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Everything posted by Conarr

  1. Dude! Did you even take the time to play around with the update before you started grinding out fixes? I gotta admit I was hoping for a quick turn around because I use this mod a lot, but seriously, take a breather man.
  2. For now, but Squad has said they'll be phasing out the old directory structure.
  3. On the advanced missile systems, the fins up front are stabilization and spin control. The fins in back are for steering. That particular rocket system has to make incredibly (relative to velocity) tight turns. In my experiments with fins in KSP, putting them at the top works pretty much in the same way it does for the missile - spin control. Just like for the missiles, you don't want it spinning like mad because it's hard to control. IMO
  4. Ah come on guys, give the author some time to mess around in the new version a little while. Patience is it's own reward ... or something like that
  5. Is there a way to unload parts that don't work anymore - or if the texture is broken? I'm referring to the in-game ALT+12 menu thingy. I saw how you reload them, but I couldn't find an unload. Wanted to make sure before I just went and nuked them out of the old parts folder
  6. If you don't want to use MechJeb, or don't trust it to land (like me), then you can set your orbit directly over the site and when you pass overhead, burn like crazy until the orbit drops straight down on the site. Then just land like normal. Alternatively, if you don't have that much fuel laying about, you can set maneuver nodes that ease you down right on top of it and then throw out an anchor - so to speak. Void has a pretty good description of how to land, so I won't repeat it. F5 a lot until you get the hang of it
  7. That won't work, at least it didn't when I tried. Said the name was already used
  8. I didn't say I gave up at 2AM, I just said hello to it as it went by
  9. I know right?! Just one more launch and I can rest. Well that one exploded, but I know how to fix it! Won't take but a second. That didn't work. Maybe ... hello 2AM
  10. I think I've produced what I believe to be a pretty cool power core for my stations or mining operations. I'd like to get other opinions so I can fine tune it and make it better. HERE is the craft file. Edit: Oh, no part clipping. I don't really know how the top set of RTG's merged into the second set, but I just went with it
  11. My name comes from an RPG I played as a kid and the Avatar is Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from the cartoon Phineas and Ferb (which is the most awesome show on television in the US - a hell of a lot better than reality TV). Dr. D is portrayed as "as a routinely bumbling, incompetent and forgetful evil scientist intent on taking over the entire tri-state area" which I thought was super appropriate for my spacecraft building skills. Of course I'm planning on taking over the entire Kerbin-Space area.
  12. Least Fav: Kerbin - that's why I keep trying to leave Most Fav: Duna, if you look at my ribbons that's as far as I've been.
  13. 1. Stupid Kraken, I thought it was dead. 2. I used MechJeb for this particular launch ... and ... 3. It was late at night, I'd had a few beers and I was just being silly. Nothing like LUI (Launching under the Influence) to make a wacky game even more interesting But, but ....
  14. I've been eyeballing this one for a while and I think I'm going to give it a go. I wanted to say I think it's cool you're putting the effort into your mod and responding well to those who've used it. As I am actually testing the game, it is in Alpha after all, and not really playing any long term missions, it won't make any difference to my save, but I think I would really enjoy the extra challenge - even in testing. Edit: As soon as SpacePort comes back online. Sheesh! Do you have a mirror DL link by any chance that I missed while reading the post?
  15. Shhhh! You weren't supposed to tell anyone! The situation really did happen, and yes, I was totally being silly. It was late at night and I had to get "just one more launch and then bed". That turned into another hour and a half.
  16. Nah, I have a steady hands and nerves of aluminum. So you see, it can't be my piloting. And Physical laws are constant, even in KSP, so that's out. My laptop is uber, scratch that one. I think Fiddle is right, totally sabotaged. You should form a committee and launch an investigation. I'm thinking it might have been HoY. He was pretty quick to comment and point the finger at other reasonable possibilities. Oh and for the darth guy that didn't read and commented about my rant in caps ... here you go! PAY ATTENTION!
  17. Oh, don't go applying reason to my completely irrational rant. No room for that sort of thing!
  18. Squad, listen, I don't mind my stuff blowing up. Happens all the time. I don't mind it blowing up for no reason. That happens too. But when my stuff blows up, I want to be the one to fix it. Strap on more struts, or chew an extra bit of gum and jam it in the cracks MacGyver style, or something! My rocket tonight exploded! Was I upset about the structural failure between the blah, blah blah and the rock-o-max what's it? No. Calm as a cucumber. I went into the VAB and right back out by accident - button happy. So I launched it again while I was there, thinking I'd actually pay attention to the parts that failed this time. Guess what? It flew perfectly the second time. What?! How can I engineer when I change nothing, NOTHING, not even thinking happy thoughts, and the second launch went perfectly. But some miracle cure of the VAB air conditioning or whatever fixes my junk. That's not fair Squad! No! I want to fix my dumb engineering mistakes. FIX IT! Sheesh! Makes a guy insane I tell you.
  19. No! No, aim it at the Mun and take pictures! See where I'm going with this?
  20. I build stronger craft to survive debris impact events
  21. How many gallons of urine scared out of Bob or Bill
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