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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Wow, if modders start putting up planets, they can make new interstellar locations. New Galaxies eventually, and implementing the Telescope I think Squad wants to add.
  2. 1: Wings should work 2: Matters, do you build planes and rockets properly? 3: It should 4: Matters how much G's it goes through 5: No, if it isn't compatible it wont simulate aerodynamics 6: Easy as deleting Squad folder and FAR Folder then running the patcher
  3. Ok, two questions: 1. Did you make up this story and wanted to make a good topic for the now locked thread 2. If not above, yes it is a easter egg! Congratulations! (No Sarcasm Intended)
  4. Okay? Did it crash when you were building it in orbit, or the VAB. If it crashed in Orbit, it saves every 10 minutes. In the VAB it saves every minute or two in the Autosaved Ship.
  5. Infact, I made a ship called "Debris Maker 9000 (The other 8999 weren't relevant)". That didn't fit so I settled for Debris Maker 9000. It had a lot of decouplers, went into a 100km orbit then fired. Lots of debris. Makes it more realistic
  6. Well, on my KISS Station (Kerbal International Space Station), the second stack from my Trans Munar Injection stage. It was orbiting the Mun for a while so when it hit is was some 2900m/s. I had to restart the station
  7. Really? In Edmonton/St. Albert it is beautiful. Be safe nevertheless
  8. Not all of them, some do though
  9. Dear Squad, I want you to add more rocket boosters so that we can smash cars which a kerbal is flying directly into Jool. Also I like to shoot kerbals in the head
  10. I think you put this in the wrong thread, this thread is for stupid ideas. Not good ones!
  11. Well, first *time* I landed on the Mun, I used Mechjeb. Later, though I did it legit. I was thrilled.
  12. 204: Ask why that you aren't Jesus and that you should be,
  13. It's a clue! *Music* No, but seriously I think its a strap for decoupling.
  14. Right now it is Landing on a Moon outside of the Kerbin SOI (And Jool's). I landed on Ike right now.
  15. The LV-N's are a real concept which was going to be used for Apollo, although they didn't want the astronauts to get cancer...
  16. No, he just meant (I think) that you could buy/download on the store from the website.
  17. Hi Toby, personally I put 4 satalites up in a equal 500km orbit. By doing that you can have them all connected to eachother. To launch them equally, you have to wait till one is about 3/4 to 90 degrees around Kerbin. I apologize about my spelling and possible grammar mistakes.
  18. Sit down and let me tell you a story... There once was a young lad on Youtube. His teacher didn't teach him enough grammar skills, throwing him behind the race. He decided to ask for more subs because he thought doing that would make him be popular and happy, he failed in the comment. As far as I remember he said: Hai guiz can i have like sum subz and stuff i dont hav enuf and i want moar. plez like and sub plz lol Thus, ending his Youtube life. He got no subs that day, or likes. The End.
  19. I feel as if a lock is inbound. Over. Also, why will you want to start a new one. Usually this only happens when a new feature (Space Stations etc) are implemented.
  20. 0.000006/10 Must be because you are new here
  21. Mate, just keep it up. My mom said that I couldn't till she met someone she was nursing who said he made a living off Youtube. Just keep it up and DO NOT listen to your parents (in this sense).
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