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Everything posted by AvronMullican

  1. Meh, trying to bait some large ships into a fire fight
  2. Anyone up for a fighter battle? (I'm just spoiling for a fight:))
  3. DL link plz, I think i can crack it. BTW, pic of wreekedge
  4. ahh...Zekes.. I found a problem with the drek XXV's design
  5. Company Name: Paladin Industries Owner: AvronMullican Allegiance: HKA Bio: Paladin Industries was formed when M.I.L.L.S. and K.E.S. consolidated to defeat KORE. Paladin Industries specializes in fighters and light drones. They have taken the side of HKA due to the belief that all kerbals should be free. Products: Rublic Light Fighter Stats: Delta-V: Armament: More Photos Download link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5y76lhn8p8h3cs/Rublic%20Fighter.craft?dl=0
  6. alemango12's head was shattered by a 20,000 decibel speaker playing AC/DC music
  7. I would like to confirm Interstellar Lite v0.12.3 works in 0.25, the only catch is, you must update tweakscale http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91867-0-24-2-Interstellar-Lite-Tweakscale-Integration-v0-12-3-Sept-7
  8. Would any one be interested in making a halloween themed texture pack?
  9. Zombie Kerbal Model i started with. (If they look horrible, it is either because i made them, or because i made them in MS paint)
  10. The point of this game is (IMHO) to whatever one wishes to do, But the same point of krashing and killing kerbals is in Battling, you goal is to destroy others ships. why does it matter if the ship is your's or your friend's?
  11. The purpose is to raise awareness. My motivation came from HERE.
  12. Dear SQUAD, Your mods are gods, they can silence all dissent without answering for their actions. Your EULA states that you can walk away at any time, so if all else fails, you can quit. You could sell to Microsoft for 2.5 BILLION, and give a lame excuse like "I felt like i was losing my humanity". In short, you have nothing to fear. Sincerely, AvronMullican.
  13. I see your point, But the issue still remains, they are afraid of outrage. Dear SQUAD, Put on your man pants and quit being afraid of us. Your mods are gods, they can silence all dissent without answering for their actions. Your EULA states that you can walk away at any time, so if all else fails, you can quit. You could sell to Microsoft for 2.5 BILLION, and give a lame excuse like "I felt like i was losing my humanity". In short, you have nothing to fear. Sincerely, AvronMullican.
  14. Amen Dude. However, Squad chose not to build a roadmap for fear that they would not be able to deliver. When stock resources where tanked people raised heil about it.
  15. I missed the squadcast. can somebody post a picture of the destroyed buildings? Please?
  16. I'm planing a 2:30 release of 3 new ships.
  17. Funny story, you people are using "she" as a pronoun to describe a possible character I would play as in the near future. Abraham is a boy name. Currently i do not feel i could do a female character justice. So...anyway I have settled on a character who likes fire, but isn't a pyro. I also have come up with an idea to base my character off of, Multiple Personalities.
  18. I found out that the next capain will be set in modern times, and that the DM will not allow dwarves for this campain. I was thinking of being some sort of crazy pyro. Any ideas?
  19. Hi guys, Abraham here, I am planing on joining a D&D game that is ongoing at my school. Any tricks, tips, or plain old good advice would be much appreciated. (I have never played before, so i am kinda out of my comfort zone.)
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