OK. Now we heading into a field wich people tend to asume discrimination in sentences, which try to describe an analytical point of view. A human within normal parameters is empathic, may it be positiv (e.g. altruism) or negtiv (e.g. greed for power). A human with a defect like autism, asperger, or a brain injury from a accident still has the potential to be empathic, but can not utilitize it, because of the defect. That does not make this human a non-person. A member hypotetical alien species, which may solve problems like space travel, may communicate (what is mandatory in complex achievements like space travel) but is unable to be empathic by means of normal parameters of that species would not be considered a person from me. It would be a kind of organical computer, intelligent but unwise. Taking this to terrestrial species, I would go so far as defining anthropoid apes, dolphins and whales at least on the edge of being persons.