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Everything posted by Shania_L

  1. The base amount does not, the increase detected by the philly gabber is determined by asteroid mass. A question of my own based on the same topic; The Philly lander adds the resource "Water" to the asteroid, is it possible to rename this resource for my own use? I am trying to make it compatible with Interstellars "LqdWater" I have adjusted the standard asteroid resources to meet my mod list already.
  2. When I saw there was a reply from one of the US team on this thread I thought Ohh *expletive* he's going to be tearing a stripe off me for using his file.... Then you didnt I would assume the TAC wedge you are refering to would be the 'food' wedge? I saw that TAC had released an update today that looked like it includes the waited for "1 unit = 1 litre" change.
  3. I have had this occour on a number of different parts that I have tried to tweak myself, usually adding an extra resource. What causes it? Is there any pattern as to why it happens sometimes and not others? I usually end up directly editing the part file if a MM script causes this. Sometimes that cures it, sometimes it doesnt.
  4. Hi, great to see this has been 0.24'd. Thought I'd share a couple of ModManager files I use, maybe they could be of use in further developments? Fair warning here I am not a programmer and I have come by these for personal use developed by trial and error. They do work but dont ask me how This is my generic "Add lifesupport to all the things" Module Manager file, it also includes a few special cases for certain mod and stock parts. This is an additional part file, It creates a lifesupport storage container for use with the universal storage mod. You drop it in the part folder with the KAS container (it shares the same model) it simply swaps the KAS contents for a simple lifesupport resource. It could go in any of the US part files really but the KAS one has the most applicable model I think (solid resources rather than gas or liquid) I have no idea about the copyright stuff so I'll just say again these are not being released for public use I am just showing the files I use on my own install. The US part file was written by the US team, I only tweaked it, wheras the generic MM file is my own work.
  5. Well, veering ever so slightly off topic (although not as far as this thread has already veered) I'm going to switch from how the Kerbals are named/look to how they sound. Everytime I accept a contract, (is it Gene in the contracts screen?) pipes up and I'm all "Arghh its the Mars attacks aliens!!!"
  6. With a bit of help from the other side of the forum I managed to get to the bottom of my problem. I was trying to add a resource to a part that it already existed on, rather than modifying it. I now have a script that successfully applies IFILifeSupport to the parts I require, No more Kerbals shall die by boarding the wrong module \o/
  7. Hi, I think I have found just what I was looking for with your mod!! I have been using ECLSS lifesupport, but I think it has been using a lot of processing, and is quite restrictive with its balencing. Your mod otoh looks lovely and simple, not only in operation but you havn't added any parts to the catalogue!! I have a simple question here about creating a modmanager script (or editing yours) to add LifeSupport to pods I have from other mods (AIES, Spaceplane+ etc). I want to simply add a fixed 3 days LifeSupport per crewmember to every pod I have, but I dont want it to overwrite the special cases you have setup, I.e slightly more in landercans or much more in the sciencebay and hitch-hiker. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[1]] { RESOURCE { name = LifeSupport amount = 3 maxAmount = 3 } MODULE { name = IFILifeSupport } } If I add this (and one like it but for 2,3,4 etc crewmembers) to the script, how can I then have the lander cabin having 6 days? Also in your script, what is the K-P0110 pod? I couldn't find that in my parts catalogue.
  8. Is there any way of doing this without kethane? From what I can tell you are re-purposing the Kethane processing module (the DLL?) to convert Ec into MJ, would this work on any processing module? for example an oxygen regenerator from ECLSS? @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel]] { RESOURCE { name = Megajoules amount = 50000 maxAmount = 50000 } MODULE { name = LifeSupportRegeneratorModule Label = Store MJ InputRates { ElectricCharge = 500 } OutputRates { Megajoules = .5 } } MODULE { name = LifeSupportRegeneratorModule Label = Release MJ InputRates { Megajoules = .5 } OutputRates { ElectricCharge = 500 } } } What is the 50,000 MJ capacity for? Is it possible to simplify it to a straight conversion having an input of Ec and an output of MJ? Maybe to add this into the code of the generators rather than the panels themselves? MODULE { name = LifeSupportRegeneratorModule INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 2000.0 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Megajoules rate = 2.0 } } My understanding of it is that as soon as 2,000Ec is built up it will be converted into 2MJ? Bit of a messy post but I'm writing this as I'm thinking it,
  9. Your patch notes state you have altered the folder structure, does this mean I need to remove all the packs I currently have if I just want to add the KAS pack? Am I correct in assuming that I would then have three seperate US folders in my gamedata folder rather than all collected into one as was previously? Also a question about mix and match of resources with other mods. Your mod stores hydrogen in a compressed liquid form, yet refers to it as just 'hydrogen', I also have the near future mod which uses the resource 'liquidhydrogen' for direct propulsion. I would like to know if there is any way in reality that hydrogen stored for use as fuel would be able to be dual purposed for use in fuel cells and the other uses US has for hydrogen? If it is a feasable RL ability, is there a way I can get the two mods to share their hydrogen?
  10. I don't know if this is me having a reading fail/misunderstanding, or if this is a glitch but on the vessel information screen the total mass and resource mass seem to be incorrect. I.E the total mass value is right, but the resource mass shows the ships structural mass not the mass of fuel etc carried. I initially thought I had got VOID installed wrongly again, but then I saw the screen shot you posted a just few posts up .... you have the same issue. Your ship is showing total mass of 2.406tonnes and a resource mass of 2.210tonnes, that would leave you 0.196tonnes for the ships structure ... yet you clearly have 2x LV909 which weigh 0.5tonnes each. If I assume all that is wrong is that the wrong value is being pulled, the resource mass should be 0.196 tonnes? Which would look about right as you have only a small fuel tank which is mostly empty. Shania.
  11. With the changes from earlier editions of SCANsat, are there any changes which affect the CALYPSO scanner? If it is just the addition of the "scanName" field then I can just copy that across from the related individual scanner? The Licence is linked under the source right at the beginning of the OP. BSDv2
  12. Hi, I am having a look at this mod as an alternative to ECLSS which I currently use. I have a few questions about this mod and the ease of switching. I notice TAC monitors more resources than ECLSS, are there any differences between water->wastewater and food->waste? or are they simply two timers with differing speeds? Surely the fastest timer determines the duration of the mission and the longer ones do little more than clog the resources panel and can be forgotten? I had heard something about ECLSS better modelling inactive ships than TAC but I am not sure on the details of this, could someone clarify or kill this rumour for me? I had to mod my own ECLSS parts to get a better balance (not a ship with 90% o2 tanks) how does the balance of TAC match? I am not so concerned with reality as much as enjoyment from a game perspective. I chose ECLSS initially because of its simplicity and prettier models. But with the Universal storage mod and the seeming lack of development on ECLSS, TAC seems to be pulling ahead, how easy is it to swap from one mod to the other?
  13. If I update from the latest damny version to the techno/magic version will I lose my currently scanned maps? Also looking at the changelog, is there a whole lot of difference? My V5 is working fine (afaik) on 0.23.5 Am I going to notice any changes?
  14. I just had a little comparison, I had already modded the ECLSS default values myself (halved kerbal consumption of o2) as well as cloning and resizing a few of the modules (1.25m and 3.75m O2 tanks, with appropriate changes to mass and capacity). I put a single 1300unit o2 tank on a capsule (with its own 400 supply) and I get about 7 days of life support. I put a single quad adaptor with 4 o2 segments under the same capsule and I get 674 days of support for a whole 0.15 tonnes added mass. I am not complaining at your science, you cant argue with that, it just seems ... too good 650kg (4 o2 wedges on a quad core) and I have no more o2 problems. Changing the stats of modules based on tech level? I'm sure it is possible, take a look at KSP Interstellar, it has an upgrades feature which drastically improves the efficiency and outputs of many different reactors, engines etc based on tech tree progression. I am sure increasing the capacity of o2 tanks should be 'simples' in comparison.
  15. I run ECLSS and I have been watching this mod with some eagerness, the parts look awesome and I am looking forward to using them. I just downloaded the core+ECLSS parts and I have noticed something quite strange, you have managed to pack 46,000 units of oxygen into a part weighing 0.083 (tonnes probably) that will fit 4 onto a 1.25m stack. The official ECLSS 2.5m stack part (there is no 1.25m) fits 1,300 units, won't this mean that I only ever need to fit one of these new mega containers onto any rocket and never have to worry about breathing again? Tell me I am missing something or I will have to mod your parts down to more sensible values to put some difficulty back in.
  16. Ok thanks, I replaced my current VOID folder with that new download and built the same rocket .... all the values show as good now Not sure if I had a corrupted download the first time or what, but it seems fixed now. Now its back to being my fault when I dont make orbit, thanks .... I suppose
  17. Hi, I have a little problem with the display of data from the VOID UI. I have been using the mod fine in 0.23 but since 0.23.5 I have been having a problem with values showing as N/A when they clearly should not be. I have cleared out and reinstalled all my mods since the 0.23.5 update. The problem seems to occour on vessels that incorperate both solid and liquid motors (in parallel or series) a vessel using only solid or liquid doesn't seem affected. Here are some pictures showing what I mean, new sandbox save, stock only parts. Liquid motor only. Solid motor only Liquid upper and solid lower stage, note N/A values on VOID display. I have a fair range of mods installed, however I do not see why they would affect the readout so specifically and only when solid and liquid are combined. If this is an issue already raised can you point me to the solution? as I was unable to find this mentioned. Shania.
  18. So far I have only scanned Kerbin, Mun and Minmus in 0.23.5, but science has worked as expected on all 3 worlds, (thats the basic RADAR scan I haven't finished a SAR scan yet)
  19. I had to find this the hard way when I wanted it the other day.... I should charge for mouse wear and tear. But, because I'm nice ... Page 64
  20. Ok, I got a successful Impactor on Minmus, but I now have too much science to transmit with my solar panels recharge rate. Can I land another vessel with a reactor for example and a 5th seismic probe and have it transmit the data that was collected before it landed? Can I pluck one of the seismic sensors off my underpowered probes (with the KAS functionality) and stick it on a new reactor powered lander? Can I pluck the sensor off the probe and carry it back to Kerbin on an entirely different ship? 875 science is a lot for me and I really don't want to lose it Also, is there a list of the theoretical maximums for each planet... Ie, the per impact or per body max science possible... is 875 a good amount for 4 sensors and 1 impact?
  21. I put both of these scripts in the SCANsat folder, I now have the calypso module that also scans Kethane that works as expected. However the script for the KSPI resources doesnt seem to be doing anything... I wasnt too sure what to expect though, what is it supposed to do? The Calypso has no referance to the KSPI resources, and the KSPI detectors dont seem to be operating differently either.
  22. What do you mean "it still works the same"? The only working on focussed craft thing? That shouldn't be the case should it? my understanding of this mod is that it displays sections of a pre-created image. So I would assume that Kethane will have a data image somewhere of the deposits that SCANsat can hook into and use its own multi sat scanning technique with. Incidentally related to my question actually, can anyone explain how I can hook the KSP Interstellar resources into SCANsat? There are a series of images for each planet and each different resource so there is a far greater volume of scanning to be done.
  23. Do I need to adjust the shockwave setting as I have FAR mod installed? Either I am doing very gentle re-entries completely by accident or I am not experiencing enough heating. I just had a 23 tonne unshielded booster successfully reenter using a poodle engine as a heatshield, it barely touched 1,000C and only the un-retracted solar panels broke off. (Kerbin Ap 120km, initial Pe 24km).
  24. I wasn't complaining at all, certainly not at the amount of science awarded. The complexity of mission required to have 5 different components, 4 of them landers, is deserving of impressive reward. The 875 I got for Minmus I think was hard earned (at least for me). It took me by surprise how difficult transmitting that much data was going to be, so I may yet lose it all. (I reset the transmitted = True in the WarpPlugin to False, so the data is safe in my probe again, I just need to work out how to collect it )
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