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Posts posted by Tivec

  1. Thank you for making this mod!

    I'm really enjoying this mod, as I can now do mission, but still mess around a bit like on Sandbox or Science.

    As with Procyon above, I'm getting an issue of multiplying buttons on the toolbar.

    I will take a look at the multiplying button issue once I get back from holidays. However, that won't be until the end of august, so you'll have to hang in there. The issue is quite possibly me failing to delete the button properly, but I'll have to test.

  2. TechKonstraints

    This plugin adds part purchase requirements prior to purchasing parts in the R&D. Part purchase-ception!


    Obviously, if you have disabled part purchase in the career, you really don't need this plugin.

    For mod developers, add the following to your part configuration:

    requiredParts = solidBooster,fuelTankSmallFlat

    You could use ModuleManager to set the part requirements for other parts like this:

    // Make the LV-T30 require the RT-10 SRB and the FL-T100 before purchase can be completed.
    requiredParts = solidBooster,fuelTankSmallFlat

    // Make the LV-T45 require the
    requiredParts = liquidEngine


    All releases will be made available on Github:


    Source is also available on GitHub

    This plugin is released under the GPLv3 license.

    This plugin depends on AstrotechUtilities, GPLv3 licensed and source available on GitHub. The .dll comes bundled with the download.

  3. Version 0.4 is now released!

    You can, of course, get it in the normal place over on github, se link in the first post.

    Changes for this version:

    * Optional dependency on Blizzy78's toolbar

    * AppLauncher button visible if the toolbar is not present.

    * Technology unlock can now only happen when in the R&D screen.

    * Only funds can be locked/unlocked when not at the space center.

    * Helpful screen messages shown for certain actions.

    * Dependency on AstrotechUtilities added (dll included in release)

  4. Interstellar uses a custom part module for its radiators which these do not share. It wouldn't be terribly difficult to make a config patch to add that in via modulemanager. I'm sure if one was created, Nertea would add it to the download. Getting other things like the heat pipe to work, however, is an entirely different animal due to plugin stuff.

    I assume you want these to have KSPI compatibility because you prefer their aesthetic over KSPI's correct?

    I prefer the aesthetics in this mod greatly over the radiators in KSPI, but I also like diversity in my vessels. Having variations would make it better for sure.

  5. I'm going to need a bit of assistance from you guys. I'm trying to set up a ModuleManager patch to apply KSP Interstellar WasteHeat handling to Near Future radiators, but need a bit of guidance on some values.

    * Is there a way to figure out area, temperature and W radiated WasteHeat?

    * Can the FNRadiator have two different areas or WasteHeat emission, one for packed, one for deployed?

    Looking at the three radiators from NFT, this is how they are set up:

    GR-EXP Conformal Heat Radiator: 50kW when closed, 110kW when deployed.

    GR-4 Conformal Heat Radiator: 100kW when closed, 450kW when deployed.

    GR-1 Conformal Heat radiator: 300kW when closed, 2700kW when deployed.

    Any help would be great here.

  6. My TreeToppler modlet let's you unlock the tech tree three different ways (all, all that can be researched at the current R&D level, or manually but without costing science) if you're looking for any example code. It's GPL3, so feel free to borrow parts as long as you give attribution :)
    Thank you! I'll take a look!

    Well, that was easier than I though :) Attribution given where attribution is deserved, thank you so very much for the hint.

  7. CareerLite


    This mod locks your funds to 99 999 999 999, allowing you to play science mode with contracts. It also unlocks your technology tree as if magic, and lets you change the upgrade state of your buildings (currently all at the same time). Future plans are to set the reputation level.



    I have always been a fan of career mode in Kerbal Space Program. I've played it more or less religiously. However, there comes a time when you have done a lot: built your stations, collected that tricky piece of science data from the outskirts of the Kerbol system. You feel like it would be nice to start over, but you do not want to spend all the time grinding science, but rather build nice rockets and fulfil contracts.

    Enter the greatest thing with career mode: the contracts. There are contract packs giving you hundreds of new things to accomplish. You can gain reputation, science or funds for this. You can be told to go to mostly anywhere in the Kerbol system, as well as building satellite networks around your planets. There will always be something for you to do.

    Here comes the dilemma that gave birth to this mod: Sandbox mode has no contracts. Science mode has no contracts. It is only in career mode that this wonderful feature is available.


    I call this mod CareerLite - it allows you to play the game your way. As of version 0.1, the features are not many. It basically locks your funds to 99 999 999 999. And there is no way to stop it from doing so (well, if you do find a way, file an issue please!).

    One can argue that the functionality is already in the game. You can go into the debug menu and add money, then go build your rockets. Yes, this is true. This is also how I did it before. However, the goal and scope of this mod will be extended.

    Why would I use this?

    There are many scenarios for this:

    * I want to play with infinite funds, no limit on science, but my Kerbals still need to level up.

    * I want to play with funds, contracts, but not worry about science.

    * I want to play an open tree career mode with funds, where I have to purchase the parts but not worry about science experiments.

    * I want to play a science mode career, where my Kerbals level up, but I do not want to worry about funds.

    I think you might see the idea here :)

    Future plans

    In 0.6 and beyond, a couple of new features are planned.

    A way to lock your reputation.


    All releases will be made available on Github:


    Source is available on GitHub as well.

    This plugin is released under the GPLv3 license.

    As of version 0.4, this plugin depends on AstrotechUtilities, GPLv3 licensed and source available on GitHub. The .dll comes bundled with the download.


    • 0.5 - Just a very very simple update, this allows your to lock science points.
    • 0.4 - The GUI release! See changes in this post
    • 0.3 - All buildings are now upgraded automatically.
    • 0.2 - The technology tree unlock version.
    • 0.1 - Initial release, very basic functionality.

    Thanks to

    Many thanks to Magico13 for the mod TreeToppler that has served as inspiration for the tree unlock.

    Thanks to xEvilRepperx for showing me how the Start() method can also be a coroutine!

  8. Is the darkness time calculated including eclipses? I am using an online tool to calculate my RemoteTech network (http://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/) and it reports 1783 seconds (29 minutes) of darkness at 1200km altitude on Minmus. Fusebox reports 53 minutes. Also, I second Kerbas_ad_astra above, it would be great if it could be calculated by the planets existing in the game - thinking specifically about Outer Planets mod or other mods that do that kind of change.

  9. Hello,

    I use the StockPlugins addon to put Graphotron as part of every pod. However, whenever I do so, my rockets will automatically fire all stages when loaded to the launchpad. I have reported it in the thread of StockPlugins (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99869) but I thought I'd let you know as well in case there is something weird going on with the module being added to arbitrary parts.

  10. @Tivec: Alright, this should fix the Merge action so it now loads actions and action group names correctly. As I was not aware of that feature before, AGX actually did nothing at all when you used it previously, it was AGX monitoring the default action groups that gave it the partial behavior you saw before.

    You are aweseome!

    Thanks for the update, that'll allow me to dedicate ranges (say, group 20-30) for my satellites, so I don't risk mixing up with my launcher action groups :)

    I must say, AGX, together with Smart Parts, can make for some really fancy stuff :)

  11. Can you clarify what you mean by merge? Do you mean attaching sub-assemblies?

    Actions on group 10 not importing is probably just a typo in the code where I used <10 rather then <=10 so it processes only groups 1-9 and will be a simple fix.

    Action Names not importing on 10 and below is a bit odder. (I'm assuming you mean Action Group Names, and not the names of the actual actions themselves here.) Action Group Names are exclusive to AGX, they don't exists in base KSP so I have no clue why they would not be working only on groups 1-10.

    If you can get me a few more details it should not take me too long to fix this.


    No, it's not "merge" using subassemblies, click the load button, select another craft, and click the "merge" button in the lower left. Unless this is a mod that does it, but I'll get you some screenshots if you can't find it :)

  12. The short version: I have a suggestion for a smart part modification to the altitude meter - detector for current apoapsis or periapsis above/below a certain value.

    The long version: I have a couple of launchers that I reuse for different payloads. I try my best to not leave debris in LKO, but depending on payload weight I tend to sometimes have a little bit extra left over on the lift stage. With my addition implemented, I would be able to trigger an action group (or stage) when my periapsis reaches above 10km, allowing for the lower stage fuel valves to kick in. For my launcher, this would result in the lower stage engine shutting down due to lack of fuel, and staging can be initiated. The upper stage will now only need to spend a few m/s delta-v to finish circularizing, while the lower stage tumbles through the atmosphere and burns up.

    Thoughs on this?

  13. Hello! I have been using AGX since well, as long as it has been around I think. So, first of all I'd like to say thank you to Diazo for this excellent mod.

    I have a feature request, if it is at all possible to implement: The VAB/SPH merge function does not copy over actions over action group 10 from the merged vessel. Is it possible to make it so it imports all? It should also be noted that it fails to import the names of actions 10 and below.

  14. Hey Freethinker, I'm getting lots of tankcost spam in my output log, it may also be causing some lag, but then again I'm doing this, which could also cause some lag as 300+ parts:


    Yes, there are 15 probes in there. I miss the Hangar mod, lol.

    Output log: http://sta.sh/0u9tn3dgjgt

    I can agree to this, I started the game and ran it for only 10 minutes, and had over 15 000 lines of "InsterstellarFuelSwitch: changed addedCost to 2937.6" and similar.

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