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Posts posted by Needles_10

  1. A new species of Derp has evolved from the existing population of lithosphere-Derps. These are called Herps, and they have most traits of the lithosphere-Derps and the air-bladders of the atmosphere-Derps (reappearing as a genetic mutation). They also have very acute senses and longer limbs than the existing lithosphere-Derps.

  2. This may sound a little crazy, but I want something strange. I actually made a list of importance for me.

    1.) I want the tower back. I miss Ol' Red.

    2.) Whenever we build stations, I think it would be incredible to have an IVA view of the inside. By this, I mean being able to move throughout the rocket. Unbuckling from your seat, getting up, and walking around to do experiments and such. That would be absolutely incredible I think.

    3.) Asteroid belt

    4.) MOAR PLANETS!!!

    Uhm, this isn't happening in 0.23. 0.23 is out already, so this thread isn't needed.

  3. Ed Lu has flown every US & Russian Spacecraft in the last 2 decades - The Shuttle, Soyuz, Mir & The ISS, he's also performed EVA's in US and Soviet suits. The only thing he hasn't flown on is the Chinese hardware, but I suspect that since he knows chinese he could probably handle it just fine :)

    Of course none of these spacecraft were flown by keyboards, which explains his problems with KSP.

    That requires a massive amount of skill. It shows how amazing he truly is.
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