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Frida Space

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Everything posted by Frida Space

  1. Yes, using adblock it works now, that's why I deleted my previous post. ICYM, here are some unofficial names
  2. So, last time we heard from Philae was 20 days ago, and now for 2 weeks Rosetta will be flying over the southern regions where it won't be able to listen to Philae.
  3. So, today MRO will fire its six 22N-thrusters for 77 seconds to be able to hear InSight during its landing on Sept. 28, 2016. However, from what I understand MRO won't be able to transmit the descent data back to Earth immediately, so the MarCO cubesats' purpose still stands. Also, what shocks me is that even after this burn and two even larger ones planned for 09/2016 and 04/2017 which will re-establish its original orbit (lasting >3 minutes each!), MRO will still have 187 kg of hydrazine -- 19 years of fuel! I find this mindblowing. They really packed a huge lot of propellant in there, and also RL thrusters are much more efficient than KSP ones. www.nasa.gov/jpl/mro/nasa-mars-orbiter-preparing-for-mars-landers-2016-arrival
  4. That's weird, I'll check my urls as soon as I have time. Either way, yes, those are the images I intended to link.
  5. Some useful grafics from Alan Stern's hearing today @ USHR10
  6. An altimetry scan of Ceres! Yay! More info here: http://www.nasa.gov/jpl/dawn/new-names-and-insights-at-ceres
  7. IIRC, the Earth's exobase is at 600 km. The ISS is well inside it
  8. Yes, Pluto loses 500 tons of N2 every hour due to hydrodinamic escape, according to New Horizons' preliminary data. A lot of papers suggested Charon might collect some of that material and have a transient atmosphere, however the occultation data (again, it's preliminary data) suggests no atmosphere whatsoever. However, we're going to have to wait for the spectral data to confirm that. Also, many scientists think that Mordor (Charon's reddish polar cap) is a thin veener due to volatiles coming from Pluto, freezing onto Charon's coldest spots and being chemically transformed into non-volatile tholins. So even if Charon really had no atmosphere, not even a transient one, that wouldn't mean there can't be an exchange of material between Pluto and Charon.
  9. This comparison between Titan (left) and Pluto is mindblowing IMHO. Both worlds are dominated by hydrocarbons and tholins. Relative sizes are correct. Comparison by Emily Lakdawalla. Also by Emily, this incredible Pluto mosaic. And from Jason Perry, this: We should have received so far all of the yellow and purple frames, which are the 7 frames used to create the mosaic above by Emily. This fall we should get 8 more high res frames (the red ones), however it appears only 5 (the 4 ones above and 1 at the bottom) will show the surface.
  10. I want to thank you, it's really a pleasure to discuss such exciting times and events with intelligent and nice people like you guys ;-) Correct! They said they were waiting for the spectral data, so there could still be a very thin layer, but probably not even that. Also, they just released this RAW image of Charon. Kinda looks very zoomed in to me, quality isn't really great (I know it's lossy, but still) Basic contrast brightness exposure adjustments:
  11. Some more graphics from today's conference: - - - Updated - - - Also, this mosaic. I got it by capturing the screen during the conference, but again no full res available yet.
  12. Live in a few minutes! - - - Updated - - - yet again, WOW! https://www.nasa.gov/feature/stunning-nightside-image-reveals-pluto-s-hazy-skies
  13. On its surface you would weight 1.96 times as much as on Earth, if I did my calculations correctly. A lot, but not unbearable.
  14. Yes yes sorry - - - Updated - - - Don't worry... I'm not very proud of knowing it.
  15. Yes, a glitch that said it was deployed when it actually wasn't. From the link I posted above, it never opened.
  16. HERE IT IS http://www.nature.com/news/earth-sized-exoplanet-found-orbiting-sun-like-star-1.18048
  17. ANNOUNCEMENTE - Kepler-452b: Earth's Bigger, Older Cousin
  18. Confirmed, just one panel. http://www.spaceflight101.com/soyuz-tma-17m-mission-updates.html I heard them say it was deployed too. In fact, even the website above for a moment tweeted "after a problem, the second panel has been deployed as well". Strange stuff
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