, best in that only the wing came off and compaired with the previous attempts thats very good This last one is proof of why looking at the centre of gravity button is always a good idea. When parachutes are below the centre of gravity, it will hang the ship upside down... and apparently communication dishes make excellent landing gear.
  6. Hi, I am in equal parts loving and cussing this mod for making me work hard to do things !! I am at the moment looking to break out into interplanetry space having spent so much time doing Mun/Minmus missions so I need to start putting up some long range dishes, what do people suggest/use for themselves to support probe based exploration of Duna/Eve? This is my current network, It is all built of omni (2.5 and a few 5Mm in the later satelites) with the folding 50Mm dishes doing the majority of the distance work. I have a lower ring of 4 probes around Kerbin at 500km each with a 2.5Mm and twin 50Mm dishes. Then I have a pair of geo-stationary probes one slightly ahead and one behind the KSC so they can peek around opposite sides of the planet, they carry the 5Mm, twin 50Mm and one of them has my only long range dish a 60Gm I think it is reflectron? the big white fixed dish. Then I have a ring of 3 sats each around Mun and Minmus with 5Mm omni and 90Mm dishes. The only long range dish I posess at this time, sat in Geo-orbit. I am interested in how people control landings at distant planets when you do not have a comn-net setup yet, do you have to send a relay as well as the lander in the same mission? As for at the Kerbin end, where is it best to place my recieving nodes to ensure minimal loss of signal, and the ability to reach distant planets. I am playing career mode, so I do not have full access to all the highest tech yet, but I think Duna/Eve should be within my grasp.
  7. Hi again, I'm slowly working my way through the tech tree and have managed to unlock the thermal rockets and nuclear reactors... my power troubles are over. However I am now trying to find uses for these modules, I tend to stick to smaller scale rockets as I use mainly stock parts so I'm not sure if I will ever get a 3.75m reactor off the ground. I built myself a small probe to try out the capabilities of a 0.625m reactor/thermal rocket combo. I wasn't expecting a whole lot of thrust but as I havent even unlocked any ions yet I thought this would make a decent stop-gap. 1.6 KN, on a 2.2tonne craft, is there anyway I can increase the thrust of this? I was using LFO and Thorium in the reactor. Reading the previous few posts I am leaning away from the idea of using tiny reactors to power my Remotetech network sattellites. I am interested in what uses people have found for small non-upgraded fission reactors. I did make a nice rover powered by a 0.625 reactor and that seemed to work well as solar panels break in atmosphere this lets me charge and drive all the time
  8. 1. Shows and hides the green highlighted "current comunications route". 2. Shows and hides the maximum dish angle for every active dish. 3. Cycles through 4 options, off, omni connections only, dish connections only and everything 4. Opens a dialogue box allowing you to adjust the target of your current crafts dishes (or selected craft in the tracking station) In this pic the white lines are omni connectioins, the yellow are dish, I have the dish spread display option turned off.
  9. I deleted and replaced the WarpPlugin folder with a clean downloaded copy. Then I ran Schrodingers Relay until the panels hit 98% wasteheat, no shutdown. Then I ran them right up to the full 200 units per panel, still no shutdown now only the radiators are collecting heat and its going to take a long time to build up to 800,800 units So yeah it must have been something wrong in that folder, thanks for the help.
  10. All four panels and the radiators gain waste heat at the same rate, but the panels reach their 200unit capacity and shut down first with the radiator only having 200 of its thousands worth of capacity used. I even built a craft with 4 of the smallest radial radiators, and the same behaviour, full system shutdown at 200 units of waste heat(per panel). Even if the radiator should "collect" the heat from all modules on the ship and dissipate it, I can see that there is a hole in your abilities at this stage in the career tree. You gain access to the single solar panel at the 90point level, folding ones at 160, but you have no method of dissapating heat until you have bought a 300 point science module. This leaves you with a big gap where your craft are unable to perform long(ish) duration missions. Would it be possible to include a flat single panel "space rated" radiator at a lower tech level for this purpose? This would also be useful for tiny 0.625m space probes where the smallest folding radiators are still huge! As far as my situation is going, I have paid up and now have access to the folding space radiators, so all my craft from now on will have sufficient cooling. I will just have to be careful switching to that Minmus relay... maybe I'll rename it "Schrodinger's Relay", it works providing I dont look at it
  11. As you can see on the pics, the craft is six and a half days in space, and the radiators are emmitting 0MW (maybe its a rounding thing and they are actually radiating some though) The waste heat buildup on the panels has reached 162 of 200, at 200 the panels shut down and the craft dies. The heat doesn't dissapate even if I manually deactivate the panels one at a time. If I max out the draw on the panels I create 4KW of waste heat, how many radiators to emit that?
  12. Hi guys, I'm relatively new to this mod but I'm really looking forward to unlocking some of the high tech stuff later in my game. At the moment though I have run into a little issue with heat generated from my solar panels. I am building some long duration scanning satelites to map the moons of Kerbin and I have put four of the stock 1x6 panels on. The buildup is very slow but after about 6 days they overheat and shut down, effectively making the craft unusable (as I then have no power to re-open them). I am very early in the tech tree so I do not have access to any reactors or generators yet, and I only have the very basic radial/inline radiators. I put 2 of the smallest radial radiators on my satelite with 4 1x6 stock panels and it still overheats. How do I work out how much cooling I need, and how much cooling I have? the wiki has examples for the high power thermal rockets and reactors and such, but nothing on low-tech solar panels This is my craft with readouts of solar panels and radiators displayed. This is my current tech tree.
  13. I am scanning Kerbin, and the BIO / ANOM symbols were flashing until I took them over 240km. I am using the low Radar and the multi spec sensor. I wouldnt know where to start editing let alone creating a cfg file, if you add kethane to the scansat multi scanner thing, does than let it scan for kethane with multiple satelites? Is there a scanning difference between the high and low gain kethane scanners other than maximum altitude?
  14. Ohh wow, considerably higher than my orbit then, The SAR is that the high res RADAR probe? I havent unlocked that one yet. Do you get wider scan paths from higher up then? what do you mean by "works best" is it not and on/off thing? You are deliberately putting an inclination in your orbit of 87? ohh wait, Mun, it doesnt rotate does it, I'm still ok using 90 on any rotating planet then? MeCripp, minimum altitudes for all those probes are 5Km? so why is my BIO and Anom scan not working at 75Km?
  15. Ok, I just got this and I'd like to sanity check my thinking. I am playing career so I only have the Radar and Multispectral scanners researched as of yet. I have put my survey sat around Kerbin in as close to a perfect 90deg (to Mun) polar orbit at as close to 75x75km as I could get as I thought this would be the best orbit to see as much planet in as little time as possible. However I have orange flashing symbols for my ANOM and BIO scans, the LO RES RADAR seems to be working, the OP says orange means wrong altitude, but I cannot see where I can find the right altitude? Also, what is the "Instruments" button on the small map for? all it seems to do is open a little box with a biome name in it. Because everyone loves a picture.
  16. Hi guys, I'm loving the look of this mod and I'm tempted to try it out but I'd like to know how it works with Kethane? I can see a lot of people use both mods together, does SCANsat allow Kethane scanning on multiple probes at once? I know it was a limitation of Kethane being able to only scan from the active ship, I'd really love it if this allowed me to run multiples.
  17. I have only RemoteTech_Antennas / _MechJeb / _Squad_Antennas and _Squad_Probes.cfg in the KSP/GameData/RemoteTech2 folder. I have ModuleManager1_5_6 in the GameData folder. I had thought the missing RemoteTech_Settings would have been due to me updating the mod and not having yet run the game, but no, I have today flown a probe controlled craft and the number of .cfg files remains the same. The flight computer however is being more co-operative now, even if it doesnt like numbers between 59sec and 1min59 and prefers to jump from 2min and then count down 59sec to 0 twice thanks again Peppe for the help.
  18. I have two questions I would like to ask; 1) There was a question answered earlier today (#1946) about disabling the time delay feature. The process involved editing the Remotech_settings.cfg file I have looked in my remote tech folder and I have 4 .cfg files, none of them named settings. Could someone clarify what exactly I need to modify? I am not a programmer so kindly do not use the word "obviously" in your answer. 2) The flight computer built into remotetech, how do I operate it? I have seen people talk about putting delayed commands into it to perform actions when a probe has no active communications. How do I do this? I have tried pressing some of the buttons and all it does is spin my ship around. All I want to be able to do is to re-activate an antenna after re-entry. A simple, "wait 10 minutes then turn this bit on" is all I need. Thanks.
  19. Thanks for the reply Peppe, The ground stations have only the 500km antenna extended throuought re-entry and landing, but once landed I will extend dishes and the 2.5Mm antenna. This I think is going to become a problem landing probes on other worlds, I have to shut down everything but the 500km just to avoid breaking the antennas. I am not using any mods for orbit information, just the games own orbit displays. As such I am fairly happy getting a Perapisis/Apoapsis within 200-400m of each other, which is why I am having to build such redundancy in I expect a lot of drift. As far as the land based dishes go, how accurately does RT plot the surface form of a planet? does it take an average mean surface and assume a perfect circle, or would landing next to a mountain give me a massive blind spot?
  20. Ok guys, I would just like a bit of confirmation here that I am not about to waste a massive amount of time and effort setting a system up, and find that there is a much simpler way of doing things. I am flying using career mode so my parts choices are limited to the 2.5Mm, 500km Omni and the 50+90Mm Dishes. I am also using FAR, Deadly Re-Entry and ECLSS life support, just to make sure its not too easy I am still looking to create my comn net around Kerbin itself. My plan is to have a ring of low equatorial orbit satelites at 300km seperated by approximatly 2Mm so they can communicate with eachother. The low altitude is so that I can land ground stations using the 500km antenna which doesn't break on re-entry. I will then setup a seperate polar ring at 1Mm altitude, these higher altitude relays will have 50Mm (the folding ones) dishes for connections to the Mun and Minmus. Ideally I would then like to land a ground station on the north and south poles to provided fixed transmission points to other planets, but that is for when I have some beefier parts to play with. I am building a lot of redundancy into this system because I am having to launch the satelites individually and I cannot match orbits exactly leaving me with a lot of drift to deal with. This is what I have so far, 2 equatorial "Achillies" relays as fortune would have it they ended up almost exactly opposite each other, and a single "HARP" polar relay. I can forsee trouble occouring as I cannot get my polar launches to have the same plane, and will end up with my HARP probes orbiting in all sorts of different inclinations. Also, I note that RT2 has some form of computer packaged with it, I have no idea what this can do or how to use it, so I have left it minimised.
  21. My humble station, Launched in 2 parts (not including the as-of-yet untested Duna lander docked at the bottom) it is an un-manned refuelling depot I use for matching up parts of my interplanetry missions. I use Ferram so the crucifix upper part folds so it can fit within a fairing. Without fuel the entire station masses in at around 10 tonnes with 116 parts. I plan to have 4 of the fuel modules you can see in the image, giving me a single jumbo tanks worth of fuel when its all finished.
  22. AMD Phenom II x2 550 3.1GHz 4Gb RAM (DDR3 IIRC) ATi Radeon HD 4850 1Gb GDDR5 KSP is installed on my SSD if that affects anything or not. Win 7 64bit But then I run on 1280x1024 resolution so that helps a little. Widescreen, is a fad, it'll never last I haven't experianced any serious lagging since I built a fairly large (for me) ship in 0.18 or 0.19 it had about 4-500 parts I think? These days I build small anyway, I get the yellow MET indicator quite often but it doesn't seem to affect gameplay noticably.
  23. How do you invert Kerbals while they are falling? on EVA my Kerbals refuse to go upside down because they are locked into camera orientation.
  24. I always thought KSP still ran on only a single core. So wouldn't a high performance single or dual core be more effective than a lower performance (per core) multi-core cpu? Even so, very impressive ship, hope you get it working how you want it to
  25. Nice compact system there. A smaller lander than mine,(shown on page 1) but I dont use an orbital section, thus no docking port needed. Are you using a lot of clipping on that ship? I see mono-propellent listed and RCS blocks but no sign of a tank, also there is a parachute in your staging list, but none visible. That satellite uses a central piston, and then each arm is on a hinge with its own sliding extender piece, and finally the pair of dishes are sat on opposing hinges allowing them to rotate to 90deg from the arms yet lay flat while launched. I have made each arm and the main body to be the same length as the 6x1 solar panels so when I deploy them they cover the length of the arms. Here are some "In process" shots to help explain the design Wow, great selection of craft there. I particularly like the rover, that thing is tiny!! How is the control on a rover that small? I found with my robot rover on the mun that I had bouyancy problems whereby I wasnt heavy enough to get traction and the most minor of bumps would send me airborn. The parts visible on the ship are Procedural Fairings, the menu bar is Ferram Aerospace, (no robotics present in those images). Then I accept your virtual, virtual rep with a smile Nice compact launcher, are those KSPX tanks/central engine and stock on the boosters? In other news, I pity the fool who crosses my debris re-aquisition craft!! For some reason I think of this little craft as having the personality of MrT, I do not know why.... Care to show us it?
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