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Posts posted by Tw1

  1. While it is kind of asparagus, the launch vehicle for my "Joolius Xena" probe doesn't have that pancake look.


    Maybe because the probe and its ejection burn stage are only 60t..

    I nicknamed the launcher the Falcon Even Heavier, as it has the outer four boosters around the two, and no SRBs.

    It becomes more traditional rocket like after staging.


    (You may noticed something was lost on they way up. Turns out we didn't need that fin.)

    Though the shape of the probe on the end kinda takes away some of the realism. But I don't mind..

  2. It is a great idea in my opinion but... There is a problem, you need a conventional launch system from Kerbin to be able to use it. What I mean is, RCS will not have enough TWR to lift it off Kerbin but once in orbit it will work, might need to be refueled after a while though! :P

    It is possible to get of the ground, but not very far. I built an RCS based thing with a mk1 pod, a few tanks and dozens of thrusters to land on the old launch tower in 0.18. It ran out of fuel before landing, but I'd brought a 'chute for that.

    Though I agree with the suggestion to use the Ant instead. My current Jool probe (actually got there, yay!) has several rover-probes, and the non-tylo ones were going to use RCS to land.

    But experiments showed I could do much better with the Ant and mini fuel tanks.

  3. Were you trying to fry him?

    They're more or less fire proof at the moment.



    Bob wasn't bothered in the slightest. But then, he was suffering that glitch where a kerbal gets stuck in the one pose, so nothing could've bothered him.

    Maybe once reentry heating is in...


  4. The problem is Eve has a much denser atmo than Kerbin, as you probably know.

    Not only does this mean more drag, it also means engines are less efficient.

    You know how engines have lower ISP at sea level then they do in vacuum? On Eve, the difference is more extreme do to the greater pressure of the atmosphere.

    You could take of with them, somehow, but you'll need significantly more fuel (which means lifting even more weight) to get as far as you could on Kerbin.

    Aerospikes aren't effected by the extra pressure as much, which is why people recommend them for Eve.

  5. I realised I'd never used the two man lander can as a simple lander. I also had been meaning to investigate the site for my Mun prograde city for quite a while, so we set of for The Mun with a sense of purpose.


    Oh yes. We also took trees into space. For science.

    The early part of the mission featured orbital EVA antics. Discarded stages are fun. So is having two trees stuck on your spaceship.



    If you think about it, a pine is the ideal type of tree to launch into space, with that pointy shape and all. And it totally provides camouflage...


    Touchdown! We then proceeded to explore the surrounding area, picking out spots for sections of the base.

    But then:


    Oh no! Aloly Kerman's head is going out of his helmet! Got to go back to the lander!

    I got him back, and he was fine. But he was then lost in a later Jet pack accident.

    Mission control made the call to end the mission early.

    A confused Kervis fired up the engines as instructed, not knowing what had happened to Aloly.

    The tree made an interesting kind of Aerobraking shield.


    But was not so helpful when it came to attempt landing.

  6. Draw Jeb, Bill and Bob under a tree having a picnic on Laythe, complete with picnic cloth, sandwiches, drinks, jam etc, Jool in the sky and their spaceship nearby. :)

    Bonus if you have one of them trying to eat with their helmet on!

    (They didn't think to put on their specialised Laythe suit.)

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