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Everything posted by DasMike

  1. Ah, I definitely did have them on. I honestly had no idea about that issue, so thanks for the heads-up! By the way, is there any way to turn them off permanently? Seems like it would be more convenient than remembering to tap F10 every time I loaded a savegame.
  2. Okay, thanks for the response! I saw your post earlier this morning so I decided to confirm for myself whether the Heat Management or Heat Control mods were responsible for my CTD bug. Turns out it's neither, so that's good news. On the other hand, I've noticed that the CTD bug happens when any of my solar panels aren't facing the sun. They'll reach about half of their max rated temperature, and the CTD will trigger, without any input by me. I'm going to have to go to the support board for this one, since this is just too strange to be coincidental.
  3. Pardon me if this is off-topic, but what differentiates Unity 4.6.4 32-bit hack from the 64-bit .exe produced by Squad? I know from experience that the 64-bit .exe is rather finicky and unstable, but have you noticed significantly better performance with the hack? Also, I'm seriously considering making a Linux partition just so I can run all of these gorgeous enhancements with my favorite mods, but I keep hearing different opinions as to the best build to use. I'm not very well acquainted with Linux, as I've only used Ubuntu, but I've read some rather favorable reviews regarding Mint.
  4. I recently downloaded the Atomic Age mod, and seeing as I'm obsessed with all things nuclear, Heat Management was a godsend! However, I encountered a rather strange bug when I was on a routine mapping survey to the Mun. Here's a breakdown: 1. Hohmann transfer from Kerbin to Mun SOI - Went off without a hitch, the radiators did an admirable job keeping the single Nuclear Lightbulb engine from overheating. 2. Mun Injection Angle Adjustment - Since I'm running SCANSAT, I wanted to make sure my final orbital inclination was somewhere between 75 and 90 degrees. Again, no problems were encountered. 3. Circularization Burn - Negligible amounts of dV were expended, the maneuver itself was executed without issue. 4. Bug encountered - Upon completion of the burn, the radiators began overheating. Using HyperEdit, I turned on the Heat Editor to see which parts were causing the overheat. The Nuclear Lightbulb wasn't firing, throttle was 0, and the insulator that I had attached as an extra insurance policy showed no signs of overheat. But the temperature on the radiators continued to climb. Again, the engine temperature was normal, just about under 25% max temp. Using the Heat Editor, I turned it down to 0, and the heat radiators started to cool rapidly. Turning the engine heat up again, even under about 5% of max, and the radiators turned cherry red again in short order. For some reason, this resulted in a CTD, with no crash log generated. I've got about a dozen mods installed, none of which have given me any trouble before. However, the most likely culprits seem to be either TweakScale or TweakableEverything. I wish I had taken screenshots, but it was such a humdrum mission that I didn't consider the possibility until it was all over. I also should mention that I'm running 1.0.2, which seems to be having memory leak issues at the moment. However, without a crash log I can't confirm that this was the issue.
  5. The new model is looking really good! I actually did a playtest with just the Orion and found it completely adequate as an SSTO platform, only problem, as several people have mentioned thus far, was that it wasn't very good at precise orbital maneuvers. So I slapped on a few Fatman NERVA engines, kind of like what mushroomman did, and it DID seem to do the trick. Of course, I'm eagerly awaiting a version that works with the throttle controls, but for now this seems like an effective workaround solution. Also, I thought I'd include some artistic references for anyone with the skill (not me, sadly) and the interest to come up with different Orion-type designs. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/artgallery.php#WilliamBlack http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/artgallery.php#id--Rhys_Taylor
  6. You know, I'm actually very surprised that this feature wasn't included in the vanilla game, it massively adds to the versatility of the whole control group concept. Have an elaborate multi-part ship that consists of pieces that you docked in orbit? I'll bet some of those action groups from each ship overlap with each other, which would make this editor a life saver for complicated missions. Squad, if you're reading this, I will marry you (somehow) if you include something like this in the next patch! P.S. If you also include something akin to the Sub-Assembly Loader, I'll donate my spleen and maybe a kidney to charity!
  7. Nyrath, this stuff makes me positively giddy with anticipation! Quick question, though; I noticed in the screenshots that explosions aren't putting off a whole lot of light, and while that's just a minor aesthetic issue of mine, is it possible to make the bomb detonations emit a brighter flash when they detonate? By the way Canopus, here's a cool video from Orbiter that shows that design in action:
  8. How in the world did you manage to build that thing without having your computer scream in agony? I hit the 200 part limit and I just start lagging like crazy, and my PC is pretty much mid-range.
  9. First, thanks so much for working on this, I've been waiting for a Project Orion style propulsion system for such a long time! Quick question though, are the textures you're using going to be the ones that come with the first release? I like how intricate they look, but the textures on the engine itself seem a little stretched out - - If you have the time, would you consider maybe releasing the textures so we can edit them perhaps? I'd like to make a texture that gives the engine a "stock" part look to it.
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