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Everything posted by Conarr

  1. Having experienced peak 8.8g for 13 frames (can't remember the frames / sec conversion anymore) I can tell you emphatically, no one wants to experience more than about 9g's Also, not meaning to hijack the thread for non-Deadly Reentry stuff, I'm DL'ing the mod now and I'll post my test results ASAP
  2. Damnit man, I'm an ASAS not a pilot! Fly your own ship
  3. Is there a way to delay the deployment of parachutes on expended stages? I'd like the chutes to deploy about 500m above their open altitude?
  4. But that's pretty cool. To the pole!
  5. Since .20, I'm up around 750(ish) before I get annoyed
  6. On it! That is an awesome idea
  7. Well, I feel compelled to add in this design to the mix. The Model - B, shown below, has better handling, performance and ergonomic design characteristics than the old A model, extra crew capacity for those long duration missions and external lighting for where ever your travels take you in the dark of space!
  8. Not sure if anyone has thought of the poker table yet (probably has since everyone here is so smart), but I was inspired by some other clever designs and thought I'd throw this out. And a special table Jeb built: http://imgur.com/a/lQ3xn#2
  9. Conarr = father, and so for Father's day I've put in a request for a certain bumper sticker, coffee mug and T-shirt.
  10. And also, you can close one eye, drink a lot of beer and steer with your toes and still make a docking connection with the 2m ports
  11. Have you been reading my mission logs again?
  12. Too late, I totally overwrote .. overwroted .. overwritted, whatever
  13. I really liked these. The cinematography was very good, particularly the nose flyby on your second or third hawk reel
  14. That is freaking awesome. I love clever stuff like this
  15. Chobit, you know your puny little gunships ... oh wait, my KRussian accent ... Your puny little gunships are no match for our vast armadas!
  16. Dude, that's is like the worst understatement ever. Just a useful feature. Like calling the sunset an okay light bulb. It's freaking huge! Thank you
  17. Well, with multiple thousands lines of code going our to public consumption, I can't imagine how something could be missed!
  18. Awesome sauce anyway, even if they pulled it for copyright stuffs. And no tongue, as requested
  19. That's a sweet looking clock. You should be proud of that one
  20. I've been giving the fish eye to the Ioncross life support thingy for a while. I think I'll get that as well as soon as it's ready.
  21. Well that would take all the fun and nervous anticipation out of this
  22. I'd kiss somebody if they'd add a Normandy to model to KSP.
  23. Oh I get it man. Kethane is one of three mods / plugins / what-evers I use. I really want it to work, but these poor guys are getting hounded to death I bet. I can sit on my hands a bit and try that stiff upper lip stuff for a while.
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