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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Wasn't there a thread on this a few hours ago?
  2. I thought you said a FUN game, not a horrible grey shooter.
  3. I thought this WAS a spoof of KSP.
  4. 239: Bones for Kerbals, where of they break one of them they die instantly. You can break bones by landing too hard or just random thumbs up if u agree
  5. Damn you Romfarer, with your buggy robotic arms. Can't even lift a damn satalite, grumble grumble...
  6. 225: Kerbal Conspiracy Theriosts that thing UFO's are real and that the Mun landing was fake.
  7. Why do we need two names? So would you say "Oh yea, I just went to the Mun and back to (Say in Dalek Voice) ComplexPlanet.CPP"?
  8. 222. There should be a Kerbal Hell, called Kell, where your Kerbals go when they die. And you can play as them, and make Kevin. The Kerbal Heaven. Where good kerbals go.
  9. How to handle Timewarp: It's client side. So when you timewarp you disconnect from multiplayer and warp. Then when you unwarp, the servers catches up with you and to the other players your appear there. This would only work in space and not anywhere in a SOI though.
  10. I wonder what the Devs and Mods are thinking of this thread...
  11. False. The user under me has never hit a puppy/kitty.
  12. KSP is great because of the developers. They don't give into people yelling at them. They have hard jobs developing this game and dealing with bugs and hacker etc. We should stop complaining about stuff and let them do what they do. Sure, post suggestions, but don't yell at them because of a little pixel is missing from the inner part of Jool. Sure, you can submit bug reports, but don't get mad when someone says something you don't agree with. The fourms are the best fourms I have seen in a while, and I assume it takes long to make sure everyone is happy. Don't complain about little things and think about the big things they are doing. That is all I have to say.
  13. But think of people like HOCGaming, and Scott Manley. Pewdiepies fanbase would go to them and claim that they copied him. I would be very sad if Toby, Pewds or anyone who has a fanbase full of yelling people.
  14. Did you spell your username and password right? As for I am not a Mod I can not help you much further.
  15. Hi! You download KSP by going into your shop account, go into the store, then click on KSP and there should be a button under add to cart and gift.
  16. Hi! I made this thread mostly because I am uploading a file to Dropbox, and tried to press . to speed it up. Please post what has changed your life in any way. Could be silly or proper.
  17. Yea, I was actually referencing that. Funny, isn't it?
  18. 104) Instead of a FTL drive, or a FTLN drive, how about STL drive? Slower than light. It would be just under the FTL drive and it would be the least powerful engine in the game.
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