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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. banned for being a international protect continent.
  2. Mguarn.exe needs to be installed to delete Rage07.exe Do you wish to install. [Y/N]
  3. Well if being a ruler of the game section i guess you can say that. The user below me is whovian brony.
  4. 10/10 I am the best pilot a player can have in this game.
  5. banned because i am from a merica.
  6. Banned because you need sleep for now.
  7. yah your welcome thought my military srunk ,but with help from the U.S i manage to get elite training for the 2k troops. Edit:I need some troops please.Also I manage to get world war I surplus.
  8. 10/10 your working in at starfleet HQ as a great captain.
  9. well yes with a bit of pony on the side. The user below me hates pears.
  10. http://www.bloc.name/bloc/main.php
  11. Granted but fired within a day. I wish there was more time to go around.
  12. Granted ,but it has a cool down ,and your not Indivisible while moving. Able to manipulate space ,and time.
  13. when some one does tell you the time for a certain event.
  14. user above must have woken up barley.
  15. Millenium Falcon of course. UNSC pillar Autumn vs UNSC infinity.
  16. banned because i just woke up.
  17. DOn't tell them in the first place. How can we make helium.
  18. 172.make a device that breaks fragile items when you meet the manager.
  19. 170.tell the manager that pooped in the food section.
  20. banned it no it not im not hijacking.
  21. 168.say that meteorite the size of texas is going to hit in less than a hour.
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