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The Ideal Gas Lawyer

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Everything posted by The Ideal Gas Lawyer

  1. I'll give it a shot when I get home from work but TAC seems to be working fine, GUI and all. I used it with the KAS pipes to rescue a science mission that got stuck on the moon
  2. That doesn't make much sense. How would it know what's going on with other mods? Currently running HOME/DEMV4 from bobcat, chatterbot, ehanced navball, firespitter, Jool V Heavy Launcher, Kerbal Engineer, Kethane, KSPX, MechJeb2, Orbital Construction, Planet Factory, TAC fuel balencer and Alarm Clock. All seem to be working (haven't rigerously tested most of them since I'm in career mode) but no kethane overlay in map view.
  3. I'm planning on it, I'm just trying to figure out by how much. I do appreciate your input. Any thoughts on the SRB?
  4. My understanding is between power, weight and Isp, you get to pick 2. The engine does weigh 20T. The Isp does definitely need to come down though but I'm not sure it needs to go that far
  5. I'm trying to update the Jool V parts pack for .22/23 since it seems to be abandoned by Bobcat Industries. It was originally made sometime around .18 iirc, the screeshot gives you some idea how old it is. I know other mods add comically large SRBs and massive 3m tanks/engines but I always like these and thought it would be a fun way to learn. I've never done anything in the way of modding but by looking at config files for stock parts I'm stumbling my way through. I've gotten the parts working by wrapping the "Part {}" brackets around the whole file but now I'm trying to figure out what values to add for the new parameters and how to balance whats already there. There are three main parts I'm trying to figure out the balance for. The SRBs, the first stage engine and the second stage engine. SRB: oldValue - newValue entryCost = XXXX - 3000 cost = 800 - 1200 mass = 1.75 breakingForce = 630 breakingTorque = 630 maxTemp = 3900 maxThrust = 1200 heatProduction = 500 atmosphereCurve key = 0 320 - 275 key = 1 280 - 245 RESOURCE name = SolidFuel amount = 3200 Main Engine: ValueentryCost = XXXX - 40000 cost = 850 - 3850 mass = 20 breakingForce = 630 breakingTorque = 630 maxTemp = 3600 MaxThrust = 7000 heatProduction = 470 atmosphereCurve Key = 0 390 - 330 (same as mainsail) Key = 1 300 - 280 Second Stage Engine: ValueentryCost = XXXX - 30000 cost = 850 - 3300 mass = 8 breakingForce = 630 breakingTorque = 630 maxTemp = 3600 MaxThrust = 2800 heatProduction = 500 atmosphereCurve Key = 0 390 - 350 (same as Skipper) Key = 1 300 - 300 I've added all three to the "Very Heavy Rocketry" TT node but I'd like some feedback on the other values I've chosen or have yet to chose. Mostly I'm struggling with the Isp since I know it's OP right now.
  6. I've always been partial to Gilly personally. A planet in a retrograde orbit around serious could be a trip.
  7. More struts, more boosters. Most generic (and effective) advice in KSP, ever. For the record, I agree.
  8. Made a vehicle that sits on the launch pad with 25km/s of dV. Only modded parts are the 2m NERVA from KSPX and the comically large SRBs from the BCI Jool V launcher
  9. Smack in the middle of a Hohman transfer to Serious with a single 2m Nerva. Long burn is long >.< I would have 3 if the orange tank with an engine hadn't broken off for no reason forcing me to move fuel and dump its twin Edit: Despite losing a full orange tank along the way, bob made it to Joker over a period of about 15 years with 4km/s of dV to spare. Not enough to come home but still pretty good. The 1Mx and 50Mx warp is super clutch. Mod is crazy awesome, I can't wait for black hole shenanigans. Album if anyone cares
  10. Darn ;_; I haven't played the version with Serious yet so I'll get on that.
  11. I'm intrigued. Is this scaled like the Real Solar System or like the 1-to-9 size that normal KSP is? I hope the latter, I'm not yet pro enough to be flying an order of magnitude further to get anywhere Oh man I cant wait to play this. Stupid real life. Gotta go to my job and $#!+. Tonight I'm going to be all over this. Edit from said stupid job: I'm thinking I'm going to give it a shot with a just a Stayputnik mated to a 3m Jool V engine. If nothing else, that will make for one heck of a gravity assist Krag, is this new version available for download yet? The one on Spaceport looks like its from a week ago.
  12. Not sure what calculator you mean but Mechjeb 2.0's calculator works flawlessly with this mod. I'm on my phone right now so I can't check the dV values for your right now
  13. The username sounds like a variation on Agatha so I assume so. I've also seen other people refer to Krag as such. Doesn't matter much, try not to act so surprised.
  14. Everybody really needs to stop demanding that Kragrathea add/modify/remove X, Y and Z like entitled children. She's got an awesome mod going and if you think you can do it better, write your own FFS. Suggestions are fine but all the "do this" and "you have to change that" is really rude. Krag, this is awesome, keep it up.
  15. I usually avoid that (and the accidental reentry problem to some degree) by setting up the maneuver node so that I know how much dV I need but then burning towards the prograde marker instead of the blue node marker. It avoids wasting fuel by burning off-angle and it slowly moves to be coincident with the maneuver node at T-0 and then beyond it in the second half of the burn. So long as you monitor the ejection angle in map view to make sure that it ends up where it needs to be it works quite well.
  16. That's got to put a real cramp in your timewarp though. Also aligning your major axis such that its points prograde At the time you wish to escape might be kind of difficult
  17. Well the difference in the launch between a 75km orbit and a 605km orbit is around 310 the first window to Jool the difference in ejection burn is 3 in favour of the higher orbit So you lose 307 deltaV with the second option.
  18. I addressed this earlier in the thread Exactly. It might help if I make the question more specific. If I am going to Jool, What is the difference in dV between these two flight plans: 1) Launch from the surface of Kerbin into a 100km parking orbit, wait for the TJI window and burn until I get an intercept 2) Launch from the surface of Kerbin into a 605km parking orbit, wait for the TJI window and burn until I get an intercept
  19. That assumes I’m refueling at that orbit which is not the case. I suppose I could but if I can launch straight to my target (ie if I don’t *need* to gas up) I tend to do that.
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