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Posts posted by tek_604

  1. I am still struggling with this could someone give me some ascent details i could punch into mechjeb for the life of me i cant get this to establish contact so0n as i circularize its all over

    Check out my post on how to use MechJeb nodes with RemoteTech: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/16347-0-20-RemoteTech-Relay-Network-–-V-0-5-0-1?p=399877&viewfull=1#post399877

    Using this, I put up 15 satellites in 1 1/2 hours, all in the same orbit.

    People often say using MechJeb takes the fun away, but, actually, you have to give it some thought as to what sequence you want to run and when. Far more realistic than flying your rockets with a joystick. IMO of course :sticktongue:

  2. Scoops for gas samples from the sun/jool? Just a thought.

    Gas sampling has now been added to the github tracker. Will probably be the next feature to be added... but... The first version will be for atmospheric sampling, from a lander. I have added a Jool/Sun ramscoop as a potential feature also.

    Could be converted to make fuel also!

    This isn't what this mod is for. This mod is for science, not engineering. Take a look at the Kethane mod though, maybe they can implement Kethane extraction from a ramscoop.

    Do the samples add mass?

    Yes. This surprised me a little, I didn't realise the engine automatically works it out from the density & amount values. Guess it makes sense.

    Some rock types could be insanely heavy:)

    I plan to investigate the density values for the different rock types for each planet, and adjusting the density values accordingly. This might also change if the sample is dug or scooped. We'll see.

    As I work in planetary science, I'll be trying to get my colleagues to come up with some ideas for rocks, especially as I plan on adding a gas chromatograph part in the future, with output graphs. :cool:

    Nice! It would be truly terrifying to return from the low gravity of minimus (or somewhere) only to find that your 1 man 1 meter lander weighs 64 tons!!!!

    At the moment, this could be possible haha I have no idea on the effect just yet to be honest. But thats what the github bug tracker is for.

  3. Nice. Would be great if such function could be added to EVA.

    I'm not sure if we can add things to EVA. I've seen some people asking the question, just not sure if it ever got answered. But, you're right, would be cool.

    You need real models for all of these things, but I guess that's a start. Why only when landed and not splashed down, though?

    Sure, I need new models. I'm not in any way at all, no sir, not an artist. I got a PM from someone last night, and I would like to have some nice models. We shall see what the future brings!

    As to why only when landed... Currently, I've only implemented Rock-type resources, and indeed had the idea of implementing liquid resources for exactly this. Just not got round to it for this proof-of-concept. Thanks for reminding me though, because I'd actually forgotten to write a note, and now I'll go and add it on the github tracker.

    Edit: Implement liquid resources

    Note to anyone else, if you have any feature ideas, and want them documented, then feel free to go to the github repository listed in the first post, and add your ideas there too :)

  4. tek Industries Science 0.4.1

    by tek604 (code) and King Jareth (parts)

    "Moar science" -- Scotius Kerman

    This is a plugin for science, including parts. Finally, we have a reason to go somewhere, get something, analyse it in situ, or bring it back to Kerbin!

    Currently, it is a work in progress, and this version is more of a proof of concept release. Future features may or may not include:

    * New parts & textures (any modellers who wish to help, feel free to message me)

    * Digging arm

    * Drills

    * Integration with RemoteTech

    * And much much more... :wink:

    (Open github issues)

    At this point, I should thank various people for their help & inspiration:

    * Lando for his part generator (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25061-Part-generator-Version-2-X-release-open-beta)

    * Majiir for his Kethane mod, which pointed the way

    * JDP for his RemoteTech mod, which provided me with a reason to get this started

    * r4m0n for MechJeb... because that's just awesome work, and got me addicted to mods

    * nobody44 for his work on Mission Controller

    * Scotius for his enthusiasm!


    Dropbox: tekIndustriesScience_0_4_0.zip (0.20.x compatible)

    Dropbox: tekIndustriesScience_0_4_1.zip (0.21.x compatible)

    Source: github.com


    Decompress the archive, and place the tek604 folder in ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData

    If you are updating to the latest version, simply delete the tek604 folder before installing the new version.



    tekIndustriesScience by tek_604 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

    Based on a work at https://github.com/tek604/tekIndustriesScience/.


    This plugin allows you to collect a rock, liquid or atmospheric sample from any body in the Kerbol system. In order to collect a sample, your spacecraft must have successfully landed (rocks/atmosphere), or splashed (liquids/atmosphere), or be aerobraking (atmosphere) - just remember to use the correct instrument! If you are in flight (in a vacuum), or trying to use the wrong instrument for the job, then all you will be doing is draining your batteries. :D

    To collect a sample:

    1) Add part to your spacecraft - parts can be found under Science

    2) Fly to your body of choice

    3a) Land or splash on the body!

    3b) Or fly through its atmosphere during aerobraking!

    4) Activate the part

    5a) Unmanned analysis: use all 5 ovens to complete the mission.

    5b) Manned analysis: collect 100 units of a resource, and analyse it. Remember to have a Kerbal onboard at all times!

    5ci) Sample return: collect 100 units of a resource, and land/splash on Kerbin to complete the mission.

    5cii) Sample return: collect 100 units of a resource, and dock with an orbital laboratory for analysis!


    Version 0.4.1

    - Resolved Issue #41 (Licensing!)

    - Resolved Issue #46 (Compile against KSP 0.21.1)

    Version 0.4.0

    - Resolved Issue #33 (Orbital laboratory)

    - Resolved Issue #35 (MannedSampleAnalysis: Error Kerbin should not disable all buttons)

    - Resolved Issue #43 (Remove "Disable Analysis" buttons)

    Version 0.3.1

    - Resolved Issue #30 (Code Review)

    - Resolved Issue #36 (SampleAnalysis: power usage does not drop after analysis finished)

    Version 0.3 (note the project changed repositories)

    - Resolved Issue #5 (Robotic gas chromatograh vs. manned)

    - Resolved Issue #12 (Simpify the collectable resources)

    - Resolved Issue #13 (Remove Kerbin resources)

    - Resolved Issue #16 (Add payload origin to GUI)

    Version 0.2.1

    - Resolved Issue #18 (Parts overhaul)

    Version 0.2

    - Resolved Issue #2 (Split boxes in a more sensible way)

    - Resolved Issue #11 (Implement gas resources)

    - Resolved Issue #12 (Jool atmosphere sampling)

    - Resolved Issue #13 (Different resource types should have different densities)

    - Resolved Issue #14 (Different resource samplers should be a different size)

    Version 0.1.1

    - Resolved Issue #5 (Allow only one rock sample type to be collected)

    - Resolved Issue #7 (Implement liquid resources)

    Version 0.1

    - Initial Release

    - Proof of concept

    Here are some pretty pictures:

    The parts as they appear in the VAB. (http://i.imgur.com/SpS3X2b.png).


    Completing an unmanned Eve Atmosphere sample analysis (http://i.imgur.com/8ro3ltk.png).


    Completing a manned Eve Atmosphere sample analysis (http://i.imgur.com/2c1p4RT.png).


    Completing a sample return mission (http://i.imgur.com/faX7CjQ.png).


    Completing an orbital laboratory analysis (http://i.imgur.com/u8eCy34.png).


  5. They tried to "officially" name some of the geographic features in the game. I don't think any of those names stuck but there are some nice maps and interesting discussion in there.

    Its a shame the KGSS died. After I heard of the game (via Jesse Cox on youtube), that thread basically sold me the game.

    I think some of those names did indeed stick, if you check the Romfarer Lazor plugin, I'm sure I see some of the old names, like Booster Bay, which is an awesome name for the bay next to KSC.

  6. With KSP 0.20.1...

    I had pretty bad stuttering problems over Eve yesterday, running at x50 speed. I'm assuming its down to the changes the devs made introducing the high-res textures when in orbit. That's what seemed to cause it. Probably the problem with png textures doesn't help much either. Guess I was just lucky KSP kept running.

    Lets see if 0.20.2 works any better.

    Edit: mmm maybe a little better, but still not great.

  7. I use the LV909 for all my probes and landers currently. Works great in most orbit injections and landings I have done so far, although, probably overpowered, as my probes and landers are only around the 1t mark :D

    For lifting, I always start off with the LVT-30 & 45's, until I need a bigger launcher. Then out comes the mainsail. Except this time... because I've been playing with the KW Rocketry engines since 0.20.

    And once I've managed to get to Moho orbit using chemical engines (I got to Jool last night, first time, including aerobraking), the manned program can begin. Once I've gotten kerbals onto Mun, Minmus & Duna, I'll start using the LV-N.

  8. He's using Steam, I don't think it has the option to save to a new folder.

    Incorrect, and a little look at the forum would have found you this:


    Only problem is, you need to do it before you run Steam. This I did this morning, in case 0.20.1 crashed on startup. As it turns out, my 0.20.1 works fine, even with a couple of part packs. Guess I didn't go as crazy as some guys did with mod parts.

  9. Sadly it's not all that possible for me to ensure the same kind of command delays in MechJeb since doing so would require a rewrite of key parts of MechJeb. It's surely possible to do. Other mods can fetch RemoteTech data (like signal delay and so forth) very easily. In fact Chatterer has recently been updated to make use of the RemoteTech interface. But making other mods RemoteTech compatible can't be my decision or job. Especially in case of MechJeb I doubt if I'd even be able to do it myself.

    JDP, I know I've made a couple of posts about the MJ issue, but... I didn't know you'd written an interface exposing RT data to other plugins. This is great! I might take a little look, and see what I can do :cool:

  10. Most recently, I've been trying to figure out how to do a proper gravity assist. I can finagle it with maneuver nodes until it lines up, but I want to find out how to line it up using maths if I can.

    So yea, stuff like that. This game is awesome:)

    What we need is someone to sit down, and create a SPICE system for KSP. Hopefully better than the real life SPICE system; google SPICE NAIF, and look at it. You'll know what I mean :D

  11. True, doing RemoteTech missions - especially interplanetary missions - require a lot of foresight and planning, that's actually part of why I made the mod in the first place.

    I wont be enabling any kind of control in out-of-contact vessels since anything else would essentially be a cheat in the context of RemoteTech gameplay mechanics.

    I agree with your first statement about requiring forsight and planning. But, I'd like to be clear on the second point. As I've stated in previous posts, I use MJ for piloting. To me, this is no different than uploading a sequence to a spacecraft, even if I didn't personally work out the maths myself (which, as far as I can tell, we can't, as we have no real idea on the positions of bodies at given times, or even able to plan missions to the second, as is the case in real life).

    So, if MJ "uploads its sequence" to the spacecraft during comms, and then we lose contact, there is no real reason/explanation as to why MJ should then not be able to carry out the planned burn sequence. Its just that when out of comms, we should not be allowed to plan any more sequences, or at least, not upload them to the spacecraft.

    OK, I do understand that as the two mods stand, its either impossible, or at best, very difficult to implement. These thoughts are from a gameplay/realism point of view, not coding. Now, from a coding perspective...

    What I think needs to be done, is an interface be developed as a way to have the two mods play nicely. My first thought would be to take the code from both mods, and have a combined mod - "RemoteTech MechJeb" - this seems like a perfectly reasonable and doable solution. Second thought is to agree an interface which allows RemoteTech to send commands to MJ (disable/enable node creation - which we kind of have now, with the disable MJ button, and the mechanics of loss of comms), or MJ to send commands to the RT Flight Computer (which we don't currently have). I have no idea if this kind of inter-plugin communication is possible though.

    If this ever got implemented, it would be the closest thing to having a real life simulation, while still being playable. I would be more than willing to help, as I am a code monkey by trade.

    Edit: Just remembered my third idea for RT/MJ. Allow RT to load the Flight Computer with data from a planned maneuver node. Don't know if its possible though.

  12. How does it affect Mechjeb? sorry IF I have lots of questions

    If you have a connection to KSC, you can command new nodes with MJ. But... If the new node is out of connection, MJ will not perform it, even though it was planned with MJ. In order to plan using MJ, for nodes without LOS, you need to... (method I used last night, so I'm doing this from memory):

    1) Plan node with MJ, and bring up RT's Flight Computer

    2) Press the "Control with MJ" button, to turn it off

    3) Press Maneuver button in the Flight Computer - this will make sure the FC points at the node generated by MJ


    5) Enter the required delta V from the node that was created (you will need to press burn time to change it to m/s required)

    6) Enter the delay to the node (deduct a few seconds. I usually round to the nearest minute)

    7) Press SEND when the delay is equal to the node activation time

    *phew* The burn should now happen as MJ intended.

    If anyone knows better than this, feel free to tell me!

  13. I'm now starting to get used to the hardcore-ism this mod brings. Sure, its a pain, but, as I use MJ for everything (I'm no pilot, don't wanna be either), it makes things a little more interesting.

    The flight computer took some getting used to I must admit. But, last night, once I got used to it, I managed to get 15 ComSats up in 500km orbit in about 1 1/2 hours.

    I would still prefer that RT would accept MJ as controlling, even when out of LOS. MJ should be only available during LOS, but once a manoeuvre is planned, it should continue after. But that's the only thing I would change.

    OK, time to go off and put more sats up, KSO this time. hmm, maybe after boosting some of those 500km sats up to 1000km and see what happens. :confused:

    Oh! While I'm here, got a question. Currently, my comsats have an antenna, and a dish. This allows me to keep contact with KSC. But... If I launch to the Mun (or other bodies), do I need to point the dishes that way? And is one dish enough, with an antenna?

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