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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. These are hilarious! Keep it up!
  2. Here's some crit: Not a huge fan of the grossly oversized anime eyes. Why do the eyes show through the hair? Also what's she standing on? Her feet are just floating. Not to mention one boot is larger than the other. I can barely see the picture in some places.
  3. Seeing as Alex is mostly web stuff it's probably something like security or a redone spaceport. You people are too easy to hype.
  4. Because they can? I don't see what's so bad.
  6. Why did you nuke the KSC? If you wanted to show the plane part of it show a SSTO taking off or something that fits with the uplifting, exploratory music. It's an amazing video that shows what KSP is about, I just don't like the nuking and the jeb riding the srb.
  7. Congratulations you found a star. Why did you need to make a thread?
  8. Yeah. This week's KSP weekly was a HUGE improvement over the last one. I'm very excited by the dev updates too.
  9. Something I made for Nova's Wet Workshop mod:
  10. Awesome to see you getting back into modding. I made this over the weekend in anticipation for you mod. It's a one man wet workshop. Completely impractical, but since when did Kerbals complain about practicality?
  11. Yes. Also happy birthday! (According to the thing at the bottom of the forums) Canopus again
  12. Granted. Your alarm clock has been set an hour earlier. I wish I could land on Tylo.
  13. 10/10 dont do not use, better grammer?
  14. So uh... When do we get the battleship variant?
  15. Well I guess it could be possible if you deleted a section of terrain and added a cave mesh there. But it'd probably be a massive pain setting up the colliders since KSP hates concave meshes.
  16. Jool's moon Tylo has some caves. However it isn't a concave planet mesh because that's impossible. It's a hole in the ground with a rock mesh over it.
  17. if you want 1:1 try Orbiter. You won't be dissapointed. Nova has made mods for it too IIRC. Anyways back on subject, what sorts of planets would you not get away with adding into the game, Nova? I am intrigued.
  18. Incredible! I don't know if I'll be able to help coding-wise, but I'll be willing to provide height and texture maps if you wish.
  19. The websites been up for a while. Speaking of which, the mobile site is seriously lacking in updates.
  20. I can confirm Keenan's words. Unbanned and ready to get back into modding
  21. Belgium. Less offensive words have been created in the many languages of the galaxy, such as joojooflop, swut and Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish. The use of bad language can have unforseen circumstances. One example is the war between the G'gugvunts and the Vl'hurgs, caused by a casual remark made by Arthur Dent being mistaken as a terrible insult. Simultaneous Babel Fish translation also means that any being can be rude to any other being without the need for extensive explanations. This has also started many wars. The reason the Earth has been shunned for so long is also due to a language problem. On Earth, Belgium refers to a small country. Throughout the rest of the galaxy, Belgium is the most unspeakably rude word there is.
  22. Uh oh chobit. That's not a really good mentality to have as an artist. You seem to be getting one of those typical "deviantArt" mentalities. Maybe just accept that not everyone likes your art?
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