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Posts posted by Tw1

  1. Just goes to show how short my program has been running for.

    I've got the Tenor Seven Unkown, coming up for its two year anniversary.


    Not really a mission, more like debris that thinks big of itself.

    If you look closely, evidence of noobness.

    Also, below that on the list, the graceful craft, furthest artificial thing out from the sun,

    Traveller One Unknown.


    No idea how it got on the trajectory it did. Something must've blown up big.

    The strangest thing about it is the little embryonic parachute inside it:


    Seeing as when I went back to tracking station after taking these shots, and found all my probes gone, (yay for once-a-game backups), I'm thinking they won't be in flight for much longer.

  2. In fact if Kerbals where a totally peaceful race that's never engaged in warfare, it's difficult to imagine how they ended up with a space program.

    While I don't imagine the Kerbals are totally warfare free, I do like to imagine that one of the founders of the space program saw a young Jeb playing with a toy rocket, and thought, "this would be a way to put someone on the moon."

    It doesn't have to be that Kerbal history brought it about the same way human history did.

    The only reason I've used weapons in this game is to do a bit of tidying up.



    And on that day, the Kerbals awoke to less laggy launchings.

  3. True, but they are also quite connected to the parent body as well. I would still want that link between Mun, Minmus, and Kerbin, so when I travel beyond, say, to Duna and Ike, the different experience is reinforced.

    Though a clever composer could achieve this balance between similarity and difference.

    I'm now wondering about the tracks for the Joolian moons. Each tune would talk to the planets character, but still have elements linking it to the Jool theme.

    Maybe I'll start a suggestion thread tomorrow, (I really need to sleep.), unless you want to sum up ideas from this one, and make it yourself Custard Donut?

  4. That makes me wonder if the future weather model will include updrafts and thermals, in appropriate places.

    Imagine the Jeb approach to hang gliding.

    "Jeb, why is there a hang glider and a SRB in the back of my truck?...."


  5. One thing I probably wouldn't like, is launch music. Launch is one of the most serious parts of a rocket flight, things could get explodey really quickly, if mistakes are made.

    On the ground music for Kerbin would be nice though. If they fix the MET counter, so it starts once you're not on the launchpad or runway, rather than once you're up in the air, they could put music then.

    Perhaps each planet could have a few tunes, plus that generic in space theme to give that sense of space travel, and they would come at different times, or situations.

    I don't think moons need themes though. Or, they could be similar to that of the parent planet.

    There's so much potential here.

  6. I think it may be because everyone here shares a similar interest in space exploration, and the hobby that is playing this game.

    Also, the nature of the forums, where we can share experiences and ideas, help each other, and even suggest and discuss ideas that may be included in the game, all work to build a sense of community.

    With most of the people here I see regularly, I don't know if they're old or young, black, white or whatever, not even the gender in many cases. I know nothing about them in reality. But it's still cool to see what they're up to in the virtual universe of KSP.

    It's been a very unique experience, being (one tiny) member of a community around a developing game. I hope I'll stick around to see it finished. (And that I won't ruin my life using it to procrastinate.)

    I wish other things in life, like city planning was talked over with a forum like this. :)

    Also I usually take a preservational attitude, and don't like terraforming, but this inspires me.

    Though I'm not entirely convinced it's the best species for the Dunan environment, even with GM, seeing a tree stand proud and tall in an alien world, inspires me.

    Will download.

  7. I have quite many times, both return, and non-return for bases and vehicles.

    But this would be the rocket I use most, because it is the first (and only) vessel where I calculated the Delta V manually, and it has proven very reliable for its job, which is rescuing stranded kerbals on the Mun.

    Certainly not an uncommon task....

    These are from a few different times I've used it.








  8. My solution to popping tires is:


    Impact wheels!

    Also helps with the bumps. Another feature all my latest landers/vehicles have, as a result of one earlier lander's misfortune.

    Also, if you remap the controls to IJKL, you can still use WASD to stop your rover going front down when you go over an unexpected cliff...

    (I tend to only drive in the day now.)

  9. I have a team on Moho, but I landed them near the equator, as I was saving the Mohole for when effects like volcanism had been added.

    But looks like I'd be worth seeing it in its current form.

    Well, time to plan a second crew!

    But better put a lid on it when we're done, just in case.

    Edit: Moho is smaller than Duna, maybe I should just drive the team I already have up there.

    Though they have no climbing equipment.

    That hole is huge! You'd need hundreds of wing panels to plug that up.

    Or maybe an asteroid...

    hmm i forgot that ^^

    i "walk" down in 50m steps

    fire winch 1

    move 50m down

    fire winch 2

    retract 1

    move 50m down etc pp

    It's the hook shot! :D

  10. I like that platform idea. That's clever.

    I used a kind of skycrane thing once. Just a tank with 24-77s on the side.


    As I triggered the decoupler, I turned up the throttle. The engines, which could no longer be controlled, carried that tank far into the sky. They are pretty powerful, aren't they?


    It ended up on an orbit that passes the orbit of Eve, and is considered a lander for some reason, despite lacking any core or pod.(or mechjeb.)

    So you could say, well clear of the rest of the base!

    Getting clear of landing systems can be hard. I'd like the kerbals to be able to kick them away.


    Many of my early Mun landings ended up like yours, OP. But without the funny scene of wheels bouncing away :).

    If you look at the rescue rocket, note the double set of legs it featured. I added them on all landers for a while, after my first Mun landing was made one way, after a leg broke.


    I reckon you should be able to drive that thing though, if you use Mechjeb Smart ASS's "surf" function.

  11. Terraforming takes centuries, and you lose any ability to research the original planet. Not a fan. But I'd love an asteroid belt. So many things to see and explore!

  12. My aproach to landing long things has been side thrusters.

    Like my first successful Mun vehicle in 0.18


    (Driving that canyon was so awesome.)

    I soon learnt the value of using aircraft wheels as anti-roll wheels, and low centre of gravity for not rolling over. Its descendants made clever use of drop tanks, to change from a high CoG for flight, to a low one to drive, and back again to return.

    High CoG (this was a prototype)


    Low CoG.


    High CoG again. (This was a test run to the Mun)


    For things I've no plans to take anywhere else, like my Munar Ground Shuttle, I've been using thrusters in the side, that then get dropped of. (Or, smash into the ground, that works too.)


    Very important to get them right over the centre of mass.

  13. Same!

    I love their different personalities. Wirhwin, the guy who's been flying my shuttles doesn't like going up.

    After we reach apoapsis, his face goes from :0.0: to :).

    Lanlong, who's been taking the test flights of the plane like version of that shuttle's orbiter, (and SSTOs) is a lot happier when in an atmospheric flight. He'll smile wildly even when crashing, but becomes nervous when orbiting. "Why is my plane flying sideways?":huh:

    Good old Bob seems to get space sick. And car sick when roving for too long. :( But, take him for a walk, and he cheers up. :D

    Or maybe this is my imagination being too active...

    Nuclear engines seem to have a thing about vaporising.

    I had these land in this dramatic arrangement quite by chance.


    Yet they were gone the next time I visited. This is not the only time that has happened.

  14. I would like to have something that makes the whole stage self destruct after it's discarded, leaving no debris.

    Something like this guys making. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25830-PLUGIN-0-19-1-TAC-Self-Destruct-%28v1-0-1-Apr-28%29/page2?highlight=destruct

    It shows potential.

    The other option would be to set up any stage that's lost into an interplanetary orbit as a probe in its own right. Wack on a mechjeb radial unit, or a probe core, solar panels, a dish and some instruments, and there you go.

    A bonus probe.

  15. Unlike me, I guess you don't have a family that stands around behind you and laughs at you as you kill even more Kerbals in your comical attempts to get them into space.

    Hahaha. Good point.

    I imagine there are kerbals in that windowed section of the VAB who act like the mission control. That Gene Kerman guy from the tutorials is probably there.

  16. I'd suggest the far side of the Mun for your array.

    That solid (well....) object should keep pesky keribin radio waves away from your dishes. Plus, it's tidally locked, giving you longer to collect signals.

    Maybe moving it away from the space centre would be a good idea. It'd lesson lag at launch, and debris hitting dishes is probably bad.

    I may have to set up something something like this myself, once Mun Base One is finished, my first satellite network work is complete, my interplanetary missions have visited all their planned sites are are on the way home...

    Uni project due in six hours? Oh yeah. Better get on to that....

    Your approach remind me of the Square Kilometer Array, which being a fellow Aussie, I suspect you may have heard about.

    I don't know about joining things together, but maybe you could build a bunch on a flat frame and land it on the Mun in one piece?

    You'll need a wide launch vehicle, but I got a big crane thing there that way:


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