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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Is there a list somewhere of the actual names used by the config file to map keys and buttons? I couldn't find any reference to mouse buttons, right-click, left-click, etc etc. The only section with Mouse involved is the AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL section. Is there a way to add in our own mouse button names, and scroll_up, scroll_down etc etc? For instance, I know that my mouse (Logitech m570) uses the names 'button 5' and 'button 4' for scroll up and scroll down. Is there a way to add those into the settings.cfg file? I've tried a couple variations of 'Scroll_up = Button4' and 'Scroll_up = Button 4' but they just get wiped from the settings file when the game starts, so I'm assuming I'm not using the correct format.
  2. The mouse wheel issue in linux is a bug, not a choice
  3. I'm with this guy. I'm a linux user and the mouse scroll bug is a deal breaker for me. I did fire up a new install of the game and it's very laggy, with ZERO mods installed. I'll wait on some real optimization for this release before I commit.
  4. I run it with the 64bit client on a laptop, using Linux Mint. Being on a laptop, I have no choice but to run it with the X server driver and it's fine for me. I have heard that a better graphics card does make the game look better, but I have no complaints with my visuals. I have also heard people say that the 64bit client is buggy, but again, I've had no issues with it. Other than the new mouse scroll bug in the update, I couldn't be happier. (Not going to run 0.20 until that is fixed and the mods all catch up)
  5. So...they broke mouse scrolling in 0.20? Cause it worked fine in 0.19
  6. I would kill for a KSP VAB app for android. Don't really need to run missions, but it would be awesome to be able to assemble stuff on my phone!
  7. I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I find myself trying to right-click and pan around screenshots of KSP stuff that I find
  8. You need to post the mods you're using as well, can't load the craft because I'm missing 9 components.
  9. At least I can drop vehicles in orbit (haven't looked at Hyper Edit enough to drop them on the surface yet) and test them. Would suck to build and fly all the way there to realize you can't come back.
  10. I wondered if there was a way to just insert a ship into orbit somewhere. I'll look for that!
  11. That video solution is cool. I would rather have him go out and down the outside of the tanks. Maybe I should just launch and see if this thing actually can land and take off from Eve first?
  12. This is hopefully going to Eve. That black tank is for descent and initial liftoff from Eve, and the second stage with all the boosters is to get me the rest of the way. I've tried all kinds of configs for the ladders, I'm working now on using 3 large grey tanks instead of that black one...but I'm thinking that isn't really the issue. The issue is once the Kerbal gets to the top of the ladder, he just falls off. I can sometimes get them down to the top of the black tank, and even off of the black tank, but getting back up is the problem. I need a way to transition from the top of the ladder, onto the top of the black tank without falling back down off of the ladder.
  13. I have THIS craft that I'm trying to create a way for the Kerbal to get out of the capsule and down to the ground. I'm coming up short, can't get any ladder configuration to work. I can get him down the main tank between SRBs and onto the booster tank, but I can't get him over the booster tank edge onto a ladder reliably. I have come close, but I can't get him back up again. I have KSPX parts, KW Rocketry, Quantum Struts and Mechjeb 2.0 parts on this craft if you want to try it out and help me EDIT - Here is a screenshot for quicky suggestions
  14. Physical time warp can rip your ship apart, be careful. Another tip is, if your in orbit, waiting years on a window to open to do your burn you can put any other vehicle on the launch pad and time warp your heart out using it, there are no limits on time warp for a ship sitting on the pad.
  15. Nice, Just being able to look at it and see what it takes to get down and back up off of Eve will help me!
  16. I've been working on something to take off from Eve...it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I was using a 3 man capsule. I think I'm going to scratch that and start from a 1 man capsule and see how that works. Does anyone have .craft files they want to share of their Eve landers and liftoff vehicles?
  17. I'm loving this thread now. Learning lots of new stuff. I don't know if it was the physical accelerated time or not, but shortly after learning that, I tried it out and didn't see any noticable shaking, but *after* I turned it off and went to make another move, one of my 4 nuke engines fell off I'm going to disable it's opposite and try to continue this mission to Eve, there is enough fuel left to make a difference on my ship in orbit. In the meantime I'll disable all the middle RCS ports and just use the ones on the ends to see if that helps on this mission. I'll re-do this transport ship with linear RCS's and an additional command pod and see if that helps in the future.
  18. Nice idea, never thought of that! Another great idea. Never knew about physical time acceleration or adding more command pods.
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