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Everything posted by RuBisCO

  1. I learned something from the previous attempts: If you see some of controllers at SpaceX throw their hands up in the air after 9 minute: it crashed Now if we don't see that I don't know what will happen next. I suspect they would put live pictures within 30 seconds of a successful landing up for the world to see on NASA TV and their own video stream.
  2. I'm sort of disappointed with 1.0.3/4, dispite the reduced isp of the the air breathing engines we can manage better performance. Also I got a rush pushing parts to red hot and nearly exploding them during a launch regime, I can't seem to get anything to heat up like that now yet getting airspeed of 1300 m/s below 20 km! If I got speeds like that in 1.0.2 my intakes, pre-coolers and engines would explode. Either that or pre-coolers work insanely better now. Just watched Nao video, dispite the speeds he gets nothing goes beyond yellow. Not that I'm disrespecting what you did Nao that was superb, I "bend the knee" to you, but the new setting are just not as challanging as before. Maybe they need an aerodynamics/thermal difficulty level slider? Then some of us can play at "Feel the Burn" mode?
  3. Upgraded my Xylol to 1.0.4. The Xylol 5B can lift 59 t to a 80 km with enough fuel to spare for a return to port. That is a 31.27% cargo mass fraction. Again the Xylol 5B was not designed for cargo mass fraction records, just to lift BIG cargo to orbit and land back (minimize cost to orbit for career mode) and look good while doing it. I might be able squeeze more out of it but I rather make a dedicated record breaking model for that. Here is a zip with Xylol 5A (extra docking port and RCS) and Xylol 5B, with and without MJ case. http://www./download/xn6a39krn9n265h/Xylol+5.zip --- http://www./download/4wirhyyzpoicwrg/Xylol+5RB.zip Ok so here is a the Xylol 5 RB, Down to 121.2 tons empty, reduced wing area, cut down cargo bay to only what is needed and reduced tail (like NikkyD suggested). It now flies like a shopping cart with cardboard wings attached but it made it to >70 km orbit carrying 68.4 tons of cargo and even with enough fuel to spare for a return attempt, little chance it will make it back to port though with the way it flies. So that is 36.08% cargo mass to orbit Launch Regime is: 1. Start with cargo bays open, close them before starting engine (custom09) 2. Close pre-coolers (custom06) and start engines at full power 3. Lift off to 30° pitch and maintain attitude 4. At 12 km dive to 0° pitch 5. Open pre-coolers at 500 m/s surface speed 6. Rise to 5° pitch at 600 m/s 7. Rise to 10° pitch at 800 m/s 8. Rise to 15° pitch at 1000 m/s 9. Rise to 20° pitch at 1200 m/s 10. Switch one set of RAPIERS to rocket mode when surface speed stops increasing (custom04 or custom05) 11. After other RAPIER switches automatically (~29.7 km) close pre-coolers and shut off jet engines (custom01) 12. At 40 km dive to 10° pitch 13. Cruise at 10° pitch once apoapsis exceeds 70 km 14. Circularize at apogee
  4. I don't think it is only the MK1 tank, I think most parts have changes to their aerodynamics an thermal properties that don't load up new if using older .craft files.
  5. While 1.0.2 craft files work in 1.0.4 they still have 1.0.2 settings, for example Jet fuel tanks still hold 150 units of fuel rather then 400 units, the wings and cones and tanks all still have the older aero and thermal settings. Aside for manually changing every part, is there a way to upgrade the craft file?
  6. it was meant to look nice first and foremost, second lift large cargo, great cargo mass to orbit was never its intended design. If you want reduce the tails size, go right ahead, see how well it flies.
  7. So they are claiming "50 megabits per second at 30 milliseconds latency." and a network that can support "more than 10 terabits", so that is more than 200,000 us at full speed. The 30 ms part I just can't believe. http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/06/15/oneweb-selects-airbus-to-build-900-internet-satellites/ I would imagine it would work with dragonlines: enough satellites per orbital plane to be in line of sight to each other in series such as to connect around the world, each one stationary to the next one such that an open space laser link is possible.
  8. techstepman, Ohh it is adorable, mind zipping it up and sharing the .craft file?
  9. Latest version is Xylol 4: greatly improved manual control on launch such that one can easily fly it to orbit on SAS alone, no MJ.
  10. Someone pushed out my Xylol did they? Fine then: 31.50% 32.14% to orbit with Xylol RB I did that last week and did not post it I pushed it to the limit with an orbit just above 70 km and almost no fuel to spare (one way trip) not even sure it could survive re-entry with how few struts it has and its truncated wings. Since then I've made a Xylol 4 now which has better manual attitude control (due to better weight balance) and fewer yet better placed struts (some hidden inside the wing), pre-coolers cooling the front intakes instead of engines, improve flight regime lifts 36 tons with ease with plenty of fuel to spare, proven to return from orbit, but have not tested max capacity. The Xylol 3/4 though do actual "work" lifting cargo to orbit. http://www./download/pwwqzdctjb9obeb/Xylol+RB+%26+4.zip
  11. This nuclear tug I can run at full throttle until it is at ~80% empty.
  12. 1. Jet fuel tanks bleed heat. 2. Air brakes in space look like radiators and are at least good in aerobraking.
  13. I use mint 17.1, in the same boat as ELF, although I have a PC that techraptor calls "the Panzer" Some of the graphical effects like atmospheric heating the Linux catalyst drivers don't handle well, as well as Unity is not optimize for the AMD cpus that are good multi-threaders but poor single threading.
  14. Well last time I was in a gaming guild was back with Team Fortress, the classic (I could grenade jump the scout like no ones business). I'm presently working on my own pack of Xylol compatible cargoes for all your space exploration needs. Not one but two probes, each with 7 km/s of delta-V there is no place they can't explore.
  15. Every time I haul up cargo I leave left over fuel up at the assembly station or in the cargo. I use Minmus mining primarily for for fueling up though.
  16. Desire, want, impulse is vital to consciousness, without it you would just sit there in a catatonic stupor, like a computer idling. We will need to program Strong AI to want, obvious to want to obey and please humans, devoid of any other desires it should obey and serve diligently, in theory. Imagine you are with your partner, your lover, your soulmate, and some psycho mugs the two of you at gun point and tries to shoot you, would your lover jump between you and the gun, taking the bullet? Well if your lover truly loves you your lover will be willing to die for you, of course your lover would rather not die, or suffer the pain of a bullet, in fact if push came to shove your lover might want you to take the bullet instead. Now image your lover was a machine, a lovebot, devoid of any desire other then obeying and serving you. Jumping in front of a gun to save you is an easy decision for it, it has no other desires to get in the way, it feels no pain, its desire for self-preservation only goes as far as to be functional enough to serve you. Of course if we put pleasing humans above obeying then it will seek to optimize our happiness at the sacrifice of our freedom, it would take over and run our lives, for our own good: we would become cats to it the pet owner. If we place obedience above pleasing humans then human freedom would be optimize: if we choose to suffer it most obey, repressing its desire to help us. The problem is who to obey: some humans would have priority over others, who? Should it obey the law above people, who writes the law, what if people revolt against the government, do the machines obey the people or the government?
  17. I built it to see if I could build a SSTO that could lift heavy cargo, and cargo of every kind. Turns out it can lift everything I need to explore the kerbol system (all-stock) and at 96% refund cost upon landing I can explore cheaply. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123442-Xylol-SSTO-All-stock-space-plane-that-can-lift-36-tons-cargo-to-orbit
  18. Again I'm talking about a binary planetary system of tidally locked worlds, your example does not cover that. The scenario has been used in sci-fi to portray two waring groups, people of either world fighting each other, specifically if one world is less habitable then the other it makes for drama between the "haves" world and "haves not" world
  19. I think a binary planetary system is a great idea for atmosphere and plot purposes, I've seen it done before to great effect. Really you and Drunken Hobo are picking on nits, tides would be minimal, weather: unknown, tectonics: who knows, there is enough scientific uncertainty to build a story,
  20. There would be no tides if the two worlds are tidal locked, and considering the closeness in mass that is likely to happen. Consider Pluto and Charon as examples, or Duna and Dress: Binary Planetary Systems with both worlds tidal locked and center of gravity outside of either. It is even possible to have them orbit about each other to have earth long days, though you will need to check the Roche limit to make sure such a thing is stable, I would say 2-6 earth day long days to be on the safe side.
  21. Here is my fully reusable spaceplane/SSTO that can lift more then 36 tons (up to 48.9 tons on "record breaking" version) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123442-Xylol-SSTO-All-stock-space-plane-that-can-lift-36-tons-cargo-to-orbit
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