Well lets start some sort of mutiny against Congress (Even though I am Canadian)! Oh, who are these nice NSA people at the door? I mean, it would be for space, right? Right?!?
Not really, I mean, they made 2 Military Simulators that real military personnel use, and their hit games: ARMA I, ARMA II and ARMA III They are hardcore sims
In 0.20.2: WHY DID YOU DOHOOOHOOOHOOO THIS TO MEEEEEEEE?!?!!? In 0.21.0: It's alright, just, just take a right here and... perfect, keep going, just keep going
An Orignal Name: Granted. As for there can't be a cage in a cage it causes a paradox exploding the universe DarthVader: Granted. You get it but because you didn't answer the previous you get shunned out of existance I wish for this injury to go away
Granted. Now all the fans kill you because they are angry that there isn't any show they liked was on I wish for the above to wish before he did now (Look at last page)