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Everything posted by bacondeity

  1. Yeah Rune, it's a very impressive ship regardless... It's nicely designed and has great features. It looks like something you'd take to war. Wish it was stock. T^T But it's alright... >: D I'm makin' my own capital ships.
  2. It's gorgeous man, it's far more impressive than the Bismarck, that thing was unflyable! XD I would totally love to try this one out.
  3. Hell, that's a good name too. :I I would love to try it, but I'm trying to just play stock, at the very least till release. And I make all of my jam stock too, so I know I can share with people without issue. And if it makes you feel better, the ships I've recently made (that are fantastical and not ye olde probes and space stations) are all named from StarCraft.
  4. I know about the HMS Dreadnaught, but I guess I misread about dreadnaughts being a class... And it wasn't because I played vidya games. Although I do follow the lore of Mass Effect for classes of ships for space faring vessels since the lore in the game is so well done and in depth. Also I play a bunch of space themed board games that also have that as a class. But hell, that was just my opinion. It's still rad as all hell. That's what I thought the missiles were, for some reason when I tried to make them, I failed horribly. I'll try again then, see if I suck less.
  5. It's beautiful... I can't figure out how to put stuff on ships and launch them, like missiles and crap. But it's definitely the bee's knees. Well done, old bean. Although, Dreadnaught is more of a class of ship, rather than a name. You should give it an actual name. ;D
  6. Yeah, when throttled up it makes a VERY angry turn up, lol. It's unbelievably hard to control. I didn't realize this would happen, so when I built my Hyperion, I didn't balance its thrust either, luckily, it's actually still pretty easy to control.
  7. Right on. I'll upload some pics for ya in a few hours when I get home. (In class atm)
  8. This actually gives me an idea.... :I
  9. I made 2 rovers; The first one is simply named "Universal Manned Rover." It's designed to go anywhere do, practically anything, and I just rename it according to where it lands and what job it has. It's obviously manned. It resembles a pickup truck, able to carry cargo or 4 passengers in the back, it comes with a variety of tools as well as a drill bit for minor excavation in the front; The second one is the MULE, it is an acronym for Multi Use Leviathan and Extractor. It is a 3 story vehicle capable of towing a base (designed for my Mun Base) if necessary. It can be piloted remotely (unmanned), the main components (batteries, generators, etc) are housed within the large square compartment in the center. A driver can sit in the cockpit at the bottom of the vehicle. There is also a separate compartment for passengers in the rear, ready as emergency housing. It is also designed for excavation missions.
  10. *Cough* Well, I mean, lore wise? Or did I physically put little missiles on the vehicle or something?
  11. I'll give it a go, thanks. And I did realize I left a chatterer on. I fixed the .craft file and took it off. I had trouble finding it myself... It was on the main strut under the landing can, covered by a fuel tank. lol http://www./?6tw7663u349xyv3
  12. I've never watched an episode of X-Files, tbh. :I Regardless, it's all very well crafted. Well done.
  13. I don't know why, but a giant space traveling triangle is kinda scary.
  14. Even if 2.1 times the speed of light was possible, anything even approaching 1x speed of light would obliterate whatever it crashes into. Hell, at 2.1x, I wouldn't doubt that it would create another big bang. *Sigh* I don't like to mess with FTL conversations... It's too insane. XD Also, I don't know if you misspelled it by mistake or not, but it's the Alcubierre drive. Post up more pics, it looks neato.
  15. How about Jim Raynor's Leviathan Class Battlecruiser, The Hyperion for a defense ship? I'm pretty sure any fleet would enjoy the flagship of Arcturus Mengsk in their ranks. ;D Here's a link to the thread I posted it in; http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25794-The-Hyperion
  16. Here it is guys! (There's a vid at the bottom) The Hyperion! Full lights out Low power, ambient lighting In full sunlight, all flood lights off, yamato canon closed, panels retracted Top-down view "Warp drive, on my mark.... Mark!" Mun is part of the Confederacy, get out.
  17. Oh god... I did it... *pant* It's up there... It's in orbit... Damn... Oh it's up there good.... I'll post up pics in a moment... For those who also want to try, you HAVE to do "control from here" on the docking port in the front... Otherwise, it'll control from the lander can. And that's an entire mess I can't even explain. lol
  18. It's pretty exciting how helpful the community is... It's very awesome, thank you all. Just before uploading the .craft, I almost made it again... Almost... T^T Also, if you can't tell from the pic at the bottom, I added a couple parts here and there for flavor. Mainly, the turbine intakes, because they're blue. They need to add lights and beacons and stuff to KSP. Hmm. Here's the craft; http://www./?6tw7663u349xyv3 This was the launch vehicle (the little booster on the top is to counteract the downward force created by the aerodynamic panels that most of the ship is made of. );
  19. I know. ;D Thanks, regardless. These pics were just to show off the model. I've been trying to get it into orbit all night... I only got close twice... then I ran out of fuel to circularize the orbit... T^T If we had to pay for every ship we sent into space... Well, lets just say that over 150 Kerbanauts perished trying to get this thing into orbit and the cost of all the destroyed ships would easily exceed multiple billions of dollars, probably approaching a trillion.
  20. It takes time... Hell, the first time I tried to dock, it took like 2 hours. Or something like that. It was terribly long. XD
  21. For those who recognize the name, the Hyperion is Arcturus Mengsk's flag ship back in the day of the Son's of Korhal. Afterwards, the ship was liberated by our good friend, James Eugene Raynor... or Jim Raynor. And for those who still dunno what I'm talking about, it's from Starcraft. I've seen a bunch of these amazing capital ships you guys have made on the forum (and youtube), they're beautiful and totally rad! So I wanted to make one too. I had no idea where to start, so I decided to build something that's familiar. Unfortunately, it barely resembles the Hyperion. XD Hell, as a matter of fact, I haven't been able to get it into the atmosphere... I need to try different variations of boosters and rockets. It's tough. I've only gotten as far as 12km before hell starts doing stuff. :I My friend mentioned something totally proper, "I'm pretty sure battlecruisers are constructed in space." And thus shall it be, after the Hyperion (a Leviathan class battlecruiser), I'll construct Arcturus Mengsk's latest flagship, a Gorgon class battlecruiser, Bucephalus, in space. > I know... it looks like trash. Dem flood lamps. YAMATO CANNON ENGAGE! THIS IS GENERAL EDMUND DUKE! I HAVE TAKEN TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DAMAGE! THE NORAD 2 IS GOING DOWN! D: At least the shadow looks like the Hyperion. :I
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