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  1. @Angel-125The Mk2 Docking port appears twice in the tech tree. First appearance is in the Advanced Construction node. This Mk2 DP has 2 variants. The 2nd occurrence is in the Specialized Construction node. This version doesn't state it has any variants. Is having the port appear twice in the tech tree intentional?
  2. Looks like there is a dependency on Toadicus Tools..... ... [LOG 20:25:20.587] Load(Assembly): VOID/MiniAVC [LOG 20:25:20.587] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VOID\MiniAVC.dll [LOG 20:25:20.590] Load(Assembly): VOID/Plugins/VesselSimulator [LOG 20:25:20.590] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VOID\Plugins\VesselSimulator.dll [LOG 20:25:21.016] Load(Assembly): VOID/Plugins/VOID [LOG 20:25:21.016] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\VOID\Plugins\VOID.dll [LOG 20:25:21.675] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssemblyDependency 'ToadicusTools' V0.0.0 [LOG 20:25:21.675] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssemblyDependency 'VesselSimulator' V0.0.0 ... [WRN 20:25:24.162] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'VOID' has not met dependency 'ToadicusTools' V0.0.0 [WRN 20:25:24.162] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'VOID' is missing 1 dependencies
  3. I'm having a weird issue with the RPND-A Service Compartment. The doors aren't there but are kinda. Anyone having this issue?
  4. I'm fairly certain the welding stuff are functions of KIS. You have to be careful that you are selecting the correct part, which can be challenging from the Kerbal EVA position.
  5. The WBM-400 fuel tank has a 0.00L capacity for KIS inventory.
  6. Pretty sure this is the same behavior I saw that @Angel-125 said he couldn't reproduce.
  7. Another solution is that if you think this is OP don't perform the experiments. Why should Angel-125 be responsible for preventing you from doing something in a Mod he doesn't control?
  8. What is the difference between "Backseat Crew" and "Science" configuration of the Appaloosa?
  9. I did not initiate the experiments. Right clicked on the Appaloosa to turn on cabin lights and noticed the "Get Results" items.
  10. Let me know if there is any way I can assist in tracking down the bug.
  11. I'm a little bit confused by the science experiments. The KSPedia seems to indicate that the Backseat is meant to be a container for moving experiments and that they need to be conducted in a MOLE lab. Am I supposed to be able to run the experiment with only the Appaloosa in orbit? I'm getting results, nearly instantly, with just an Appaloosa.
  12. Career mode - only have first 3 tiers of science unlocked + Adv. Flight in tier 4. Sandbox mode it works as expected. So it appears to be related to career mode. Are there certain nodes that need to be researched to unlock the experiments? Found this in most of the .cfg files in ..\WildBlueIndustries\Mole\LDEF\Experiments TechRequired = spaceExploration Space Exploration is a Tier 4 unlock that I don't have yet.
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