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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. I mean the actual model itself. I have a cockpit on my pod, and I want to be sure it faces the user when you load it in the game.
  2. Does anyone know how KSP orientates it\'s parts concerning rotation? I am making a cool looking command pod, and I want to make sure the windows are on the correct side.
  3. Does anybody know how parts are oriented rotation wise? I\'m trying to make a neat command pod and I want to make sure the cockpit isn\'t on the wrong side.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Great LP! I would enjoy seeing more!
  5. Something I whipped up in Paint Tool SAI real quick. Nothing too good. Bob opening the hatch to discover that they crashed no where near the Mun... Dammit Jeb! EDIT: I just realized how much refining the volcano/hill needs. It\'s blurry as fuck. I might scrap it all together. Any constructive criticism?
  6. As my Kerbonauts left Kerbol orbit, I captured this scene. Goodbye friend. :\'(
  7. Do you think I could use use this for a mod project I\'m starting? =P
  8. How I felt when .14 came out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0mMSzEveY Then I realized I haven\'t preordered yet:
  9. I\'m probably going to sound stupid for asking this, but how do you use the fairings in this pack? ???
  10. So, a pony thread eh? Please keep all shipping/porn/cupcakes out of this thread. Except Lyra and Bonbon shipping. That shit\'s hilarious. EDIT: Did GoDammit seriously just leave over this thread?
  11. Go to Belgium. You are a jerk, a complete knee biter. Why do you make me jealous?
  12. backup your minecraft.jar file in app data
  13. Sisko, I don\'t know if you take requests, but I would absolutley love to see some of your Orbiter stuff ported into Kerbal somehow. Especially this:
  14. Thank you. What exactly is the origin though? I\'m kind of new to modeling. I\'m guessing it\'s (0,0,0) right? By the way, the engine is meant to be a landing engine for a capsule I\'m working on, if your wondering why it\'s so tiny. EDIT: It works now! ;D
  15. SCP 1673 'The Thrillmaster' Class: Keter Containment Procedures: Keep away from any sort of rocketry, at ALL COSTS. Refrain from mentioning words such as 'booster' or 'engine'. Description: SCP 1673 is a small green humanoid who has named itself [DATA EXPUNGED]. It was recovered from when what appeared to be a meteorite crashed in [CLASSIFIED]. Two other bodies were found at the crash site and were sent to [DATA EXPUNGED] to be examined. The humanoid is around 41cm tall and appears to be wearing a space suit. A pair of Aviator brand sunglasses were also found on the humanoid. Do I win?
  16. First of all, magical multi-colored horses don\'t exist. Second of all, do you wanted to know what happened to mammals (like ponies) back then? The dinosaurs fucking ATE THEM. It was like a mammalian oppression. Even so, you better respect those dinos. They died for you. Without their last gesture of kindness (going extinct) ponies, or even HUMANS would never have existed. So, dinosaurs are much better than a fictional cartoon and toy line. But enough of that, here have an awesome picture of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Have another one:
  17. Sorry, but dinosaurs are amazing. I mean why would you find this: More interesting than this?:
  18. I have been working on a variety of parts today, and I was working on a small landing engine for my capsule. This engine has equal thrust as a vectoring engine, and I have even gave it 1000 thrust, and it still fails to lift the command pod and fuel tank off the ground. I don\'t think it is weight, because the stock engine can lift the command pod and fuel tank, but the engine still does nothing. All it does is shoot flames and has no effect on the rocket. Can someone help me out here? The engine is attached below.
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