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Everything posted by Titler

  1. So let's say, on "Normal" difficulty, the Career will have Quicksaves? I thought by your arbitrary definitions that's what Sandbox not Career mode was for? So in fact, Squad does not agree with you? Of course, your line of argument would be that only the hardest setting is the most realistic; however, we can always think of adding harder things still... such as actually doing the job in real life. Which you will never, ever do; you, like all of us, simply don't have the physical and social and scientific skills to do so. Armstrong et all were 1 in 300 million. KSP in the meantime is a "crutch" for the other 300 million minus 1. And that includes you, until the point you have to play KSP under a 9g load whilst running the risk of being killed for real in a huge fireball. So just enjoy your "crutch", satcharna. And let everyone else enjoy theirs. And you'll find dropping the "Stop Having Fun Guys!" attitude will transfer into all sorts of other areas too, and make you so much more skilled at all the other crutch simulations people spend their day to day existence in too.
  2. This argument comes up again and again when ever there's any game which attempts to simulate at least some aspect of reality; and it's always, always ruined by people who insist they're more hardcore realistic than thou. Except none of you will ever even be close to the reality; you're sat in a comfy chair with a refrigerator with refreshing drinks within walking distance. No matter what HOTAS etc set up you have, you won't experience even the slightest gravity change as you fly or plan your virtual adventures; not even if you rock your chair about with your feet or really haul hard on the stick. In real life, you're too fat, too short sighted, too unfit, too born-in-the-wrong-country to ever be part of the programs you simulate; you don't have to spend months training up to standard before they even let you into the simulator for the simulator, and in the case of Apollo flights, you don't risk coming down with a simple cold at the wrong time and missing the chance of a lifetime for the actual mission. You're not limited by the national budgets, national leadership decisions... and when things go horribly wrong or underfunded, no one comes and shoots you in real life because you failed to save your pilot in a computer game and you personally have to pay the price. All of you, ALL OF YOU are nothing more, and nothing less than people engaged in a little escapist fantasy. So don't begrudge others when they chose to fantasize a slightly different way to you; In real life, you're living in perhaps the best times there will ever be, when people in some parts of the world have the disposable income and time to indulge in fantasy... whilst right now on your own planet, in your own time there are people who have to walk miles for drinking water which may or may not be full of parasites, but they'll drink it anyway just because they have no other choice. So be grateful you get the chance then to dream. And don't try and take anyone else's dreams away. Because the kind of people, the kind of civilization that can't learn to co-exist will never get off their own planet in real life. They certainly won't be picking argumentative elitists for missions to Mars in real life... They'd sooner have married couples than you. Quicksave or not, it's up to you. As long as you all are chasing your dreams and having fun.
  3. Firstly, if you were actually paying attention to this thread, you'd have seen I've posted my specs and listed mods numerous times. In fact, the post you replied to even states once more that I will be resetting to a set up that did work. Secondly, I have also said in this thread many, many times that I know it's likely to be a minority issue. However other people have reported the exact same error had started at the same time, and I indeed screen-shotted it which someone else confirmed was their issue too. Just because you don't have it doesn't mean it's not an issue with the mod for some people. If that were the case, we could all run every game ever on our Commodore Vic 20s. Thirdly, this isn't about criticizing BobCat personally, and he doesn't need people white knighting over it. It's about getting a mod we all appreciate into a working state for all who'd like to appreciate it. It's about bug finding. Fourthly, having written mods for other games myself, I am fully aware BobCat may not be able to trace the problem even once it's isolated to a specific change between KSP and Soviet versions, because it could be something he can't replicate, not having access to a wide range of computers. The point is then to go to Squad and say "Please download this, and see if you can work out why it won't even load now between X and Y". Fifthly, if some of you have some answers, then for crying out loud, actually give them. All that ever happens in this thread (and on these forums in general) is people say "Post your specs" and then they don't bother trying to do any more work. Well, I'm trying to do the work myself, which is why I want 1.8.4 if anyone still has the zip. So I can go back to a clean KSP again across versions and isolate the point at which it breaks. Because, sixthly, back to actually paying attention again, I've already tested 1.8.5 and 1.8.7 under the old file structure back to .20 KSP, and they all refuse to load the game as well. They break KSP when added to it, with no other mods inside. With 1.8.4 I can test adding it to both the latest KSP and .20, and if it works in both, then it's not KSP but a change in the mod between now and then. If it only works in KSP .20 then it's a change in the KSP engine since which is tripping up on something that's always been there in the Soviet Mod for some people. Possibly on a WinXP system or with some other common component that you won't have. The point is to find it. So. Does anyone have older versions of the Soviet Pack they could upload please?
  4. Because the Soviet Pack has never worked for me since 1.8.4 and 20.0. With 20.1, despite the claimed KSP engine improvements, it would crash the game once a Soviet ship moved to the launchpad. With 20.2 the game no longer even gets to the title screen, it crashes during loading with the Virtual Runtime error as posted earlier. Moving 1.8.5 and 1.8.7 which are the only Soviet downloads I still seem to have, and putting them into 20.0 also causes the game to crash during loading. Thus I would like to make sure I remember correctly, and get ahold of the older Soviet pack and test it as I thought I had it running, to help narrow down the issue some of us may be having. If it works in 20.0 I can then try it with the very latest KSP too and eliminate the KSP engine as the issue.
  5. Does anyone have a link to the 1.8.4 version of the Soviet Pack please? I've created a 0.20.0 version of KSP to roll back too (rather than lose all my saved games in the immediate future) and I thought I would try and help locate the problem with the Soviets some of us were having. However, moving the 1.8.5 and 1.8.7 into the correct folders in .20 KSP causes the same error, it crashes during the initial load... thus I'd like to get the version I had working in .20 again to cross check.
  6. Well, with the latest patch, I'm rolling back to v0.20.0.162 until someone finds a way to copy across the saves to the latest KSP, and if this cannot be done, I'm abandoning my Steam copy of the game until it's feature complete and properly optimised. I just don't have the enormous amount of time, and almost blind devotion to doing the same things over and over again that many of you have. Instead, I'm going to try and use the older client to identify the problems with the Soviet Pack in later versions, to try and help understand what's breaking the entire game for some of us, and that's it for the new features for now; I really do think KSP has gone public years too early now, Minecraft at least had a functioning, complete core game when released so you didn't lose any of your progress as more content was added... which in Sandbox play is absolutely vital to maintain. I'll come back to the main stream of development when a full career is up and running maybe.
  7. Hi there; sorry for the delay in getting back to you, not much time for KSP recently! But I've ran a test flight, using the exact same ship, and with the new .dll Mechjeb is indeed tracking the flight path with the old accuracy, as well as accelerating correctly during the "Coast To Edge Of Atmosphere" part, which it previously wasn't doing. Thanks again for the work so far!
  8. It's not this sadly; it crashed the game on launchpad in earlier versions even in a completely clean KSP install, and the latest Soviet Pack crashes the game even before you get to the title screen now... Obviously it's working fine for many people, but there's a conflict somewhere for many of us, and it's not with other mods alas.
  9. Unlike many here, I'm loving the Rendevous and Docking autopilots; they've definitely improved from how I used to use them in older versions to the current latest dev build. But the problem I'm actually having is that Mechjeb finds it impossible to complete the circularisation burn for this long rocket... It used to be able to fly it, using either just the gyros or the RCS on the upper stage, but the only way I can complete the manoeuvre after a standard launch is by jettisoning the rear tanks, and the fuel that's still in them. Adding RCS at the end of the central core hasn't seemed to help. Even when it gets near the blue target pip, the pip either keeps sliding away and thus time never speeds up for the burn, or it wobbles about constantly so the ship doesn't think it's pointed at it. The problem after much testing is, I think, the RCS Balancer. Mechjeb seems to assumes it's on during an automated Ascent, even if the green text isn't visible under options to indicate it is. Once ready for the circularising burn, it's still in Balancer On mode and the RCS doesn't have enough thrust to move the ship about... however disengaging autopilot, then turning RCS Balancer on then off again gives it the required turn ability.
  10. Bug Report With the latest version, downloaded a few minutes before posting this, the Soviet Pack crashes KSP before it can even complete loading. The last two error logs list an "Access Violation" as the cause. As can be seen, it's eating up the entire available memory everywhere during loading. Same system as before, WinXP with 4gb RAM fitted, 1GB ATI 4670HD. Only other mods are the Innsewerants Mapsat and Mechjeb.
  11. Will the Soviet Pack be updated to the .tga format soon please? I'd like to see if it's the texture handling that's been breaking it for me, and whilst I could convert them myself via GIMP, I want to be sure I have the standard expected before fiddling with it in order to be able to bug report correctly... so far however the spaceport version is still the old 1.8.5 (and with a 1.8.4 folder inside)
  12. I've been getting the same error with trying to move any Soviet Pack ship to the landing pad; it used to work with the previous .20 versions (or crash after using too much memory before then), but now they all either lock up at loading, which I think is trying to load ships without the correct parts included... Or if you have all the associated parts, and confirm the model is ok by loading it into the VAB, they all crash with the same Runtime error when you try and go to the launch pad. It looks like this for me in WinXP:
  13. That's not even slightly true. If WinXP needed 4gb of Memory no one would ever have been able to use it at all back at it's launch, when 2gb of RAM was considered almighty luxury; The minimal system requirements are only 64mbs of RAM Of course, drivers, anti virus etc add to the overhead, but even with all services packs, firefox and skype and pidgin and MS Security Essentials and an open Windows Explorer window, I can currently see only 1GB in total use right now (and there's 1GB of dedicated graphics ram waiting to ease pressure during gaming on top of system RAM). Win 7 is actually a fair bit more efficient with how it handles actual memory usage than WinXP, although it needs more of it due to the slow bloating of modern software; it does require roughly 2GB for basic operation. But even so, if you're seeing that sort of usage for a browser alone (4gb?!) you've got something seriously wrong with your system or are just being utterly lax about system hygiene because you can brute force through it with hardware; As I'm typing this, my Firefox with Ad-block and a few other plugins, is only using 380,000k Ram, or 1/3rd a GB. The problem a lot of us are seeing though, especially with KSP which is still an unwieldy memory hog even with the latest patch, is that there's very little space left on top for Mods that haven't got a reasonable footprint once it's unreasonably eaten up your system. The last version of Mapsat seemed to be nice and snugly sized, so I was happily using it. And with 8gb you should be able to run 2 triple-A titles at once, so you won't notice the difference between old or new map sat; but the latest blows up for game for me now I'm afraid, which can hopefully be found and fixed.
  14. I know have Pew Pew back again in the most recent patch, yes! However the part I wanted to take off, the apparently discontinued and not working for a while Muon Detector wasn't able to be targeted at all with Lazor; not an issue with Lazor itself I suspect, but that nothing-but-trouble M box. In the end I just deleted the landers it was on entirely, them not being totally historical in my world o'kerbs! But thanks for the quick update all the same.
  15. Specifically it's probably the way KSP handles system RAM, either the Virtual Memory or the load it puts on the maximum 3.5gb WindowsXP can see, as there's another 1gb on the Graphics Card for visual computations and I've got 2gb of VM set up. The old MapSat was fine under the incredibly inefficient KSP, but even with the new improved core engine, the newest MapSat is still causing either the KSP engine or some associated process to break, and very quickly.
  16. I'm almost certain it's a problem with memory handling; Having cross checked all of the above, and running it at the lowest possible visual settings to reduce the memory footprint, with just Mechjeb and Mapsat XR41 build, I can run MapSat for much longer; KSP starts around 1.4gb Memory used and slowly creeps up. However with default launch settings (Graphics at maximum, AA x2) it lasts about an orbit an a half before it crashes to desktop, starting at 1.7gb used and failing very shortly after. System is WinXP 32 with 4gb Memory and 1Gb ATI4670 HD card, scanning satellite around Kerbin moves between 99963 and 121026 metres on a polar orbit.
  17. Oh, I thought I'd broken it somehow; but I'm having the same issue, I've done a clean reinstall of Lazor in order to get the last non-stock part off my ships (Even with the new patch, there's something seriously wrong with MapSat and the Soviet Pack unfortunately ) and the laser beams for explode and weld are not working for me too.
  18. At first I started trying to keep them alive, but because the game in Sandbox mod generates the same Kerbals over and over again, a mission to save Jebediah might also be carrying Jebediah and one of them disappears once the two gets too close together, making the whole thing frustratingly pointless When career mode is finally completed, and if that bug is removed and each Kerbal has to be unique, then I'll go back to trying to save them... assuming that is there's no realistic food/survival timer on them by then!
  19. I really hoped you had the solution there; I went into options to check, and the Persistent Debris setting was back to 250, reset by the new patch from 0; so I thought maybe the launch pad was covered in bits of kerbal which was crashing the ships when moved to the pad. Unfortunately, even in a clean save, the Runtime Error is still there So the search goes on to let me have the sexy Buran again...
  20. Ok, fatal error for me now though; I cannot open any Soviet Pack craft on the launcher without causing a fatal "Runtime Error" which crashes KSP entirely but doesn't generate an error log folder for me to trace the cause. This is using the latest KSP version. Does anyone know what is causing it? I'm wondering if there increasingly complex series of steps required has gone wrong somewhere, so can someone explain here, in simple format with links, which version of the minimal but most recent mods to get a working Soviet Buran/Kliper and Arm back from a clean install, so I can replicate them and make sure it's not a mod clash somewhere? Thanks!
  21. Just open up the GameData folder, delete the "BobCatind" folder, and unzip the Soviet Pack 1.8.5 back in... it's just an unnecessary duplication.
  22. The Dev version just isn't working for me unfortunately; I've removed everything but Mechjeb and the Muon Detector mod, am patched via Steam up to 2.02 and running in any of the acceleration speeds crashes the game completely after about 2 minutes of real time, and the map developed so far is lost. I think it's running out of memory still...? As deep within the log it reports it's unable to apply any more. It always crashes with an Access Violation though. Edit; It's not in fact the scanning that's an issue, just the rapidly escalating memory consumption. Trying to launch new probes ready for a later fix, I'm crashing with Access Violation, and approximately 3.3 gb of used ram (Win XP can only access 3.5gb of my 4gb installed) a minute or two after launching. This occurs even if the SCN function is off. Launching the exact same probe, but removing the Mapsat dishes removes the problem, and the memory usage stays steady at 1.4gb for KSP. Adding the little mapsat receiver. usage sneaks up to 1.7gb but stays steady, so it's the dish that's definitely the problem. Is it attempting to scan even when not activated?
  23. Thanks for the latest update; One problem people may have is that the 8.5 version still has the internal folder name of 8.4... also you've changed the GameData paths, presumably to make space for BobCat US rockets, to ...\SovietPack now; which means that you've duplicated the Soviet parts in two different locations. People will need to clear out the BobCat folder first, lest KSP explode from trying to load too many parts. I was able with the latest version to attach the Kliper to the completed Soyuz-U that's in the craft files now to make sure I was using an identical build to the one expected (I was never able to angle the seperatrons like in the pdf image), and I too am having the problem of Mehcjeb pulling it over at 2,200m off the launchpad. Mechjeb can get the Buran up, but he doesn't know how to stage the boosters, and with any weight in the hold of the shuttle he spins around with the Energia centre stage when doing the circularizing burn and tends to crash into it, boo. I shall have to try and learn how to fly manually again for now then!
  24. This did indeed solve my exploding Buran; I deleted everything in the KSP\PluginData folder and downloaded just the Lazor Camera mod which now goes into KSP\Gamedata... one successful and happy launch followed! Regarding the Kliper, I had to rescale every part to 1.0 to get it to clip together, doing just the nose and pod meant the lower wing then didn't fit. And it was off to try and build a Soyuz U beneath it.... this wasn't easy as the Kliper video at the start shows the engine shrouds on (the orange covering) so the parts weren't easy to identify visually without pausing and checking rough location, as the names have changed a little too. However the included PDF managed to get me correctly set up! I would still recommend a completed craft file for all of them to allow ease of quick play however. And once more, thank you! Now to see if the Kliper will fly too... and experiment with Buran loadouts; I wonder if with extra fuel and a can inside I can use it as a Munar transfer vehicle, without falling over on the launchpad... Edit: Nope, I'm getting a fatal crash every time I try and load the Kliper/Soyuz combination from the VAB to the pad. "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library: Runtime Error". This is in Windows XP 32bit. I can get the Kliper launched by loading it on the pad instead however.
  25. Hey all, lovely collection of craft, but I'm having a few problems; Launch stabilizers reappearing in mid air and blowing up the Buran. Someone else mentioned this, and I'm not sure how to fix it. I updated Mechjeb, ISA Mapsat only, and have the latest Soviet pack installed to the root KSP directory as suggested into an otherwise fresh install, so I don't think it's clashing with something else... but it could be! Also the robotic arm doesn't seem to work on the ground (and I can't get back into orbit to test it up there) The Kliper has what seems like a correctly scaled wing, but it doesn't clip directly onto the main body, but ahead of it. I've tried all snapping options bit it just won't sit flush. There's no completed Kliper craft file in the pack to load either. Could you also consider adding completed historical rocket stage craft files, considering we can now swap out the first part? Not a problem as such, but just for information; How are people loading the Buran and avoiding the extra weight pulling the Energia/Buran over at launch? If I wanted to hide fuel tanks inside to see how far I can fly it, can I wire it up to feed from inside to a particular part and fuel its engines? Thanks again for the models so far!
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