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Posts posted by Tw1

  1. Today, a journey of a hundred million Km begins with a single.... Boom!


    Fly safe, Eelooman. May you have much better luck than my previous Eeloo probes.

    Did some exploring with planes.


    I like Tomcas, but with his record, he's safer not going to space.

    And made a tiny but not very useful SSTO, after my "bottle" rocket experiments showed oscar-B tank stacks did not make very useful rockets.


  2. Lag is the main constraint for me. I limit things to 400 parts, if they're going to to be on their own, and about 100 when I intend to have them near other things.

    Well, when I say limit...

    Another factor is how much I can see on my screen.

    Once a core section is complete, it can be hard to make any modifications after I've build stuff around it, as I know it'll never come together quite the same if I take side sections of, to put them back later.

  3. Awesome! I've got to try that sometime. Maybe an excuse to build a new tower.

    Perhaps you could set up several of those.

    HAHA! I was doing the exact same thing but from space. Because obviously I need a geostationary sun for night launches.

    I've done stuff like that with mod parts.


    That's from rovers on a probe, a bright spec near the top left corner.

    Unfortunately, it's not visible from the ground. A shame, really.

  4. Alternativly, use mechjeb

    I must protest! Save mechjeb until you've mastered things for youself, IMHO.

    Edit: Oh, you only meant the inclination adjustment. Ok.

    Having them in similar orbits actually makes things much harder, unless you want to warp for hours untill they get close. The trick is to put them into orbits with a fair amount of difference between them.

    Objects in lower orbits take less time to go around the planet than ones in higher orbits.

    Using this, you can get the object in a lower orbit to catch up with the one in a higher orbit.

    Aligning orbits is important.

    An essential part of rendezvous is putting the other vessel as your target. To this by clicking on its orbit, and selecting "set as target".

    This gives you a couple of extra tools.

    The AN and DN are where your orbit is lined up with the other vessel's orbit. Here is where you want to perform inclination adjustments.

    Set up a maneuver node at one of these points.

    Turn the view so that the target orbit appears as a flat line, then use the purple handles on the node to change your one until it appears lined up with your target's orbit. Then perform that burn.

    To meet up with the target, make a maneuver node, and plan an orbit that meets the orbit of your target. You should see markers that show where your ship and the target will be at the closest approach. If you don't move the node around a bit.

    Keep moving the node until you get close. This will take practice.

    Within 2.5 Km, or thereabouts, is what you want to aim for.

    If you get that, perform that burn. Otherwise, you may need to make a few more orbits before everything is lined up. Then try again.

    Once you get close, you need to kill your relative velocity. This can be done by clicking on the navball's speed display until it's in target mode. Then, the prograde and retrograde markers will show your movement compared to the target vessel. You'll need to burn pointing towards one of these to reduce the speed shown to zero. Then, you're almost there.

    Next you need to aim yourself towards the target. This is one of the pink markers. Burn to approach it, but stay slow. You'll need to burn facing away from the target when you're close, to slow down (to zero) again, if you want to dock, and not crash.

    Docking is a separate challenge, and I'm not that good at it. So I'll have to leave you in someone else's hands for that.

    Best of luck with the station! Stations are awesome.

  5. Mucked around with a rover to send to Eeloo.


    Once it could climb over the launchpad without loosing too many wheels, I was happy to let it be strapped to the probe.

    Continued my mission to the Jool system, after eliminating a glitch that occurred because I bought both versions of mechjeb along.

    Arrived at Tylo. Tilt and eject system worked perfectly.


    Moved the Jool master probe on to Vall.

    In light of the coming reaction wheel system, I modified my starfighter.


    More SAS, and back up solar panels. That ought to do it.

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