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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. I know you, it's just that you changed you avatar. Please don't! 10/10
  2. About 1 - 3 months per update is long? Be happy you get any at all. Look at the terms of service Seriously. They work hard at SQUAD, and they deserve a break. Especially when there's about 10 of them,, serving above 10,000 customers (Aprox)
  3. You are a golden Pi! 8.14159.../10 Yes! I got to say what I was going to!
  4. My awesome fast car? I mean, it goes 6710mph. It is my Argo IV rocket. It was carrying a rover to Eve
  5. d = int(input('Please enter number that you want the number to be multiplied up to: ')) a = 10000 b = int(input('Please enter a number: ')) while c < d: -----c = a ** b print© (Dashes are indents, while loop will do that until the statement is complete)
  6. a = 10000 b = int(input('Please enter a number: ')) c = a ** b print © C is the number. This makes me first as for you can do any number. The number can be a huge one, like 10^20, but as for it can be any number, it makes this work. Forever. It doesn't break rules, it's just loop holed it. Muhahaha EXPLINATION a = 10000 b is a input, input any number you want c is answer a ** b = a ^ b
  7. Granted. I cut you, fill the lemonade with salt, and pour it into the wound I wish for better story telling skills
  8. No, not like that. I mean when staged, the antennas will pop out. As in the antenna will deploy after staging, not manually. Something like Sputnik, it deployes with the antenna inside the spacecraft, then springs out
  9. Whoo! Explorer! (Maybe). Will you have it so when staged, the antennas pop out?
  10. Ah, that was the problem then
  11. I found a bug - when using the launch tower with the Gemini Titan, it says that the hatch has been blocked.
  12. I NEVER make a ship that is overcomplicated, and never use nuclear anything on kerbaled flights
  13. Frizzank, why are your mods so, amazing? Also, cannot wait for the launchtower. Again, also. Will you be doing Skylab? Or the proposed MOLAB?
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