All of mine are stock parts. The very first station I've ever built is the Kerbal Station Alpha. It has very, very poor design choices and was made (so far) with 3 parts docked together. I was pretty crappy at docking, so it also took forever. I'm still pretty bad at it. The bottom part with the solar arrays was the first part in orbit, there are extra bits at the bottom that, again, were just poor design choices. The solar panels are attached to a research vessel. The second part is the center, which includes a general area for kerbanauts to spend time in, as well as their own private cans. And the last part, which is the very top, is a 4 way docking hub. It's a pretty poor station. It orbits at about 85km. The second and third station I ever made are identical (Solar Array X and Y) which were brought into orbit with 1 trip a piece, ie; there was no docking involved. Each one is perpendicular to the equator (so that means they go up and down) and they are also perpendicular to each other. These were inspired by the solar plants in X3. So, that's all they do... Their job is to make power cells from the solar energy they collect. Dats it. Lastly, my pride and joy so far is the Mun Base Alpha. It was made so far with 4 trips. The first one landed the 2 story core. The first floor is living quarters, the second floor is HQ. It was made this way to over look the entire base. The second trip brought over a tanker of fuel, to be used as a fuel depot (with my lore, the center of the tanker is hollow to allow passage to the 4 way hub). There is a cockpit on the end of it (it was piloted here, originally I don't know why I did it, then came up with an idea) for kerbonauts to pilot unmanned drones. The third part added does double duty as a 4 way docking hub as well as the main power center and generator of the station. With the correct lights turned on, maximum visibility can be given to the station and the surrounding area and the batteries can last through almost the entire dark cycle of Mun. And the last addition so far is a universal manned rover resembling a pick up truck that Hank Hill can be proud of, I tell you hwat. 4 passengers + the driver can fit into it. It also has some gear to elevate the vehicle to stabilize it when recharging, general parking, or when using the probing drill bit at the front (just a retracted antenna. ) Some of your guy's stations, although most of which aren't stock, are truly neato and impressive. And the stock stations I see are also extremely rad as hell. Whether or not you use mods, the game feels so rewarding when you do something you want in it. Well done, everyone.