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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. No, I know it was gone since 0.19 but I was just speculating.
  2. Anyone notice how the area where the launch gantry would be is hidden as well as the launch pad?
  3. Ahhh, damn you. You almost gave me a heart attack thinking this was out
  4. Well lets start some sort of mutiny against Congress (Even though I am Canadian)! Oh, who are these nice NSA people at the door? I mean, it would be for space, right? Right?!?
  5. Not really, I mean, they made 2 Military Simulators that real military personnel use, and their hit games: ARMA I, ARMA II and ARMA III They are hardcore sims
  6. In 0.20.2: WHY DID YOU DOHOOOHOOOHOOO THIS TO MEEEEEEEE?!?!!? In 0.21.0: It's alright, just, just take a right here and... perfect, keep going, just keep going
  7. Floor 111: A Sign saying: Welcome to the Stratosphere!
  8. Well, here's the rules that are posted at the time of this message:
  9. An Orignal Name: Granted. As for there can't be a cage in a cage it causes a paradox exploding the universe DarthVader: Granted. You get it but because you didn't answer the previous you get shunned out of existance I wish for this injury to go away
  10. You can't get money at all so that would be Total: -16 901 646 897 075$ -10,000,000,000,000 Credits
  11. I buy all of space -16 901 646 897 000$ 10,000,000,000,000 Credits
  12. I steal and launch a nuclear missile from the black market at the ISS. Debt: 2 Billion Dollars Total: -2,000,045,000
  13. I buy a rocket and go to space off the black market Aprox. 1 mil Total 3, 350, 510
  14. Granted. Now all the fans kill you because they are angry that there isn't any show they liked was on I wish for the above to wish before he did now (Look at last page)
  15. I wish for the previous to wish a wish that I will answer
  16. Well, explain Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Modification? It wasn't tacked in from the start
  17. My favorite Sci-Fi character: Specifically this Doctor
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