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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Got a rough idea what I'd need to do now. Am I right in thinking that the train bogie part will need a special collider of its own that interacts with the track's collider, to engage on the track somehow? Would the ability to engage or disengage using an action group have to be set up in unity? Then, I just need to work out if it's better to make the sides of the viaduct as one surface with a texture, or as parts of the model. It's got to look lightweight, but sturdy.
  2. I have brought the debris right up to the pad, (see that LV-n?) pressed the button, and nothing happens. The debris comes from an earlier landing, and was towed there using KAS. It did work when I changed a vehicle's type to debris, and when I hyperedited stuff next to the launchpad, but that was with the previous version.
  3. Like the way you've done it. I recall things like this being raised before, but this would be a good way to have it visualised.
  4. The different size ladders are useful for complex ladder systems. Can't get a pic right now, but I used one to get a kerbal from the ground to a chair on the side of a rocket.
  5. Anyone else having problems with the recycler? It doesn't seem to be working for me.
  6. Hi people of Kerb town. I have been investigating the potential of a Simple Railways Mod. The full idea is described in that thread, but I'm hoping to be able to use kerbtown as the means to generate rail sections at certain points. It would have a rail maker part, that uses up EL's metal resource to make sections of track. The idea of requiring resources to build is to prevent people spamming huge rail sections all over the planets, making rovers and landers redundant. Ideally, the rail parts would not show up in kerbtown's own interface, but get placed somehow using thier own. Is it/could it be possible to block a part from being in the kerbtown interface like this?
  7. Yeah... These things happen at 2 in the morning...
  8. A sun manned lander? Good luck with that! I mean it, landing on the sun is very675 Hard..
  9. Sometimes, you need a specific engine for a specific ship. Especially when it comes to making more complex things.
  10. Nice and fast. Sure, I don't use the squares menu thing that much, I installed something that gives my a seven style start bar, and I liked seven's style better.
  11. Alternatively, there's this part http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43674-Double-Sided-Radial-Decouplers?highlight=radial+side+separator.
  12. Right! Now, where did I put that infiniglider...
  13. Plot twist: he's actually on Minmus...
  14. Except all of the ones pictured are still guys.. I think.
  15. Jeb greets you from the now strutless Mun base! Now quite a pleasant environment. He has an announcement to make! "I swear to never strut binge again. Strutting excess will only lead to headaches later. Remember, strut your stuff responsibly. This message has been sponsored by strutaholics anonymous. Also, physics warp is now banned within 2.3 Km of these structures." Well, I think that wraps up this thread.
  16. And I could go on.. But I think that's by far enough. Kerbals. Maddest space explorers out.
  17. Old thread is old, and you kinda missed the point..
  18. I'm not sure what happened. I like it better this way. Maybe I could remake the beach area with Kerbtown...
  19. ATM, this is the only thing I regularly use that could be called a lander. It has a very characteristic stance with its angled leg pairs, and is a welcome sight for stranded kerbals. It is a rescue/transport craft for the Kerbin Moons, and is closely based on my first successful three man land and return vessel, but far more efficient. It lands with its leg tanks almost empty, these are decoupled on the way up, so they crash on the ground and are destroyed. At least, that's how it's supposed to work..
  20. Crewmanifest. For transfers and stuff.
  21. Jeb has been helping assemble my city on the Mun. Having connected up the launch pad, parts depot, fuel dump, and collected many pieces of debris for recycling, he got some "free time" and went for a "walk" Then it was time to do some exploring. I aslo de-strutted the base. Less physics = less lag. Landed a rescue mission on Minmus. The stranded crew are waiting here: "Orbit Rescue 1" The ship they arrived in took offence. "WHAT? You're replacing me! How dare you! I can still get home, just watch... Damnit!" Soon, all that was left was a Mk 1.2 capsule rolling across the ground... Edit: Not in KSP, but IRL, I just saw a shooting star! With a tail and everything! It was cool.
  22. It's a cool sub. I suggest using more struts though, that'll help with travelling in the water. I liked the dishes better open.
  23. Nar. Takes too long, too fiddly.. Bye physics, hello FPS! Hopefully, Jeb will be able to pull these of when he gets back from Mt Toprock. I'm quite pleased with how that worked. I now have spare CPU power for when it comes to resource delivery, and launches.
  24. I get the impression that they want us stitching parts together, rather than just forming a shape, and filling it with fuel. Makes getting huge things to orbit a challenge. Procedural generation makes sense for things like fairings, but I like all the parts with their various descriptions and all. Disclaimer: I never claim to know squad's plans or intentions, this is just a personal view.
  25. 1. Replace station with a mass relay. 2. ?????? 3. Profit.
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