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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. Ok. Well, I can say the part works successfully. I guess I should move on to emissives and animation next. ;D
  2. That\'s because it needs to generate the mesh files the first time you install. If this happens every time, have you downloaded the .15 hotfix?
  3. Ok. I made my part, and I exported it, but now I can\'t find the directory I exported it to. I exported to Parts/(partname)/model.mu. Should I be exporting to C:/Program Files/KSP_Win/Parts/(partname)/model.mu? What the heck? For some reason it was exporting to the sample project. Any idea how to fix that?
  4. Um. Your photo seems a bit off. I will gladly do textures for you. Maybe some modeling, I got out of school so I\'ll have plenty of time on my hands.
  5. As far as I know, cfg edits aren\'t really mods. There are plenty of modeling and texture guides out there, it isn\'t that hard to make a part. If you are going to release cfg edits, at least make some textures for it. If you need any help, there are plenty who would help, including me. Good luck and happy flying! :thumbup:
  6. Well, considering a Mars planet is coming after crew transfer, I am going to do something like Mars Direct; I would land my unmanned return stage first, and then land a habitation module with my crew inside next to it. When I am done on mars, I hop into my returnstage and go home to Kerbin. This means I leave my habitation module every mission, so I am also simultaneously making a marsbase!
  7. I know that! I mean what do they to to make the actual textures. Not the uvmaps. I am asking how exactly do I get nice looking textures. Mine look like a bunch of pictures from cgtextures.com slapped together on a uvmap. (Because it is. )
  8. Guys, it\'s spelling, not grammar. Get your terms right. Back on topic; pretty nice looking spaceplane you have there! My suggestion would be to add an rcs tank somewhere for orbital maneuvers. Good job and have fun flying!
  9. I love you. Also, stock space stations with the new parts! Why hasn\'t anyone thought of that?
  10. Um. This feels like a spam thread.
  11. Males are very territorial, and will try kill another male if it is in it\'s territory. In the wild, the other fish is normally able to swim away. In a fish tank, not so much. Females are also very territorial and need a large sized tank if you want to keep them together. You also need more than 4 if you want to balance the aggression out, setting up a female 'sorority' as it\'s called, is very challenging and takes lots of research. Like I said, the forum link I posted is very knowledgeable, so anyone interested should ask questions and research there. Bettas are normally fine with other tropical fish though, but always check for compatibility before you add a new fish. ALWAYS do your research and good luck!
  12. But it\'s not made of mint icecream though is it? Hah!
  13. Holy stuff another betta owner! For the love of god go here: http://www.bettafish.com/ The community is extremely open, and some are even professional breeders. They know their facts. Just a heads up, most members are female. If you want to find me, I have the same username on that forum as I do here. Also, please post pictures of your fish!
  14. Oh god what. http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-686
  15. I have seen countless mods with amazing texturing, including, KOSMOS, Sillisko Edition 2, and even the stock parts. How do you make such nice looking textures?
  16. [quote author= Neil DeGrasse Kerbal
  17. Was dead on a path to the runway, but I misjudged speed and it landed a little too early. But I got to test my slowing down method! 8) (Ignore the graphics bugs.)
  18. Is that good, or bad? Lemons aren\'t really good. =P Unless they\'re combustible. lol.
  19. Thank you! You just saved me hours of trial and error. Unless anyone else has some input, I\'m going to say the problem is solved.
  20. Currently when making parts, I have stumbled cross a tedious problem. Right now, adding attachment nodes in the part.cfg is mainly just painstaking guess work. Is there an easier way that I haven\'t figured out yet?
  21. Thanks! Lemme just make a longer version to cover engines with. It should be up soon. Longer version isn\'t coming any time soon. But in the mean time, I finished the small one! Let me know if you have any problems with it.
  22. I decided I wanted to split my probes in half. I also decided I wanted to keep this thread from stagnation. Now I all I need is the premission of mighty probe god, Sillisko, to release it! =P (It\'s a decoupler.)
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