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Everything posted by BananaDealer

  1. Oooh... New version! Edit: Just wanna say- the info thing got gone when I updated to LoDv3. Also some parts aren't getting their textures loaded properly. Some are high-res, others would be as if you're loading with quarter/eight-res on. That's after the thing's supposedly done preparing...
  2. This is just a pack with alternative textures for the FusTek parts. I'd advise directing any feedback/requests for the parts themselves to the relative FusTek thread.
  3. Oooh... Intersting... I've been looking around for something resembling an MMU/SPK.
  4. I concur with the above post. A lot of the cockpits/capsules have lost the transparency of their windows, even when all the required textures are loaded... I'm talking about cockpit view during flight.
  5. The fact that the "loaded" value is 0 and you have a craft loaded means the mod isn't functioning properly as it will not unload textures of parts that are placed.
  6. Again, pink textures means the mod is still fetching them. There should be a little info box in the centre of your screen, around the vessel name, that tells you how many textures are getting loaded. That and the p (prepared textures) and l (loaded textrues) values on the LoD display should represent that as well. Since both are at 0, I'm guessing something might be wrong with the LoD cache. Delete the folder called "Load on Demand" in your GameData (keep the .dll with the same name though) to clear it and see what happens.
  7. "Ref All" fetches all the textures you have, so yeah it's gonna crash the game for you if you're running close to the memory limit. I'm not quite sure what "GC" means but it seems to clear the loaded/prepared textures every time I press it... As for the purple/missing textures- It takes time for the mod to load up and prepare all the required textures.There's a little thing in the middle o your screen that tells you how many textures are getting loaded. If that amount gets quite large it can take a significant amount of time, or crash the game...
  8. It does. Not much but it does save you a couple MBs of memory. It really depends on what mods you use and if they're texture-heavy.
  9. No... A restart of the game remedied the issue however.
  10. So I'm running (as in right now) into this strange bug that's preventing the mod from preparing any of the textures. The result? Everything in the Editor is pink (ie- there's no textures on the models)! It's actually pretty great. Since none of the textures are actually getting loaded, KSP's running pretty smooth... But it's also weird, ugly and somewhat irritating...
  11. I am used to bugs... This is the KSP modding community we are it, after all... Also, on a related note- Updating my 50-odd mods is tedious... I leave KSP alone for a month and y'all decide to have a coding party...
  12. Huh? SCANsat got updated? Why did I not hear of this... (a.k.a shameless sub post)
  13. You'll be getting a lot of hard crashes in VAB if you're insistent on sticking to full/half res. Even with aggressive ATM. It's to do with how the mod handles texture loading for the part catalog.
  14. Stretchy tanks and this mod don't really seem to like each other... Try not to flip through the multiple textures, otherwise LoD will throw a fit on the floor and start drooling all over the carpet...
  15. "Manually" working around this would be removing the part/texture causing the problem. And it's not memory, I think- as in at that point the KSP.exe is only at about 1GB. In any case, I'll be off KSP until I find some solution to this...
  16. Hmmm, just a quick suggestion/tip/whatever for the next version- maybe have the name/file path for the texture that's getting loaded show up above/below the counter. I'm currently experiencing issues with the thing crashing on initial texture load when it reaches about 500 textures (out of 2207). Having a thing that tells you which texture is currently being loaded/prepared would come in handy for tracking down the problem...
  17. The actual amount of RAM you have doesn't matter as KSP can only ever use about 3GB at most. By the looks of your GameData folder, I'm guesstimating that you're hitting about 2000 textures, probably more. The mod in general has issues with over-loading textures in VAB. Having more than 2000 textures makes crashes even more often. I don't know of a work-around to this unfortunately... We'll just have to wait until the mod is made to handle loading and unloading of textures better...
  18. Depending on how many textures you're running with... On my end, with 2198 textures- it crashes fairly often in VAB. But it's stable while in-flight.
  19. Yes, but it would be good to figure out what's going wrong... Are you using a custom R&D tree, other than the Interstellar one?
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