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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. 10/10 I see you quite a bit round' these (General Forums) parts.
  2. if(Select == Profile[0]) { cout << "Welcome " << Profile[0] << "!"; } else { if(Select == Profile[1]) { cout << "Welcome " << Profile[1] << "!"; } else { if(Select == Profile[2]) { cout << "Welcome " << Profile[2] << "!"; } } } Sleep(300); } } int main() { Array(); // Profile(); cout << Profile[0]; return 0; } I'm trying to pass an array through functions, anyone want to help? (C++)
  3. Granted. It exploded so violently that it put it self right back together (Physics!) I wish for nothing cause' I'm not greedy
  4. Wait, isn't that normal when sky diving? That happens to me all the time.
  5. Robot Vacuum Simulator 2013 http://www.stolidus-simulations.com/robotvacuumsimulator2013/ You can be the Roomba! In this simulator you can clean dust like no other vacuum simulator has done so before! Whoo! Dust cleaning simulator, although, to me it does seem fun.
  6. I think Choose This is going to win the vote, but maybe Choose This will as well. We will have to see
  7. Floor 174: The US and Russia on a monopoly board showing everything they are doing during the 1940's through the 2000's
  8. Granted. I don't need to explain why I wish to kill Kim Jong-Un
  9. Granted. All KSP Sites and forums go down for 21.43 thousand years I wish for the earths rotation to slow down by 0.000000001%
  10. To be honest, I don't even know. My mind is odd sometimes I don't even know why I would hate something, it just happens.
  11. Wasn't the guy who founded it also founded Tesla Motors? If not, sorry. (No sarcasm intended)
  12. Your file gets the ILOVEYOU virus (The Virus caused the Whitehouse and the Pentigon to shut down their internet)
  13. I personally do not like SpaceX and like NASA for the pure fact that NASA started first and I do not want some guy that owns a commercial company that isn't just for space travel to go anywhere. But on the contrary, I am happy of their re useablity and how more people are interested in Space
  14. Well, in the mission control thread you can post stuff like this. Anyhow, congrats on 41 subs!
  15. Well, it is to assure the product is to it's best quality
  16. I don't understand how this mod "Works". As in why do you need to supply it before you get supplies
  17. I give the rest to NASA to go to mars. they succeed and get 700 billion in funds (Hint at reset)
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