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Everything posted by KnutG

  1. In the known issues is written, that no fix is known. But the question was how Mark Thrimm get this working. Maybe someone knows what we can make to use windowshine with working lights...?
  2. Same by me. Seems this dosen´t work in KSP 1.2.2
  3. Is there more than languages that i don´t speak in the next update or can I skip this update? (my native speak would have been german)
  4. Ehm... we have now an announcement for the localisation in Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Russian and Spanish. Nothing about german or french? Will this come in a later version of the game or are in this countrys really too few KSP friends? (I wonder because french is a speak they will spoken not only in france - also in previous colonies and german - people speak in Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
  5. OK you here only search moderators for the languages where you don´t have one. Now I think I understand this better - you don´t need german or french moderators - you already have ones - so that should be all fine for german and french adaptation of KSP. Thanks for your answers!
  6. Sorry, I´m not really shure what exactly you means. Do you mean German and French have to less KSP players for a subforum or can I only not find the right subforum. For example in the german KSP forum the community has a German patch which translate the actual game in this language but no one of the devs seems to be interestet in this. Please don´t misunderstand my posts - it´s only a question - not a fight against the devs or something like this
  7. Why only Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish - nothing about such world languages like german or french? Or are the Devs good german and french speakers by nature? Please don´t delete this post because is not really off-topic i think
  8. My first Screenshot was from my first rocket they flew my Jeb in to Kerbinorbit. This was in April 2013 (I woundered why nobody else has a first Screenshot from the launch pad..)
  9. Maybe the Tylo Easter Egg is back to the ground? Can someone check this?
  10. My best wishes und many thanks for Kerbal Space Program!
  11. here is my full working version on his trip to the mun - made a year before in KSP
  12. Duna - near the sunken Rover (or Roverhead-anomalie)
  13. something like a story in KSP - like it was planed early with the easter eggs. So that you have a good need to explore the system...
  14. on the wiki ore is the heavyest material in KSP. i found this weights: Ore 10kg / unit Solid Fuel 7,5 kg/ unit Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer and Inake Air (!) have 5kg / l Monoprop 4kg / l Ablator 1 kg / unit Xenon Gas 0,1kg / unit the only Tank that will sink is the full ore Tank - the other ones are swimming, so thats the density of water must be between 10 and 5 kg/ l I think. (i havnt tryed solid fuel yet)
  15. I love to dive in the ocean of 1.0.5 For a greater experience on this it would be cool someone can add aquatic live forms and plants underwater. Maybe in Stock or as Mod... Also nice would be underwater easter eggs like sunken ships or buildings of ancient kerbals...
  16. Whats happend with the barn? I heard nothing about it for a long time... Comes this with 1.0.5 , 1.1 or never?
  17. KSP for the Playstation? What a bad idea! What about 1.0.3 or 1.1 ? - No one should port a buggy game on a console... and no one needs KSP on a console...
  18. Jeb: I remember thats the Tylo Easter Egg was under ground...
  19. Here a summary of my EveMission (realised 9 month ago with KSP V.023.5) First i have searched my landing site with a RoverTanker-probe (Eve Easter Egg from Kerbtown Mod) than - i startet in to kerbin Orbit: there - i refill the Boosters: after get to an higher orbit and refuell again we can start the voyage 2 Eve after Eve Aerobraking... i refilled the Boosters again... and the landing can begin... (later i begin the exploration of the Eve-cave (Kerbtown Mod) with the also landet EveFlyer) After the cave-exploration... ...and an excursion with the EveFlyer the Kerbonauts comes back to the landing ship... this will be continued... - - - Updated - - - Now, they start back to Orbit... (video as link because i dónt can include more than 5 videos now) It´s done!!! Now the landing legs will be attached and we fly home to Kerbin here comes the science summary: And the stats (without EveFlyer and Refuel-ExplorerRover) [table] [tr] [th]Ship[/th] [th]Part Count[/th] [th]Launch Weight[/th] [th]Cost[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]EveExplorer I[/td] [td]571[/td] [td]2406.6[/td] [td]1,212,542[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Eve Tanker 1 (2)[/td] [td]335[/td] [td]2,848.8[/td] [td]1,287,424[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Eve Tanker 3[/td] [td]342[/td] [td]2,785.6[/td] [td]1,272,722[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Eve Home (with landing legs)[/td] [td]133[/td] [td]675.6[/td] [td]340,840[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Totals[/td] [td]1716[/td] [td]11564.4[/td] [td]5,400,952[/td] [/tr] [/table] The costs i have looked today with my old craft-files (in 0.23.5 all this has cost nothing ) And i checked wheter the Ship fits in the VAB circle:
  20. Oh - i spendet many time to do this - the hardest thing was to bring the asteroid from Kerbin in a good Moho-Orbit. To do this i have testet many transporters, but at the end its a funny use of asteroids. If someone have too much time, he can try to fill the hole complete with asteroids...
  21. with rovers you have so much fun to explore all celestial bodys - and you can make stunts on low gravity worlds...
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