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Everything posted by Kialar

  1. Did you try to load your flag with gimp and just resave it with the default settings of gimp? It reduces the file size to 63kB with no real quality loss (in my eyes). If you are fine with it, I may do that for you, upload your file resized on imgur and provide the link. Then you may try it again?
  2. Don't feed it with ><)))°> It just will escalate into a totally annoying flame war. And I strongly tend to agree with you.
  3. I just want to show the colours of the Federal Kerbuplic of Triangularia (FKT). The green triangle represents the Landmass, where the Kerbuplic was founded. The Blue background represents the oceans, while the golden borders are the shores of that wonderful country. In the middle you see the symbol of liberty, freedom and invention: The Brezel The 8 Lightbulbs represent the 8 Kerbals from the far away shores, that invented The Brezel by accident and in this way founded a common symbol of the ever ongoing party of discovery. Later on the United Colleges of Brezeldom founded the KSP and headed to the Mün. Which they then discovered, was not made of cheese. Because the FKT is the land of the green! Word!
  4. If I remember right, then Hydrogen heats up on expansion or evaporation (think, it's called Joule-Thomson-Effect), what means it would be not useful for cooling aspects.
  5. Asgard Station. 420 km circular orbit. 10 times the answer to life, universe and the rest...
  6. This is from my third munar landing, observing an eclipse. Don't know why, but I like it a lot.
  7. Hope for the best (resource system) and expect the worst (nothing). Do I just participate in a speculative discussion about things that might be? The only thing principles are good for, is to break them...
  8. I think the best thing to do: focus on 19.1 Because that's the version Squad has rolled out and we have our fun with. I had a long way to learn being confident with the things that are. And not being in first excited state on things that might be or are not. ;P
  9. Just imagined to land this on Minmus and fire a Kerbal into a random orbit. ^^
  10. MBSC - Moar Boostas Space Crap *boooooOOOOOOoooom*
  11. OK. Now we heading into a field wich people tend to asume discrimination in sentences, which try to describe an analytical point of view. A human within normal parameters is empathic, may it be positiv (e.g. altruism) or negtiv (e.g. greed for power). A human with a defect like autism, asperger, or a brain injury from a accident still has the potential to be empathic, but can not utilitize it, because of the defect. That does not make this human a non-person. A member hypotetical alien species, which may solve problems like space travel, may communicate (what is mandatory in complex achievements like space travel) but is unable to be empathic by means of normal parameters of that species would not be considered a person from me. It would be a kind of organical computer, intelligent but unwise. Taking this to terrestrial species, I would go so far as defining anthropoid apes, dolphins and whales at least on the edge of being persons.
  12. I think a person is defined by a) self awareness empathy c) ability for structured communication Regarding intelligent beings, I like the definitions in the Ender's Games series by Orson Scott Card. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concepts_in_the_Ender%27s_Game_series#Hierarchy_of_Foreignness
  13. Hello everybody. I stumbled upon KSP via Steam early access. And now I am addicted. Damn'it. My home base is in Germany and I am in gaming since 1984 or 1985, starting with a C64, good old times, you know I did the following Missions in KSP already: 1) Landing a Probe and a (unmanned) Rover on the Mün 2) Landing a Probe and a (unmanned)Rover on Minmus 3) Landing a Probe and a (unmanned)Rover on Duna 4) Landing a Probe and a (unmanned)Rover on Eve 5) Crashing a Probe on Laythe 6) Landing and returning Kerbals on and from the Mün 7) Landing and returning Kerbals on and from Minmus 8) Landing and returning Kerbals on and from Duna 9) Landing Kerbals on Moho ("Erm, Bedüine II for Command, Sir, where is the fuel for returning, Sir?"....rrsssssrrsssrrr... "Command for Bedüine II, please hold the line..... please hold the line...... please hold the line......") 10) Crashing Kerbals into Jool (Yay, gas giant surfing) 11) Building a 5-Module Orbital Station around the Homeworld (Jebediah: "Where the heck is the toilet?") with 5 permanent kerbidents. 12) Building a 2-Module Orbital Station around the Mün (Neilkin: "Ooooh. The Mün isn't made of cheese, really?") with 2 permanent kerbidents 13) Building a 5-Module Münbäse with 4 permanent kerbidents near a stone arch, wich I believe is an easter egg More missions on their way. I hope to lear a lot from the forums and now: Into Space! -Kia
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