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Everything posted by RuBisCO

  1. I been playing around with control capsule re-entry with FAR since 0.25, I have had some success but larger pods like the Mk1-2 it is very difficult to off set the center of mass enough to produce useful lift. I'm wondering how to change the center of mass in the part file/model its self? I would be great if the center of mass could be adjusted for the capsule directly in the VAB menu.
  2. Ok if you say so, just why does the linux say 0 then? OOH right shift, ok, awesome, problem fixed then! Alright then will take it up with Sarbian then. Graphically my R9 280 (or HD 7950, which is what it really is) as been working beautifully compared to my Old HD 5800 which was damaged by water leaking from my ancient water cooler that I have chucked in favor of a very large air cooler. The latest AMD catalyst driver has let me utilize AA and all the bells and chimes in Linux and the game looks great and works smooth with maxed out setting, with exception to having compiz on, then there are some funny artifacts and slow down, but hey I can cube-rotate with KSP! Which makes up for how I can't alt-tab, I just cube trun to a different desktop. Yeah the keypad does not work for me.
  3. I don't know, maybe it would help me, for example I got a problem with the alt key in Linux not working in KSP as well as typing numbers into mechjeb causes it to activate actions... but I think it is a operating system problem more then a KSP one. From my log: Win7: Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) BETA OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit CPU: AMD FX-6200 Six-Core Processor (6) RAM: 16333 GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series (3051MB) SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [aticfx32.dll]) Linux: Kerbal Space Program - (LinuxPlayer) BETA OS: Linux 3.13 LinuxMint 17.1 64bit CPU: AMD FX-6200 Six-Core Processor (6) RAM: 15933 GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (2646MB) SM: 30 (OpenGL 4.4 [4.4.13283 Compatibility Profile Context 14.501.1003]) So where did 400 MB of ram go and a full GB of GPU memeory, and why the diffrence in video card (ok true a R9 280 is just a rebranded Radeon HD 7950)? Anyways sure maybe it does not matter.
  4. Don't ask me, ask Squad. you can check your ksp.log for what increment you are using
  5. But that is version, my win7 version is at after patching.
  6. So I tried patching it in Win7 and then booting linux and moving it into linux file system (to get execution permission) and it still has not updated it. Anyone else have trouble getting the patcher to work in linux?
  7. Can't update on Linux, using non-steam 0.90. Patcher fails to start up, in terminal I get this error: Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 78: saw unknown, expected number Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (libicui18n.so.48: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" Segmentation fault I have rsync 3.1.0 installed and working.
  8. Argue over theory only after MORE EVIDENCE, 3RD PARTY VERIFICATION, REPEATED MULTIPARTY VALIDATION, until then you might as well be arguing over how many angels fit on the head of a pin. If and when it is absolute verified to produce thrust, then there is no arguing that it can't work, only arguing over how the heck it does work. Just want to say though if this works, and that a very doubtful if: Die Hoffman transfer, die! Oh unholy space cthulhu would this be awesome!
  9. Well compared to a planet I would put a good bet <150 m wide asteroids would often have very uniform densities (relatively), it is just a round shape is probably the rare part.
  10. (found it) Like I said sort of reminds me of this: Spoiler: Jeb is in a simulation and is hallucinating out of a his mind.
  11. This, with this on, I kill them all the time.
  12. ...*cough*http://www.lpi.usra.edu/books/AsteroidsIII/pdf/3016.pdf "They could be held together, however, by very meager bonds; even the fastest known rotator, 2000 DO8, with a period of 1.30 min and a long axis of ≈80 m, has a centrifugal acceleration at the ends of the long axis of only ≈0.26 m/s^2, and the minimum required tensile strength for it is on the order of 2 × 10^4 Pa, which is ≈10^–3 less than the typical tensile strength of well-consolidated rock (see Ostro et al., 1999). While they are sometimes called “monoliths,†their internal structure can, however, be almost anything except “true†rubble pile. In the framework of the definitions proposed by Richardson et al. (2002)" For example compressed snow has a tensile strength of up to 20 kPa. 2000 DO8 (no longer the fastest rotating asteroid, latest fastest is 2008 HJ which rotates once every 42.7 seconds and is 12-24 m wide) is only 40 m wide and rotates every 78 seconds, yet it could be made out of something as flimsy as compressed snow (not that I'm suggesting it is snow, only that it is as weak as snow and certainly very low density like snow)
  13. Ok, good alright here cp from spreedsheet, does it look correct? Spinning Asteroid density 1.38 tons/m^3 radius 15.12 m 1512 cm diameter 30.24 m volume 14479 m^3 mass 19981 tons 19981269 kg Rotation 0.21 hours 12.6 min Circumference 95.00 m angular velocity 452 m/h 0.13 m/s 0.0083110917 rad/s Moment of Inertia 1827202340 kg*m^2 Rotational Energy 63106 (kg*m^2)/s^2 63106 J Angular momentum 15186046 kg*m^2/s Fuel mass 228 kg Fuel velocity 4413 m/s 450 isp Kinetic energy 2216213612 Joules Angular momentum 15186046 kg*m^2/s Ratio AM/AM 1.00 I get 410 kg for 250 s ISP attitude control thrusts, so for an asteroid of this mass it would be very realistic to be able to stop it's spin using on-board propellant.
  14. Oh that gave me flashbacks, anyone seen the music video N.A.S.A "Gifted"?
  15. Lets say you have asteroid, here are its parameters: radius 15.12 m diameter 30.24 m volume 14479.1805220239 m^3 mass 19981.269120393 tons Rotation 0.21 hours Circumference 95.0017618446 m Angular velocity 0.0083110917 rad/s Moment of Inertia 1827202340.47887 kg*m^2 Rotational Energy 63106.3109279942 (kg*m^2)/s^2 (Joules) So I calculate this asteroid has 63 kJ of rotational energy, ok sure only problem is that just 0.65 kg of fuel burned with a ISP of 450 s (4400 m/s) could stop the spin of this 20 kt rock if I compared kinetic energy to rotational energy. So what am I doing wrong?
  16. Have you ever seen gremlins? Imagine having a Kerbal take a swim on Laythe and suddenly green balls pop out of its head, fly off a couple of meters and then grow into new kerbals in seconds and (optional) they are evil... how is that not fun?
  17. I always figured the kerbals reproduce via budding and asexual reproduction.
  18. How small would a capture asteroid need to be to NOT be visible to the naked eye? Lets assume it is never any closer then 150,000 km to the earth and it has an albedo of 0.06 (it is black). Using the moon's apparent magnitude as a estimator I get that it would need to be less then 400 m wide to have an apparent magnitude of 7 (no longer visible to the naked eye). I have no direct way of calculating apparent magnitude though.
  19. With the latest version of mechjeb - I get a warning that it is not compatible with 0.9. - I has no control functions, even in sandbox. - It works in win64, but not win32.
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