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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. A backpack and a fat person. Luckily, there's a knife in the backpack (don't ask why), and the fat kid makes for an excellent distraction.
  2. Hyrotrioskjan is also pretty cool. He makes neat creatures: And realistic dragons! Seriously he's probably the first dragon artist to understand that vertebrates can't have more than four limbs!
  3. Alright then. I think Trekkette has the right idea with switching topics. Who is everyone's favorite artist on DeviantArt? Mine has to be JustV23 His paintings are amazing and are a huge source of inspiration.
  4. War Thunder is excellent, even though my kill/death ratio is embarrassing. I'm no good with fast paced shooters.
  5. Jeb's strongest adversary!
  6. We need a rule against posting other's art.
  7. Actually lol checking my dates again. The 26th is fine. Sorry for causing trouble with my idiocy.
  8. Be careful if you're watching the english dubs. They only have up to episode 9 on youtube. D:
  9. Umm he doesn't draw these pictures. He makes them in a 3d software.
  10. Do you think I could get my flight changed to the 25th instead? I am on the road for most of the 26th.
  11. Bad music Tencharactersaaaa
  12. Citizen, pick up that can. The user below me may or may not quote Half Life.
  13. Banned for showing purists in a bad light. You only judge them because your puny, add on coated mind can't handle their obviously superior intellect.
  14. And I would have gotten away with it too! Banned for foiling my plans.
  15. I win. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29774-Jeb-s-Journey-to-Vall-using-only-SRBs-and-Monopropellant
  16. Banned because your signature is over the size limit.
  17. Granted. You now have FOUR! I wish I didn't have to go to school today. Why go? Finals start tomorrow.
  18. False. I spent my KSP time attempting to design a SSTO spaceplane. I failed miserably. But you know, Ad astra per aspera right? The user below me has successfully put a probe in orbit of and has mapped Tylo.
  19. I liked it. I loved the references to the original movie (Wrath of Khan). Though I did find it hard to watch the spaceflight scenes after my experience with KSP.
  20. I've never actually been banned from anything. You guys are making me feel left out. :/
  21. Maybe you can, you know, learn how to do these things yourself? There are many helpful tutorials and people in the addon section. You do not need a team to make addons. Right now you come off as an "ideas guy" who wants other people to do the work while you sit around and do nothing.
  22. Did you guys seriously bump a year-old thread? Please read dates before posting!
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