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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. It's a very cool mod called universe replacer. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer-v4-0 There are planet and sky and kerbal textures in the thread. Also: There's buried treasure in this hole! (Didn't feel like posting again.)
  2. No, I'm actually using 48-7s to push the rover into the wall, then controlling the speed with the wheels. I saw someone climb the VAB this way. KAS lets it hang on the wall, or stop when it gets unstable. It's working pretty well so far, been up and down 5 times.
  3. I ditched my abort system too soon! After emergency dropping of everything. Come on! I can still save them! We can still make orbit! They did. But there was no cliff climbing on the Mun for those guys.
  4. Could this thread be moved to add-on development please? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46201-Simple-Railway-mod-in-early-development-Kerbtown-based
  5. This has happened to me. I striped of unessesary parts untill there were no parts left....
  6. The changes to the terrain on runway island. It's ugly and beachless now.
  7. Bob is happy to be on the Mun in one piece! Photo of my base site from the escaping skycrane. It's next to one of the smaller craters... Two recruits, two responses: "What the hell have I signed up for?" Lastly... There's a hole in the Mun!
  8. And the handle has to be a radial decoupler!
  9. Nice. This is why we need to be able to remove things from the staging sequence.
  10. I'm pretty sure the bar is the wrong way around sometimes.
  11. Jebediah has been living out of his car for over a week. But today, the first hab module was finally arriving. Bill: "Hi Jeb. We are just about to commence deorbit burn. We will be with you shortly.:)" Bill and Bob were coming! And Dontop and Seetop and all those other guys. Jeb hopped in the mun-car and drove over to watch the descent. The hab module site was marked with a KSC flag. The landing was bang on target, and flawless, squashing that flag. Here Jeb is watching the landing system fly of. It will end up in an orbit that goes just inside of Eve's. Seetop Kerman, a veteran of Mun Base One, had been riding in the airlock, and jumped straight out. He replaced the crushed KSC flag with a new Prograde City flag. Note how it has something like the KSC symbol, but slightly different. Now I have eight kerbals on the Mun, celebrating their arrival, and making a toast to the future of the City on The Mun! (Well, more of a small town.)
  12. I'm happy with this one. It's got all sorts of little things going on. It has a thing like the KSC symbol, but different. It slightly resembles an upward facing arrow, and a compass, a symbol of exploration. The image shows Mun, with just a hint of kerbin. The base is located on the edge of the Mun, where it and Kerbin touch. The colours of the writing are Australia's sports colours, and the red letters hint at the owner of the space program. Their motto has two meanings. On near prograde point, they are effecting facing forward as the Mun orbits through space. They also face all the hazards of space in this airless, exposed environment. Also: Notice anything different?
  13. It looks awesome. I can imagine something like that hanging up in mission control.
  14. Maybe have one up close, the others further back, and have an awesome areobrakers scene. Also, did you finish your model of KSC?
  15. Good thing my kerbals have been training for just this kind of thing... Note: Fix leaks in space suit before departing to Eve. Or even space for that matter..
  16. It would! The guy who made the videos earlier in the thread, and added several major ideas is the same guy who's in charge of that mod. (and clearly a better modeler than me). I hope we can come up with a system that works for both the the city mod, and this modular system, so they could link up at the city's edge. I'm thinking the total width of the path will be at least 3m, but haven't got a with for the V shape thing yet. Also, the bogie might be better like this: Le one minute drawing This would make it easier to make trains that can come of the track to exchange resources with another object.
  17. Well... you were hoping for more interesting streets right? ..XD Also, a roundabout would be a good place for someone to make a statue, or tower (belltower?) or something.
  18. I have I diagram of the current plan for parts. For the eventual first release, anyway. I'm still including a train bogie, as an electricity using way of accelerating, but using other wheels is possible too. Edit: Derp. Forgot to mention the incline part in the pic. It's with the curves. Inclines haven't been tested yet, so I can't give more details. (Also, that should say "memorise." Opps.) I'm thinking a V shape has advantages over both box and T shaped track. We may need to wait for Kerbtown to add connection nodes, to line up segments accurately. (This is something they're hoping to do.)
  19. I recon it would be better to leave the backstory ambiguous, as people have differing ideas about kerbal history. For example, many prefer the idea that kerbals' space exploration efforts had a completely non-military origin. Definitely in favour of making it seem like a real city though, but I feel that can be achieved by considering the interactions between parts, and the landscapes. People could take the needs of their site into account when they build. Hence my post a few pages back.
  20. Generic textures, that's a good idea. I still reckon shifting that second airport wouldn't hurt, to keep the channel thing clear. Its alignment mostly puts the flight path over the industrial area, which shouldn't be a problem. Noise may reduce the desirability of the dune area a little, but we can't be sure, as Kerbals don't have external ears. Loud noise may not bother them that much. When it comes to making the port facility, I recommend people make some sort of buffer zone between the port and the land behind it. IRL, I'd be thinking of plantings of reeds, the odd mangrove, and bridges and the odd wall that match the warf's concrete, but the markers of those bits will have to find a solution that works for the game. (Seems I can't help but analyse these plans. I don't have a design subject this semester, maybe this is withdrawal...) I think I'll take my tumbling KAS climber to explore when it's done. Jump from wall to wall, spiderman style.
  21. Just using landing legs is likely to give you problems when you warp.
  22. I did wonder about that. The other bay is could be an option, but there is more risk of oil slick contaminating further areas there. (if the kerbals do boats that way..) Maybe.. An opening bridge?
  23. From what I've heard, they fiddle with numbers, and that spits out a planet, or something like that. Yet we get planets that look pretty realistic in parts. It's not really the right geography for a river, they form from lots of little streams. It would look like one at high tide though. Not quite like that, but I see potential for cool boardwalks there. I hope my diagram is useful, it's tricky analysing computer generated terrain.
  24. I was just about to post my analysis... Not a plan, an examination of design potentials. These blobs are not exact, just showing rough area. Yellow has been used to show where there are views that could be utilised, not that most them are that great at sea level. Great from up high though. Green indicates potential future connectivity. Routes and such. These are very general. My survey team identified a tidal channel, where if this was a real city, you'd aim to maintain the flow between the lagoon and the harbour. This can be done in many ways. Other lakes may be rain filled, this is in the tropics after all. They have no tidal access, and no streams flowing into them. Also if, you wanted to try underground rails and such, you could raise up a section of the city base to put them under. That section would need to be reconnected to the lower ground via ramps, and a few other tricks, but it might be an interesting idea. (Editing complete.) Consider this a report from the TW1 Kerbal landscape architecture firm! With the more detailed map, rather than doing all the photoshopping again, Most things can just be shifted a little, to show issues. Suggestions: -The transport network shown in Nothke's image is better than the one here. -the commercial area comes pretty close to the flight path there.. -I also recommend shifting the freight airport and train depot to the shore opposite the eastern island. Less mountains in the way, and away from what could be a nice beach like area. -Depending on the nature of the industry, you might want that on a different shore too. -Transport hub ideally would be where the rail line comes closest to the CBD. Survey team: Breathing is optional
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