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Posts posted by Tw1

  1. Perhaps a smaller, second parachute could be added, and you deploy that before opening the main one?

    You'd still only grab the one thing, just trigger then separaly as you fall.

    Just to save the poor little guys from getting wiplash

    I don't mind the parachute box. It's a nice splash of colour, and easy to spot when added to stations.

    I'm going to have a few guys jump from the station, to try it out tonight!

  2. I can think of two. One was the lost Eeloo probe. No one from mission control understands the data it sent back before it was lost. (Apart from a scan of half the equator, and some photos.)

    The second one was the landing of the Duna explore-o-pod for my stranded astronauts to use while they waited to go home. It was the bug where the camera stops following the active vessel. It didn't land straight, and lost some important parts. Fortunately, I'd quicksaved, so that was only a "simulation".

  3. Nice work! If you managed that, you shouldn't have to much trouble when it comes to rendezvousing with the station, to add more bits to it. Aim using the maneuver nodes, then when you're near catch up with it much the same.

    I wouldn't worry to much about the guys under the engines. Mine sometimes like to watch from there.

    They'll probably be escorted away before the next launch.

  4. The only shuttle like thing I've made uses a pair of tanks, one on each side, perpendicular to the wings.

    It still turns a bit, but it's controllable, and it's just due to small problems with the orbiter design that need ironing out.

    I'm uncertain of the benefits of th NASA shuttle design, it seems strange to waste some thrust steering like that. Unless someone can explain why they decided to make it work as it did?

  5. I went straight for the Mun, just my making rockets go higher and higher. Similar to what Sal described, just without the orbit part. I lernt to orbit later.

    Everything's hard at first.

    Edit: Things still blow up on the way to space sometimes. It's still hard.

  6. I decided to try adding some of the parts without the plugin. This way, I can slowly phase them in, as I replace stations, station parts etc. Then, once one generation of interplanetary trips comes home, I shouldn't have any problem putting in the full plug in.

    Have you got someone to customize the parts? That'd be great. I reckon you should stick to just doing oxygen, unless you consider renaming the resource to "Oxygen and Water"- covering both of them all in one blow.

  7. 212 (yay, palindrome!)

    I want birds. I want them to sing, and I want to be able to tag and track them. This adds nothing to anyone else's experience, and belongs in a different game, but I want to do it on kerbin.

    They're's so much you can do in this game, why stop at rocket science?

  8. Don't worry, just take it slow. Build a simple rocket. See how high you can get.

    Make it bigger. Try and leave the atmosphere.See how far you can get, heading over the sea. Keep building, go further, and further, and eventually, you'll go right around the planet.

    Do this above the atmosphere, and the air won't slow you down. And that's an orbit.

    Read the part descriptions carefully, and use them according to that. Best of luck to you!:)

    (And if KSP is not your thing, it's only a game, so go outside and enjoy the sunshine! (Or get on with assignments like I've been doing all day:( ))

  9. I read the thread name and got the impression this was one of those threads requesting ships, as in water ships, being constructed in space.

    Terms like navy don't really work well in a space context. We need new words, I reckon, for a new type of travel.

  10. Chemical Rockets: fuel is fuel+oxidizer, propellant is combustion products

    Ion rockets: fuel is electricity (solar cells or RTG), propellant is xenon

    Fission nuclear thermal rocket: fuel is uranium/plutonium, propellant is hydrogen

    Magneto Inertial Fusion: fuel is deuterium, propellant is lithium foil liners

    VASIMR: fuel is lots of electricity (nuclear reactor), propellant is argon or xenon

    To clarify, propellant is the substance expelled by the engine to make it go, fuel provides the energy.

    I'm a fan of the main fuel for liquid engines being hydrogen.

    It's versatile, it contains lots of energy, and it burns to produce water vapor. I'd rather not muck around with more pollutive fuels like kerosene if hydrogen an option. Assuming the Kerbals have mastered storing it properly.

    I have wondered why there isn't a design that combines nuclear and chemical power.

    If you're using a fuel that burns, why waste the chemical potential energy? There must be design challenges that make it impractical.

  11. I was under the impression they did have effects on debris as well, but maybe not. The pic I was thinking of only shows the debris from this failed launch glowing red hot.


    Testing rockets (and having them fail) yesterday, it seemed that only the active vessel got flames, when I tried switching between one falling part, and another.

  12. Only makes you turn slowly if it's on. But both are useful to stop you from spinning, ASAS tends to stop my things from rotating at all when on, which is mostly very useful.

    Someone said that ASAS only controls engine gimbals, fins, and (if on) RCS, but not the SAS wheels. But I tend to stick on SAS modules anyway,just in case.

    I get the impression they help. Only on larger things though.

  13. The recommended technique for getting things to connect a radial decoupler, is to connect the object to something else first. For example, sticking a tank under your engines before you try and put them on the radial decoupler. Then, getting them on straight is a matter of lining them up with what's already there, and practice.

    Welcome to the forums!

  14. It's all well and good that we have the planets we have, but it kind of sucks that no matter where I go, I know someone else has gotten there before me.

    I like to imagine each save is its own little universe, one of infinite identical(ish) ones. So maybe you are still the first to reach each planet.

    You know what would be really cool for resources?

    Mining for substances you can use for Food! Pop them in the processor, a little later out pops things that your Kerbals use for food.

    That would be a way to feed them without needing to lug 200 days worth of sandwiches around.

    Just a random idea.

  15. Am I broken in that my first reaction was a very Indiana Jones: "They belong in a museum!"?

    I agree they belong in a museum. Hopefully many will end up on display somewhere.

    But imagine fitting the Apollo navball thing to your car!

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