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Everything posted by hawk_za

  1. wow that looks fantastic i really hope it gets integrated into the mod as default part
  2. problem is not all of us are keen on unpacking the mod opening up the cfg and then editing i agree will be awesome to have this in the game description
  3. hi all i was mucking around with the s.p.h and had built an alright rover but wanted to know how it would handle with a kerbal in it so i strapped on a seat and ...low and behold no kerbal could be assigned to that seat witch means adding a wast casual and man that's allot of effort is it possible to add the ability to crew seats in the v.a.b or s.p.h. if not dose anyone know if the devs are aware of this and why it was left out or maybe will there be a probability that this feature will be added in at a later stage any help on this topic would be appreciated p.s search on forums pulled up nothing for me
  4. hi all using this awesome scan-sat found a smiley face in kerbin also no noticeable lag or problems 2 satellites Intel core 2 duo AMD 4950 64 bit windows 7 3 gigs ram spoiler warning Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. hi all awesome amount of detail from the devs here is my log in excel if anyone is interested it was for a trip up to 10km and back with data points at every second used graphatron 2000 man i love this game and community i have learned so much since being here http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=...82313977226072 the weird thing is in my data i level off at -200 at a high of 9500m any explanations could it be a day night thing
  6. hi there we i don't know about a template but i will upload the excel file that i used to make my graphs it only has 3 columns 1 for height 1 for pressure and 1 for temp it was a quick trip i did with the rocket ...I'm still not sure why the temperature fluctuated the way it did okay here is the link add-wear free http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=02950597702498982540
  7. please ignore this post as it contained incorrect info and ad wear filled links but i cant figure out how to delete it
  8. okay awesome i have just had a geekasom thanks for all the help guys re read the previous posts and did a bit of google work now can excel things man im really loving this game .....and its community
  9. okay hi all after messing with word and excel iv managed to figure a few things out but is there any way to stop the mass data dump all into one column or is there a way to import the data into excel so it puts things into its own columns it one column for data points and one for temp any help that you can give me would be greatly appreciated
  10. hi all i am in need of some help here i have had this plugin for ages but have no idea how to get the data it provides in a useable format all i get is a picture and i cant really tell with any precision that at x meters the temp was x can anyone help me as maybe i am just being dumb
  11. hi there i was just wondering if i add the chatterer functionality to the capsules will it still draw a separate amount of electricity and if so will it be shown on the module i.e command module alone draw 3.0 electricity/min command module + inbuilt chatterer draw 4.0 electricity/ min
  12. awesome thanks soooooo much seriously though the mod community of this game is amassing i humbly thank you for your hard work
  13. can get the part to show up but and the functionality windows are there but i just cant get it to play sounds ... guess ill wait for space port release correction i am an idiot got it to work just fine if i did not use mod manager
  14. stock gps and gps mapping system nothing wrong with mapsat but would be nice to not have to mod the game :>
  15. anyone following the debates on you tube about the Apollo moon landings I'm thinking a flag simple in nature just YES WE DID a good payoff line by astrobrant2 a rebuker of moon landing hoaxers
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