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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. Minmus looks a bit off colour. And you should clean up those white lines around the Mun. But they are really good posters!
  2. I probably won\'t have access to a computer that can run Kerbal today, I am also going to experience some Gs and go to a roller coaster park. 12:27PM here, and I probably will be back around 6 or 8 MST. If I dont post by then, let others go and I should be able to play Wednesday. If I can\'t get access just put me at the bottom of the list. EDIT: I just forgot. Does the 48 hour launch window still apply?
  3. Great! Sorry if I was harsh. Truth be told, mechjeb taught me how to gravity turn more efficiently.
  4. I would really like to see an Io like planet around one of the gas planets.
  5. Planets aside, I am seriously exited for the CoG indicator and the scenario maker. Also, with physics timewarp, we can finally have at least some kind of docking. Ex. Grab with landing legs, physics timewarp, get it now?
  6. That must have come off the wrong way. I just don\'t like the ascent autopilot. Where\'s the fun in it? I understand it\'s more historically accurate, but it makes people lazy. I had to learn how to fly rockets again because I abused mechjeb. Regardless, it is a fantastically written plugin, and I still do use it for orbital info.
  7. I did some messing around and: It\'s either a Morz or a Tytun. Probably neither.
  8. Delete any old versions of mechjeb. But in my opinion, don\'t use mechjeb. Where\'s then fun in flying a rocket when a computer does it for you? Also, welcome to the forums!
  9. I can\'t wait till Community Space Stations.Check out this one that the Orbiter forums made.
  10. I love how this mod is shaping up! Glad I could help.
  11. I could work on the probe pack. Let\'s just say I\'m doing some side projects.
  12. How are we supposed to retexture these? The textures are hidden away in the .mu files.
  13. Those ain\'t no gliders. They\'re boosters. 8) Also, I decided to make a 'manned' capsule for my rocket. I\'ll post pics soon.
  14. Do you mind releasing your Kerbonaut model? I certain it would be really useful for a lot of people.
  15. Um, it\'s Stock Community Base.Also, maybe you should have read the rules. Rule number one is
  16. Oh my. I seem to have been forgotten. Sign me up for Mote please. Whoops. Forgot to read the first page. ???
  17. It has to do with the <diffuse> then. Also, if you have some animating know how, and know how to use the KSP part tools for unity, lander legs should be quite easy. 8)
  18. How do you make wheels on landing gear anyways. I would like to know this too.
  19. For the .dae problem, are you opening with blender, or are you importing them. Also, if it is a .DAE file, open it with notepad/notepad++, and remove everything in the <diffuse> tags. For wings, it\'s obj_base and obj_ctrlSrf. Also, do you have the full version of KSP?
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