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Everything posted by Robje

  1. Especially within cargo bays! (somehow i always have trouble centering parts) Good idea. Like a pop up menu or something. YEAH! Maybe not another place. But at least to play around with the textures. Imagine dedicated millitary, reseatch, test, civilian etc colour scheme's. Or different colour accents for different missions. Good ideas IMHO. YEAH! That would be nice. Like boats, airplanes, cars. My own sugestion, which supplements these suggestions: Folder system to organise active flights.
  2. So is this possible allready?
  3. How can you judge wether you have or have not paid enough. Do you have acces to Squads books? Also, what is enough?
  4. I guess you are totally right. I suppose we are not entitled to a roadmap. Even when i consider this game has officially been released and i paid for it. It is nice Squad keeps us in the loop weekly and that Squad is so engaged with the community. I am not a hardcore gamer. I am not involved with other communities so i cannot compare. People say this is one of the most constructive communities and its relationship with developers is exceptional. That sounds entirely plausible and for that i am grateful. I guess what made me start this topic was that, the information that Squad did make available, has been spread over such a long time and has become fragmanted. Hard to keep track of. I understand that any changes of mind on squads side will inevitably disapoint some people. However, Squad could share only definative information in a way such as official cooperation with the ''planned features'' Wiki page (i also realise this is not, and should not be, their priority). On another note, personally, i feel that Squad is allowed to change their minds. I wouldn't and don't whine when they do. People shouldn't. Voicing your opinion is something else. Thanks to this forum we can :). It is up to Sqaud what to do with said opinions.
  5. I dont fully understand. Placeholder? He was preparing parts for the mod or something and not just using your mod?
  6. How do you do that? I seem to be only able to paint solid colours. Also patterns dont work?
  7. Dear Squad, First of, i would like to say i truly love KSP. I clock in at 1000+ hours of game time. This is exactly my kind of game. I love the community, I always stay on top of the devnotes and i love where development is going. That being said, I seem to remember that, a year or two ago, KSP's long term plans were being discussed. The eventual ''scope'' was being outlined, the resource tree was being scrapped, multiplayer development after finishing was being discussed and your were taking a step backwards to make better, more consious, steps forward in the future.The future is partly here and KSP has been out of Beta for months. Perhaps it is just me but i have become totally out of touch with your long-term plans for KSP (other then the next update and that multiplayer will become available eventually). Obviously i am not asking for release dates or guarantees but, as the wiki is quite out of date and fragmented, i would like to request that you go on record and maybe answer some questions: Will KSP ever be finished? Or will you keep updating indefinitely? If so, what did the release of 1.0 mean? Will there be a ''definitive'' version in the (near) future (,only adressing bugs afterwards)? Are you planning features that you are not yet working on? I believe this is what you called ''scope completion''. Or are you just de-bugging, balancing and optimising as of now? Perhaps you would like to remind me/us of said scope? Maybe you can elaborate or just update our understanding of your long term plans for KSP. Please do not take any of this as critisism. I appologise if this is too much to ask for or i have missed loads of information elsewhere on the forum. Any information will be appreciated and helpfull. I dare say at least some of the community agree. Kind regards, Robje
  8. Perhaps it is me but i do not quite understand. Is this a visual improvement? How so if it is hidden within another part? And with this new model, the CoM is outside (or at least more caudal) of the nozzle?
  9. Great mod! Love it. I do , however, have trouble using the JDAM. They don't seem fly to my GPS co-ords. Could anyone point me in the direction of a good demonstration? Kind regards,
  10. Tthats a good point. Hadn't realised that.
  11. I feel i want to explore the entire game, all the parts in all it's facets and efficiencies before i add more to the game. I also like the challenge of no aids. But i can not play seriously for indefinately. Eventualy i find the temptations of bombs, airplane-parts,winches, whatever too great when i am fealing creative (sandboxy). Also: Well said.
  12. Dear Squad, Community, I hope this is not in violation of rule 2.2i but i would like to share with you that one of my favourite youtube channels is a fan of the game! 0:25 Kind Regards,
  13. As we speak i am -painstakingly- shipping a rocket launcher, car, lander and a refueler to the island with an airsstrip. The top speed of this transport is about 3.7 m/s (laden). The framerate sucks aswell. But it works like a charm! Pics when they arrive. The transport looks something like a WW-2 lander.
  14. Dear community, Perhaps this is a stupid question but i seem to remember talk of some graphic user interface/widget/gadget to be used during the design of airplanes. This would be so handy ''you wouldn't want to design planes without it anymore''. I have been looking but couldn't find anything. Perhaps i am crosseyed or this was omitted without me knowing it. Does anyone know what i am talking about? Kind regards,
  15. I agree That would, indeed be interresting!
  16. Like what are you thinking about?
  17. Valid point. Still i wonder what people think.
  18. Dear community, I have been moving to a new home recently. As a result a have barely touched KSP 1.X. I have, however, noticed a lot of complaints about the updates and i have even heard of negativity towards the developers (and even some misplaced sence of entitlement..but thats besides the point..). As some people have pointed out, people suck with changes. Besides, unhappy people tend to be more likely to voice their opinion. On the other hand, other people just call the updates ''different'' in stead of better en more realistic. And there are those who love the updates. All of this makes me wonder: Was 1.0.0 that bad? did 1.0.1 make it beter? Is 1.0.2 best? I realise this is a matter of personal opinion so i am curious to the results of a sample test. Thank you for your responses. Kind regards,
  19. Robje


    That would've happend to me if i could. I have a careergame.
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