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Everything posted by AvronMullican

  1. after a hiatus and rebuilding phase, I'm is back, are any of you open for a battle? @ScriptKitt3h It looks cool, can I have it? (also I made this for my craft videos Link:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79565-M-I-L-L-S-Military)
  2. A series about the Industrialization of space
  3. Thanks for understanding, Right now i want to work on some Youtube videos, but who knows? maybe in a month or so i will have redesigned my fleet and be back.
  4. @daemonCaptrix Felling kinda burnt out on this fight, it's not that i'm scared to finish, it's just that...i don't know...can someone else finish, You can have the win/loss
  5. Persistent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ber5cje885yg57c/persistent.sfs And the Video I forgot to upload
  6. Since V-1 and V-2 Are dead does this mean i can use my crusier? EDIT: Also the rules do allow me to move more than one ship per turn. Right?
  7. Persistent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ber5cje885yg57c/persistent.sfs
  8. @daemonCaptrix I probably will have the save up tomorrow, Sorry it is taking so long
  9. Here's plan B: @daemonCaptrix I checked, you're right, i'm Screwed.
  10. Persistent:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ber5cje885yg57c/persistent.sfs Green Three takes out Silver Two Video will be up tomorrow
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0i36s3QpIg Persistent:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ber5cje885yg57c/persistent.sfs Sorry it took so long.
  12. Thanks for the advice. How does the following sound: 6 Ships max 200 tons max Minmus (have to stay in kerbin SOI,no landing.)
  13. Uh...Whoops, But technically the missile is part of the ship until fired, and all i used was RCS until i made the shot
  14. Episode 5: "revenge of the Shem" Persistence : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ber5cje885yg57c/persistent.sfs
  15. One quick question, can i steal weapons and fuel of my enemy's dead ships?
  16. Vengeance flies upon the wing of a falcon Lime One shall pay for his crime! Persistent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ber5cje885yg57c/persistent.sfs Your turn.
  17. 1.Fraps 2.default settings It was easier than screenshots, and I already have a youtube channel. BTW are you done with your move yet?
  18. Blue three Destroys Lime leader Persistent : http://https://www.dropbox.com/s/ber5cje885yg57c/persistent.sfs (Hope I did things the right way:))
  19. Nope still not working, ether its me or it's the site...Perhaps using dropbox or Mediafire?
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